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Rate the last film you saw


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Requiem For A Dream seems pretty dated now though. The MTV "hip-hop" montage style of editing seems shockingly dated when watching Requiem For A Dream and despite the highly intense final 15-minutes, the film is definately disappointing to watch now. When I first saw it, it quickly became one of my favourite films but its a film that gets worse with repeated viewings. Ellen Burstyn's performance is still fantastic though and the skill in the editing is still something to be admired, despite its aesthetic downfalls. I much prefer Pi and The Fountain nowadays.


I've only seen it once. Been meaning to watch it again, now that you mention it.

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Requiem For A Dream seems pretty dated now though. The MTV "hip-hop" montage style of editing seems shockingly dated when watching Requiem For A Dream and despite the highly intense final 15-minutes, the film is definately disappointing to watch now. When I first saw it, it quickly became one of my favourite films but its a film that gets worse with repeated viewings. Ellen Burstyn's performance is still fantastic though and the skill in the editing is still something to be admired, despite its aesthetic downfalls.

No... just no.

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In Bruges


Fantastic from start to finish. Great dialogue and acting. Not laughed at a film so much in quite a while.


Let down slightly by a slightly nonsensical part towards the end. If spoiler tags worked for me, then I'd post it, but they don't for some reason!



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So I've owned this for two months and I finally watched it yesterday (for an essay and all, if I didn't need to I probably wouldn't). Not as good as I thought I would be, but then I was relying upon everyone else's opinions and I'm not really a comedy person. Had its moments though.


And was nice seeing Emma Stone (Jules) again.



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Cube, you need to watch it again... It's way beyond 8/10. And now that you mention it, it's funny to imagine the arbiter as a sex predator.





Infernal Affairs III

That was unnecessary. It's not a bad movie... it's just a movie, it doesn't bring anything to the trilogy or to the overall story. It does nothing to improve the storyline. Two new characters spring out of nowhere, relationships are explored in a contradictory way to the first one, dementia is misplaced, I don't know, I just don't feel this has anything to offer. That being said, it's a nice film, just not a good one. The closure it provides is not that tasty.




So, as a trilogy, Infernal Affairs fails. The first one is near-perfect. The second one is a good rise and fall movie. And the third... just... is. So, in the end, I guess it would've been better as either a single feature or a duo. The second one actually brings the first one down a little, so... maybe it would've worked better as a stand-alone feature. Not that I can bad mouth the second one, it's a mighty fine movie. The third one just feels more like extra content than anything, really.


Meh, who cares...


I'd say a two parter for optimum winnage. I think the 2nd compliments the first pretty well and it's a cool gangster movie. Like you say though, the third is just odd. Watched it a couple of years ago and was left utterly bewildered as to what it was supposed to be doing for the trillogy.

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Jason X


Jesus H Christ, this film is terrible. I remembered it fondly (ish) but when watching it last night I realised how terrible it really is. Apart from the women in the sleeping bag bit which makes me laugh everytime.



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Pretty good suspense film from the Spaniards. It's something along the lines of using the blair witch style handheld camera while following the fire bridgade on their nightly rounds. Turns out to be something they wish they didn't do. Started off a little slow but nicely picked up throughout the film with a nice freaked up ending!



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Blade Runner : Final Cut

As someone told me on these forums a few weeks back, I did enjoy it much better on the second viewing. Good acting. impressive set's and a decent story, but the pace of the film can be very slow at times, and the amount of dialogue in it is very low.



What Women Want

Been meaning to see this for a while, and I enjoyed it immesnly. Keep's you entertained and there are a few laughs to be had. Weak ending though.



Lethal Weapon 1 + 2

Excellent buddy cop movies. Prefer the first, even tho Joe Pesci makes the second hillarious!

1: 8/10

2 :7/10

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30 Days of Night


Though I've rated it once, I thought I might rate it again after managing to rent it last night.


Great characters, some pretty scary moments, kick-ass vampires (i.e no 'camp-ires') and an ending I don't really like. Also, I still cannot believe it got away with a 15 in the cinema (not that I'm complaining). The dvd's an 18, but I didn't notice any differences between the cinema version and the dvd version. Anyone know if there are any?



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30 Days of Night


Though I've rated it once, I thought I might rate it again after managing to rent it last night.


Great characters, some pretty scary moments, kick-ass vampires (i.e no 'camp-ires') and an ending I don't really like. Also, I still cannot believe it got away with a 15 in the cinema (not that I'm complaining). The dvd's an 18, but I didn't notice any differences between the cinema version and the dvd version. Anyone know if there are any?




I think it was trying to be too many things at once and not being very successful at any. It wasn't very scary, gory or action packed.


The vampires seemed a bit shite to me.

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I think it was trying to be too many things at once and not being very successful at any. It wasn't very scary, gory or action packed.


The vampires seemed a bit shite to me.


I thought they were scary actually, but each to their own. Gory? Come on. Chopping someones head off, a hand coming off in the grinder etc. You may not like it, but you can't not gory. :)

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I thought the way the zombies were portrayed was interesting, and the final scene was OK, but overall I didn't find it scary and didn't think it was anything special. The setting was a good idea though.




So what better horror movies are there, may I ask? :indeed:

(or are you not a fan of the genre? If so, you're excused.)


Rating What Women Want higher than Blade Runner in the same post. :(


*Insert The Fox and the Hound picture*


Kill the fucking moron! Now! :heh:

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