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Nintendo Direct : 17 / 02 / 21 - 10pm (UK time)


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47 minutes ago, Dcubed said:

If anything? I'm more annoyed that Wario is always represented by the WarioWare series and not the actual Wario Land games!

Like... COME ON!! At least give us the bloody Shoulder Barge; you know, his key characteristic move!

That's something I really like about the Smash Remix N64 mod; it pays proper tribute to the Wario Land side of Wario :D 

The mechanics might not be as on the nose as Smash Remix, but Wario's Dash attack was changed to a shoulder barge.

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With the announcement of Splatoon 3, I decided to fire up the second game and play it for a while. One thing they NEED to address in the third game is the stupid opening sequence that tells you about the updates, maps etc. It's ridiculous that you still can't skip this thing! I don't even have an online subscription but I've still got to listen to them waffle on about ranked battles and turf wars. I got so annoyed by it I ended up just knocking the thing off. :p 

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29 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

With the announcement of Splatoon 3, I decided to fire up the second game and play it for a while. One thing they NEED to address in the third game is the stupid opening sequence that tells you about the updates, maps etc. It's ridiculous that you still can't skip this thing! I don't even have an online subscription but I've still got to listen to them waffle on about ranked battles and turf wars. I got so annoyed by it I ended up just knocking the thing off. :p 

Yeah, I just can’t stand that. :mad:
It’s the same story with Animal Crossing and Isabelle waffling on when you start the game. :shakehead

The worst thing is that in both of those cases I don’t think it’s even masking a loading break or anything, it’s purely there as part of the presentation. :hmm:

How the devs didn’t realise that kind of thing would become super repetitive and tiresome after many hours of playtime I’ll never know! ::shrug:

Edited by RedShell
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On 18/02/2021 at 11:30 AM, Kaepora_Gaebora said:

I just felt that entire thing was not for me at all, don't know if it's me or Nintendo but we just don't seem a good fit for each other any more 🤷‍♂️

I feel the same thing, although I didn't watch the Direct itself and just caught up on the news afterwards.

The Switch has been out for nearly 4 hours and I haven't found many reasons to pick one up. I'm just not getting that urge anymore with Nintendo and I don't feel that I'm missing out too much by not getting the Switch. I had a Wii and WiiU and enjoyed them, but Nintendo don't seem to have moved on too much from the WiiU era with their output. 

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7 hours ago, Fierce_LiNk said:

I feel the same thing, although I didn't watch the Direct itself and just caught up on the news afterwards.

The Switch has been out for nearly 4 hours and I haven't found many reasons to pick one up. I'm just not getting that urge anymore with Nintendo and I don't feel that I'm missing out too much by not getting the Switch. I had a Wii and WiiU and enjoyed them, but Nintendo don't seem to have moved on too much from the WiiU era with their output. 

I was thinking about buying my eldest his own Switch for his 5th birthday this year...then I realised there wasn't much point as mine is pretty much his now anyway, only one who plays it 🤷‍♂️

I did forget to mention in my previous post about Mario Golf being on my radar, I'm now in two minds about MH Rise but I think I'll still get it, so that'll give me a reason to play it, but yeah I certainly haven't felt I've missed much.

Saying that, I've never really done this before but I'm pretty much exclusively playing one game at the moment, Sea of Thieves, and very little else, to the point where I'm thinking of even cancelling game pass and just buying SoT outright and a year's Gold, which would be about half price than a year of £10.99 a month. Maybe once I'm past my desire to play that I'll find I've missed something on the Switch? At the moment, certainly doesn't feel like, I always think of myself as a "Nintendo Gamer" but at the moment that's abit of a lie 😢

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14 minutes ago, Kaepora_Gaebora said:

I was thinking about buying my eldest his own Switch for his 5th birthday this year...then I realised there wasn't much point as mine is pretty much his now anyway, only one who plays it 🤷‍♂️


He's five already?!?!

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15 minutes ago, Ashley said:

He's five already?!?!

I know! When we went to that Switch launch event together he was...7 months old, I think? Mental to think he now plays Mario Kart and Smash Bros...

Also mental to think we genuinely all watched the Super Mario Bros film with our dinner last night and we all enjoyed it, and I mean ALL enjoyed, clearly my tastes are changing as I grow older 🤷‍♂️😂

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4 minutes ago, Kaepora_Gaebora said:

Also mental to think we genuinely all watched the Super Mario Bros film with our dinner last night and we all enjoyed it, and I mean ALL enjoyed, clearly my tastes are changing as I grow older 🤷‍♂️😂

Maybe it's just a case of you going senile? :p 

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44 minutes ago, Kaepora_Gaebora said:

I thought I'd at least go fully grey before losing my mind, but I think you might be right, I was howling with laughter at some points, what's wrong with me?! 😂🙈

It depends, were you laughing at the utter awfulness of it all, or did its attempt at humour actually land with you?

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18 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

With the announcement of Splatoon 3, I decided to fire up the second game and play it for a while. One thing they NEED to address in the third game is the stupid opening sequence that tells you about the updates, maps etc. It's ridiculous that you still can't skip this thing! I don't even have an online subscription but I've still got to listen to them waffle on about ranked battles and turf wars. I got so annoyed by it I ended up just knocking the thing off. :p 

I really doubt they will.  They do this on purpose for world building and to give the game a "Live" feeling.

They let you skip any and all cutscenes... except for that one.  It's all done on purpose (as much as it might suck when you just want to get on with things).

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27 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

It depends, were you laughing at the utter awfulness of it all, or did its attempt at humour actually land with you?

Actually landed 🙈 specifically when Koopa has ordered the pizza and then near the end he gets a phone call he thinks is from someone important, only for it to be the pizza delivery guy telling him it was ready 😂🤷‍♂️ reminded me of Hot Fuzz when you over hear the Fire man's walkie talkie describing things as "like a scene out of Backdraft", I was a lone voice howling in the cinema at that 😎

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6 hours ago, Kaepora_Gaebora said:

I was thinking about buying my eldest his own Switch for his 5th birthday this year...then I realised there wasn't much point as mine is pretty much his now anyway, only one who plays it 🤷‍♂️

I did forget to mention in my previous post about Mario Golf being on my radar, I'm now in two minds about MH Rise but I think I'll still get it, so that'll give me a reason to play it, but yeah I certainly haven't felt I've missed much.

Saying that, I've never really done this before but I'm pretty much exclusively playing one game at the moment, Sea of Thieves, and very little else, to the point where I'm thinking of even cancelling game pass and just buying SoT outright and a year's Gold, which would be about half price than a year of £10.99 a month. Maybe once I'm past my desire to play that I'll find I've missed something on the Switch? At the moment, certainly doesn't feel like, I always think of myself as a "Nintendo Gamer" but at the moment that's abit of a lie 😢

Sea of Thieves looks pretty chill/cool though and one of those games that you can just keep going back to. There seems to be a bit of a trend with certain gamers who prefer to play fewer games, but plug more time into those. E.g. the gamers who plunge hundred of hours into Destiny, or Overwatch, or something to that effect. It's an interesting gaming behaviour and I think the online aspects play heavily into that. Why play 20 games when you can get your enjoyment out of one or two, I guess. Especially if these games require you to spend quite a bit of time to get to know the mechanics and get "good" at them. I was useless for the first 20 hours or so that I put into Overwatch, for example.

4 hours ago, drahkon said:

Makes the sales numbers even more impressive.

Haaaahahaha. I'm not even going to edit that. You get what you're given. :laughing:

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3 hours ago, MindFreak said:

I've never actually paid attention to Outer Wilds and thus didn't know about the game. It seems interesting, though, and was just about the only game in the Direct that I expect to actually play. 

It’s such a brave game - not just the Groundhog Day structure, but the nature of rewards and the respect played to the player. Can’t recommend it enough.

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On 21/02/2021 at 2:23 PM, Fierce_LiNk said:

Sea of Thieves looks pretty chill/cool though and one of those games that you can just keep going back to. There seems to be a bit of a trend with certain gamers who prefer to play fewer games, but plug more time into those. E.g. the gamers who plunge hundred of hours into Destiny, or Overwatch, or something to that effect. It's an interesting gaming behaviour and I think the online aspects play heavily into that. Why play 20 games when you can get your enjoyment out of one or two, I guess. Especially if these games require you to spend quite a bit of time to get to know the mechanics and get "good" at them. I was useless for the first 20 hours or so that I put into Overwatch, for example.

Haaaahahaha. I'm not even going to edit that. You get what you're given. :laughing:

Yeah SoT is simultaneously the most relaxed and chilled game I've played (sunsets rippling on the seas etc etc) and the most stressful, you're always looking over your shoulder that someone might nab everything you've worked so hard for, ultimate risk and reward!

Made me think actually literally since this time last year I've played The Division 2 solid, then Monster Hunter World, and now SoT, so I'm definitely in that category of liking to stick with a game for longer now (and by necessity it tends to be these open ended games you can keep ploughing time into), certainly until I feel 'done' with it, whatever that state might be. Save for tackling Halo 5 and Quantum Break during the first lockdown, I can't remember playing much else 🤷‍♂️ I just don't see any Nintendo games I want to spend £50 on at the moment that will keep me as engaged!

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2 hours ago, LazyBoy said:

It’s such a brave game - not just the Groundhog Day structure, but the nature of rewards and the respect played to the player. Can’t recommend it enough.

Thirded. Impressed they've got it working on the switch what with all the crazy physics involved

Genuinely think it's one of the best games I've ever played. As you say the way the mysteries unfold and how the game teaches you to progress are completely unique. Y'all are in for a treat!

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9 hours ago, MindFreak said:

For some, BotW works that way. A couple of people on my Switch friend list have put over 1600 hours into that game! I have no idea what one would spend that amount of time on.

Yeah I can understand that, think I got up to about 150 hours into BoTW, I loved being in that 'world', did all the shrines and side quests, got the DLC...but don't think I've had another game like that on the Switch! 

Incidentally my (almost) 5 year old played BoTW this weekend with me, had a muck about on my go, enjoyed the exploring a climbing, so when he asked the next morning if he could play it of course he could! Didn't realise he'd select "new game" and delete my game to start from scratch 🤦‍♂️🙈

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13 minutes ago, Kaepora_Gaebora said:


Incidentally my (almost) 5 year old played BoTW this weekend with me, had a muck about on my go, enjoyed the exploring a climbing, so when he asked the next morning if he could play it of course he could! Didn't realise he'd select "new game" and delete my game to start from scratch 🤦‍♂️🙈

Aw, drats! Well, time to start the Master Quest then. :p

I look forward to my son being able to really play with me. At the moment, he can play Mario Kart and enjoys Mario Kart Live but he hasn't really got to grips with buttons yet. He's only 3.5, though, I expect it to come in a year or so. Until then he can watch me play (though I seldom play in front of him as I'd rather give him some attention and play with Lego when we can play together).

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20 minutes ago, Kaepora_Gaebora said:

Yeah I can understand that, think I got up to about 150 hours into BoTW, I loved being in that 'world', did all the shrines and side quests, got the DLC...but don't think I've had another game like that on the Switch! 

Incidentally my (almost) 5 year old played BoTW this weekend with me, had a muck about on my go, enjoyed the exploring a climbing, so when he asked the next morning if he could play it of course he could! Didn't realise he'd select "new game" and delete my game to start from scratch 🤦‍♂️🙈

Next time, make a profile for him.

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