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Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury (12 Feb 2021)


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Purrrrrfect file achieved.




Yeah, there's a lot of fluff just in order to increase the amount of shines needed for 100%. Many of the shines are the same tasks repeated over and over again. Still, there were a few here and there that were fun to collect.


I swear they intentionally copied DB: Super. The true final form of Bowser is sporting white/grey hair. Dude has went Ultra Instinct.

The true final boss battle is pretty much the same as the normal one except a little harder. Bowser has more health and the final section with Plessie is pretty brutal in terms of things being thrown at you. As long as you have plenty power ups in stock then you'll be fine.

@S.C.G and @RedShell do either of you want to borrow my copy of the game? I'm done with it now and I'd quite happily post it to both of you so you can play through Bowser's Fury without having to buy the game.

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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17 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

do either of you want to borrow my copy of the game? I'm done with it now and I'd quite happily post it to both of you so you can play through Bowser's Fury without having to buy the game.

I'm fine with giving it a miss to be honest. Thanks for the offer though, very kind of you. :)

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56 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

do either of you want to borrow my copy of the game? I'm done with it now and I'd quite happily post it to both of you so you can play through Bowser's Fury without having to buy the game.

That's really good of you to offer, Adam. :)

I'm seriously considering taking you up on that, as even though there aren't many games I'm playing right now, this is one which I'd make some time for, even if it's just a quick run through the main game to see the differences, (the "200cc" speed the game now runs at, sounds interesting) and then check out Bowser's Fury.

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The credits have rolled for both Super Mario 3D World and Bowser's Fury. It's pretty unusual for me to blast through a game this quick, but I had quite some time over the weekend and in the evenings. Normally I can't play a single game for a long time in one go, but somehow this game hit the right spot (lovely aesthetics/audio, and the right difficulty; not too easy but not too frustrating either).

I already gave my initial thoughts on 3D World on the previous page and not much has changed after finishing it. However,


after defeating Bowser I thought I would need to get all the green stars to unlock the extra world. But I stumbled on an online guide and it said take the rocket in World 1. I really was unaware of the rocket so I would have easily gone through the game collecting the stars haha! Will do that anyway but hey, let's do the extra world first.

Bowser's Fury I started and finished yesterday in one sitting with 50/100 shines. It's fun, and a great bonus to an already entertaining game. But like said, €50 is a lot of money if you have enjoyed 3D World already for just this bit of new content. It's also a weird one as it has the elements, power-ups and enemies from 3D World but the play area differs vastly from 3D World, and it doesn't tie into the story (not that you need a clear story in a Mario game). It feels like an experiment as how to set up the next big 3D Mario game. It's a weird way of adding extra content to a game.

The adventure itself is pretty entertaining and is indeed more about exploration. There are some tricky bits but having the option to switch to any power-up makes it pretty easy overall. I love how ominous calamity Bowser is, and the first few times it feels chaotic with his devastating fire breath. But as said before after a while he becomes more of a nuisance.

I played the Bowser's Fury part on the TV because of the 60FPS, but the last half hour I played in handheld and then you really notice the game cutting back to 30FPS. Definitely recommend playing this adventure on the TV.

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On 15/02/2021 at 7:24 PM, RedShell said:

I'm fine with giving it a miss to be honest. Thanks for the offer though, very kind of you. :)

Unexpectedly, I finished Bowser's Fury before the Direct last night with 70-something shines in the bank. I had stopped engaging with Fury Bowser ages ago once I realised grabbing a shine or ignoring him would send him back into hibernation as, imo, the time to load the mini overworld for the kaiju battle isn't worth it after you experience the novelty of the massive scale showdown twice or thrice.

Grabbing a shine will still chips away at Bowser's health bar and I eventually ended up in another battle that lasted less time than it took to load as hitting Bowser with one block was enough to render him dormant... or so I thought. This time it sent me into the endgame battle... aaaaand what I wanted to say is:

The final blow that is delivered to Bowser is truly a moment @RedShell would appreciate. :laughing: So you should reconsider that offer from @Hero-of-Time!


Or, I'll outright give you mine and you can forget about shelling out for return postage? I haven't been writing up my impressions because I've nothing much positive to say about 3D World. At least Bowser's Fury brings something to the table.

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@Hero-of-Time Err I don't suppose you remember where the...


Third lost cat is? I am on 98 shines with seemingly no other !'s to investigate and I can't see this third cat! Even when Fury Bowser awakens there's no sign of a third cat around the area at the big bell near the coliseum that is berserked/ purple. :blush: It has to be within walking distance because you can't swim when holding a cat...


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26 minutes ago, darksnowman said:

@Hero-of-Time Err I don't suppose you remember where the...

  Embarrassing (Reveal hidden contents)

Third lost cat is? I am on 98 shines with seemingly no other !'s to investigate and I can't see this third cat! Even when Fury Bowser awakens there's no sign of a third cat around the area at the big bell near the coliseum that is berserked/ purple. :blush: It has to be within walking distance because you can't swim when holding a cat...


If it's the one I'm thinking of...


You have to head to the ice area, pick up the cat near the arch entrance, hop on a moving iceberg and then jump across the areas that have those purple shark type enemies that pop out of the water.


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10 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

If it's the one I'm thinking of...

  Spoiler (Reveal hidden contents)

You have to head to the ice area, pick up the cat near the arch entrance, hop on a moving iceberg and then jump across the areas that have those purple shark type enemies that pop out of the water.


Sounds right. Much further out of the way than I had been searching--I'll grab it later!

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Finally started Bowser's Fury last night and I'm really enjoying it. It's much more fleshed out than I expected it to be, and it's interesting seeing Nintendo experiment with another type of Mario game. Took me a while to figure out how progression worked exactly and why the lighthouses kept going dark again.

Weirdly the camera seems more cumbersome than I remember Odyssey's being but maybe that's just me, it's nothing major.

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Haven't touched Bowser's Fury yet. I need to 100% 3D World first!!

Currently near the end of the Bowser carnival world. Got every green star stamp and flag pole so far.

If I remember correctly there are only two other worlds after that? I think

Then the bonus world after you beat the game the first time.

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Thanks for the response on where to find that thing, @Hero-of-Time! It was exactly what I was looking for. Got Bowser's Fury swiftly polished off on Friday evening thanks to your reply, otherwise, I would have spent most of the weekend searching for that, I'm sure! :blush:

On 20/02/2021 at 1:49 PM, martinist said:

Haven't touched Bowser's Fury yet. I need to 100% 3D World first!!

This is what I thought I would do, and treat Bowser's Fury as a sort of post-game treat. But seeing the normal credits roll ended up being enough for me. I can only see myself returning to 3D World further down the line if some online multiplayer is organised... or it gets a 3DS demake.

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I ended up buying this despite thinking I'd end up getting bored by it. 

Completely the opposite experience so far. Loving it. I only remember a handful of levels, like the MK one and the Cherry power up ones. Not sure why I remember them! 

It's great fun. Enjoying it way more than the recent 2d side scoll Mario's which I am completely done with.

I hadn't noticed the increased speed as some had mentioned, but I always played as Peach anyway and she is slower. I had to play as Mario for one level and could really tell the difference then! 

Up to world 6 so far. I didn't complete the game fully last time, so want to this go round. Then to Bowser's Fury! 

Edited by Aneres11
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I completed the main game last night. I’m sure I remember completing it on the WiiU but I have no recollection of that final boss fight at all. I do know I don’t remember the extra levels so these seem new to me. Fun game and I’m enjoying it. I do need another 5 stars for the locked level at the end of the extra set. 

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Just 100%'d Bowser's Fury, great fun! Really enjoyed that, much more than I thought I would. It genuinely felt like a full fledged (if much shorter) Mario game. Really interesting to see them shake things up again and experiment like this, the formula definitely works for a future game.

I did think it was a bit weird that you could nab a cat shine, make the lighthouse glow, turn your back to it, then spin the camera around again and it would have gone back to being corrupted and new course elements would have magically appeared in that split second. That took a while to wrap my head around, so that would definitely need some work.

But overall, had a great time. :heart:

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7 hours ago, Ike said:

Champions Road is kicking my butt. Can get to the final area but I always mess up.

Make's Mario Odyssey's Darker Side look like complete cake in comparison, huh?

Given that Peach is now as fast as Toad was in the original version, she's easily the best choice for tackling that level.

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11 hours ago, Glen-i said:

Make's Mario Odyssey's Darker Side look like complete cake in comparison, huh?

Given that Peach is now as fast as Toad was in the original version, she's easily the best choice for tackling that level.

Think the last one I did was Galaxy 2 and that was not this hard.

Peach's floating jump always throws me off.

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19 hours ago, Ike said:

Champions Road is kicking my butt. Can get to the final area but I always mess up.

Same here, I can pretty consistently reach the speed boost section but just fall apart while I'm trying to collect the keys. I wish there was a quicker way to restart the level, it's getting a bit tiresome having to go and collect power ups from other levels before I can go for another run on Champions Road. 

Must have been trying to beat it all week, and I know I'm so close but I'm going to have to throw in the towel if I don't finish it soon - it's eating up all of my gaming time!

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Just did it too, must have taken almost 400 lives but I finally bloody did it. 

So relieved when I was traveling through the pipes at the end, I probably put as many hours into that one level as I put into the rest of the game - glad I can move onto Bowser's Fury at last 

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20 minutes ago, Aneres11 said:

Oh god. I'm on the last Bowser world currently and this Champions Road does not sound appealing! 

It wasn't that bad on the WiiU. I actually found it pretty easy.

Now,  the increased speed might make it a little more difficult, I can't comment on that. You should give it a go, though. It's pretty much the only level I enjoyed in the game. It's just a platforming delight. If you enjoy that, it's a must play :) 

I really wish Nintendo would release something similar to that on a larger scale...slap together some relatively difficult platforming sections, have 100 levels like that and I'd eat it up :p 

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14 minutes ago, drahkon said:

It wasn't that bad on the WiiU. I actually found it pretty easy.

Now,  the increased speed might make it a little more difficult, I can't comment on that. You should give it a go, though. It's pretty much the only level I enjoyed in the game. It's just a platforming delight. If you enjoy that, it's a must play :) 

I really wish Nintendo would release something similar to that on a larger scale...slap together some relatively difficult platforming sections, have 100 levels like that and I'd eat it up :p 

If you want torture like that you can always ask @Sméagol to hammer up some levels in Mario Maker 2. :D

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