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30 Day Video Game Challenge Thing.


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I struggled a bit with Favourite NPC so I ended up going with the Ancestor, a character from one of my favourite games ever, Darkest Dungeon. You see him briefly in the opening cinematic and from then on he narrates your entire campaign with a fantastic blend of black humour and grim foreboding. He adds a ton to a game already dripping with atmosphere.


"Did he foresee his own demise? I care not. As long as he remains dead."

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Favourite NPC

For this I’m going to go with Lakitu, mostly for Mario Kart 64 but also good appearances in other titles.


Just always loved this guy turning up to help you out or tell you off. I really wished you could control him and fly around on the cloud sorting out race issued for people.



Edited by will'
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Best Boss Battle

Those bosses in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate are pretty challenging, huh? I suppose a lot of them have a good argument for best boss battle.

But mate, if you've only played Ultimate, you don't know hard Smash Bosses...


What is this nightmare, and why is it in my silly Nintendo fighting game!?

Master Core (Super Smash Bros. For WiiU) laughs in the face of every other Smash boss in history. It's a... thing(?) that bursts out of Master Hand if you whack the intensity (difficulty) up in Classic Mode high enough. Unlike most of Ultimate's bosses, higher intensity doesn't just make ol' core faster and stronger, it gives it more forms!

Master Giant is a colossus that can literally lift up the entire stage, Master Beast occupies half the stage and doesn't shy away from leaping on top of you, then you have to deal with Master Sabres, 5 massive swords that'll make you wish you never complained about the Fire Emblem characters. Beat all of them? Cool, now you have to fight Master Shadow, a bigger version of the character you're playing as. Oh, and it copies all your equipment too, so it can quickly end your run if you're not careful.

Boy, when I first beat it on the 3DS version, I was well happy! It took loads of attempts! Back then, Master Core was a pretty well kept secret, so seeing... that pop out of Master Hand unexpectedly was amazing! It was like that Melee moment when you first encounter Giga Bowser. Master Core feels like it shouldn't exist in Smash.

But there's a reason I specified the WiiU version. Because on the highest difficulties, all the above nonsense is only half the fight! Now there's Master Fortress! A sudden platforming section where you have to navigate a short maze, fighting a selection of enemies from the Smash Run mode on 3DS and hoping you don't the incredibly dangerous acid walls that will probably kill you in about 5 seconds and destroy Master Core's heart.

You have to do everything I listed above with 2 lifes, good luck!

Smash has some amazing bosses, but fighting Master Core is such a rush. It never feels unfair either, because of well telegraphed attacks that don't have to come out of nowhere to catch you off guard (Looking at you Master & Crazy Hand in Smash Ultimate, you couple of ganging up cheaters).

Kinda disappointed Master Core didn't show up in World of Light...

Edited by Glen-i
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Best Boss Battle

This one is pretty easy, because it's from the game made entirely up of boss battles.



Shadow of the Colossus

This game is everything that boss battles should be. Absolutely enormous (or colossal) bosses that completely dwarf your character, and require you to work out their weak point to defeat them against all odds.

The ridiculous sense of scale and spectacle that the game manages to portray as you run (or ride) around the bosses to avoid them is simply epic. Also, I love the sound design of the colossi(susses) - they move about with this low-level, deep, but drawn out rumble.

I don't really have a favourite, although the bigger the bosses, the better, in my opinion, so i've got for one of the big bastards, Gaius.

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Day 27 - Best boss battle

I can basically quote @bob here and apply what he said to Monster Hunter Tri.

12 minutes ago, bob said:

This game is everything that boss battles should be. Absolutely enormous (or colossal) bosses that completely dwarf your character, and require you to work out their weak point to defeat them against all odds.

Especially some of the Elder Dragons are insane, like Alatreon, Ceadeus and my favourite, the Jhen Mohran. The two-stage battle in the desert is epic, with different weaponry on your ship, the ability to climb the guy to mine him for resources and finally taking him down which seems like an impossible task by the sheer size of him.


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Best Boss Battle


Shadow of the Colossus

The one in the gif is probably the most iconic of them, but any of them get my vote. Brilliantly designed and animated, they really nail the weighty sense of scale. Plus there's the constant feeling that you might actually be the bad guy.

Masterpiece of a game.

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Day 27 - Best Boss Battle 


The original and best. I challenge anyone to say they didn't hear "So long, gay Bowser" in the heady days of 1997. I mean, it's not even close to "King Bowser". I wonder if an uncompressed version of this audio clip was part of the recent Nintendo leaks to end this debate for once and all. 

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Best Boss Battle

Shadow of the Colossus and Stallord from Twilight Princess are great shouts but I'm going for one that's been stuck in my head since I played Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle, the Phantom of the Bwahpera. That first year of owning a Switch was especially amazing and this game (and this boss battle in particular) played a big part in that for me. Brilliantly creative and fun it was hilarious seeing him tear Mario apart with lyrics.


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Day 26 - Favourite NPC

The Boss from Metal Gear Solid 3. Everyone who's played the game knows what an important and tragic character she is.

Day 27 - Best Boss Battle

Time for Metal Gear Solid 4 again:


Such an epic fight with throwbacks en masse.


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Day 27 Boss Battle

now is the best or favourite? My favourite is probably Super Mario World final fight with Bowser. 
Best for me is gonna probably cheating. Any final fight against Ganondorf. That final blow that is always delivered is always so satisfying. Zelda jumping in to hold him off whilst you do it or providing you with the final blow item. 

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Day 26 - Favourite NPC

Rodin from Bayonetta series. Coolest bartender in gaming.


Day 27 - Best Boss Battle

Resident Evil 5 - Wesker. Beefcake Chris punching boulders, Wesker with his "Complete Global Saturation", it was completely ridiculous. :laughing:


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What does it take for a boss to be memorable? Difficulty? Story presence? One great fight? A climactic showdown? Or maybe it's a recurring boss like Robotnik?

There are so many boss fights out there, I figure a good boss should be all of the above, and taking that into account, I pondered the likes of Dracula and Death, great staples from Castlevania. But then I asked myself; What is a Man? Who could be greater than Death, but the cunning God of Death himself?



Ambient music

Samus' archnemesis, he always finds a way to become a boss battle in a Metroid game, no matter how dead or how far he's supposed to be at that point. And he always delivers a great boss battle (not always the best, but always solid, always memorable).

In Metroid Prime, he's made his presence known since the opening stage. In fact, you could say Samus is in Tallon IV because of him. He disappears for a while, albeit making a small appearance so you don't forget he's still around.

Eventually, you figure out you need to collect these keystones to open a Chozo temple. It's a beautiful site, and a beautiful sight too, but dang, those keystones are hard to find. Thankfully, this ominous temple left clues for you to find them across the known world, and after an arduous trek, tracking down and finding every single one of these twelve keys, you finally trigger the cutscene that will open the ga-

And this is when Ridley finally reappears. From the scenery, no less. He doesn't just interrupt the cutscene, he destroys the central statue - the entrance you were opening - entirely! This is how the showdown begins, the baddie that's been foreshadowed from the start is now yours to fight, immediately after thwarting your plans. It's not a quick fight though, this guy plays hit and run. And every time he hits, he destroys another statue or two. And every time he runs, you can do nothing but wave your fist into the air, as you know he'll be back to destroy more. He's so quick and resilient, you can't even harm him properly. Only after a gruelling battle of attrition in which we stuff his throat with fire, then open his chest to damage him, do we finally burn his wings enough for him to stay, but he's fiercer than ever. We keep on hitting him at the right time, and when his health finally reaches zero, that's when the remaining Chozo statues (gargoyles?) in the temple façade finally pinpoint their lasers onto his chest - all against the gorgeous backdrop - and he explodes in a climactic fashion.

This is such a good boss fight in all respects. Good build-up, high difficulty, an entrance (and fight) that destroys your actual in-game efforts, the careful tense pacing, the beautiful environment, the music, the climactic finish... It was all absolutely fantastic.

Oh, and I had been waiting since Melee to finally meet this guy in combat and see for myself what he was like, exactly. Needless to say, he did not disappoint.

  Previous picks (Hide contents)

Earliest video game memory - Tetris or Sonic
Opening section - Final Fantasy IX
Local multiplayer - Snipperclips
Favourite villain - Ganondorf (Ocarina of Time)
3D Platformer - De Blob
Most relaxing navigation - Wind Waker
Favourite ranged combat - Worms Armageddon
Best musical moment - One Winged Angel (Final Fantasy VII)
Scariest moment - Doki Doki Literature Club
Best Credits sequence - Super Mario 64
Best Town - Windfall Island (Wind Waker)
Best "bad" game - Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
Best open world city game - Chaos on Deponia
Best 2D Platformer - Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Best story - Tales of Symphonia
Best collectible - Super Smash Bros. Melee
Best racing game - F-Zero GX
Best mini game - Pokémon Stadium
Best melee combat - Soul Calibur II
Saddest moment - Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Game that brings me back to childhood - Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge
Best playable character - Link (Skyward Sword)
Best licensed game - World of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck
Best final level - Sonic 2
Best online - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Best NPC - Princess Zelda (Spirit Tracks)
Best boss - Meta-Ridley (Metroid Prime)


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Previous couple of days:


Rocket League


Maya Fey (Phoenix Wright series)

And now, Day 27 - Best Boss Battle

Mizar (Jet Force Gemini)


At the time this was possibly the hardest boss fight I’d encountered.  It took me so many attempts, but it was just so satisfying when I finally cracked it.

Plus it earned me the chance at seeing what is, understandably now, likely to be the last Jim’ll Fix It inspired cutscene in a video game...!



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Day 27 - Best Boss Battle

Conker's Bad Fur Day - The Panther King Alien


What a great final Boss Battle, just because it gives you the chance to fight an Alien from within a Power-Loader, the mechanics of the boss fight are a bit like Punch-Out, mixed with Super Mario 64 and maybe Blast Corps and just in case you don't get what you have to do in this boss battle, the warning system will tell you if you take long enough, to... "Throw the Alien out, and shut the bloody door!" :p which isn't featured in the above video, as the boss is beaten quite quickly, but it's just a really great battle, which must have been a lot of fun for the guys at Rare to make at the time. :D

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Favourite DLC/expansion

This one's pretty easy... Mario Kart 8. I remember it being amazing value for so much top quality content, a few of the tracks were instant classics and the amount of work put into them was staggering. My jaw still drops during the Ribbon Road intro in particular, just beautiful. :heart:


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Day 28 - Favourite DLC/Expansion

Dragon Age Inquisition: Trespasser.

Plenty of great character moments from your companions, really nice locations and an interesting story. It's like an epilogue to the main game and a teaser to the future of the franchise.

(If I hasn't used it before, it would be Mass Effect 3: Citadel)



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21 hours ago, Nicktendo said:

Day 27 - Best Boss Battle 


The original and best. I challenge anyone to say they didn't hear "So long, gay Bowser" in the heady days of 1997. I mean, it's not even close to "King Bowser". I wonder if an uncompressed version of this audio clip was part of the recent Nintendo leaks to end this debate for once and all. 

I mean, it shouldn't be a debate because why the hell would Nintendo put that in their Mario game?

But to answer your question, yes, there is an uncompressed audio clip of that.

Favourite DLC/Expansion

How about a DLC plot-focused game that actually manages to be better than the base game? Because that's the perfect way to describe Torna - The Golden Country.


Take Xenoblade Chronicles 2, tweak the battle system to be more dynamic, remove the random Gacha and replace almost all of the lame main characters with actual likable ones. (Although Mythra is still there, unfortunately bringing down the quality a tad with her stupid stripperiffic outfit)

Torna is just better than Xenoblade 2 in every way, which is proper impressive!

Edited by Glen-i
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28 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

I mean, it shouldn't be a debate because why the hell would Nintendo put that in their Mario game?

I agree but you’ll get people bringing up the Mario Galaxy box art.

I’ve always assumed it was “so long-a Bowser” 

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Day 28 _ favourite DLC/Expansion

Right, I’m not really one for DLC content I miss the days where you’d buy the game and what you paid for was what you got. Now it seems every major game is released just to get people to pay more in DLC stuff. There has only been stuff I’ve bought so this is fairly easy, runners up are Breath of the Wild and Mario Kart 8 and Smash Ultimate. Smash would have won but the winning DLC is free. 


Yes, a lot of people argue that much of this stuff should have been in from the start, but I’m enjoying the way they are adding it. The latest swimming update added a much needed mechanic and there are planned updates for at least a year. Some of the rumoured stuff sounds pretty neat too. And all this is FREE

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Favourite DLC/Expansion

This one has to be Christmas NiGHTs for me:


I remember when this was announced and nobody really being sure what the rules were to get hold of it. In the end I think my local game gave them out to regular customers when they bought something. Getting the Christmas versions of the levels, presents and a nice amount of extras was something quite new at the time, and it really did feel like a Christmas present. I still play it every year when I go home and have about 5 copies of the game across PAL and Japanese versions somehow - love it!

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Sonic and Knuckles

The OG expansion on consoles (probably). 

Honourable mentions to Mothership Zeta (Fallout 3), Blood and Wine (Witcher 3) and Horse Armour (Oblivion) because it's funny as fuck.

Edited by Goafer
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Day 28 - Favourite DLC/Expansion

This is a tough one...gonna go with The Messenger - Picnic Panic ('cause I've already used Diablo II: Lord of Destruction).

It's more of The Messenger, one of the best games ever, so you can't go wrong :D

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