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N-Europe's Top 10 (Voting over, check first post for results)


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It’s interesting hearing you all talk about how tough it was to narrow the N64 down to 5 games. 

In my opinion the N64 is one of Nintendo’s weakest consoles. Quality was high but the quantity just wasn’t there for me. I barely played more than half a dozen titles that stand out in my memory. 

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*looks at N64 games on shelf*

  • 1080 Snowboarding
  • Banjo Kazooie
  • Banjo Tooie
  • Blast Corps
  • Conkers Bad Fur Day
  • Diddy Kong Racing
  • Donkey Kong 64
  • Excitebike 64
  • F-Zero X
  • Goldeneye
  • Jet Force Gemini
  • Killer Instinct Gold
  • Kirby 64
  • Lylat Wars
  • Mario Golf
  • Mario Party
  • Mario Party 2
  • Mario Party 3
  • Mario Tennis
  • Mickeys Speedway USA
  • Mischief Makers
  • NBA Courtside
  • Paper Mario
  • Perfect Dark
  • Pilotwings 64
  • Pokemon Snap
  • Pokemon Stadium
  • Pokemon Stadium 2
  • Star Wars Episode 1 Racer
  • Star Wars Rogue Squadron
  • Star Wars Shadows of the Empire
  • Super Mario 64
  • Super Smash Bros.
  • The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
  • The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
  • Wave Race 64
  • Wrestlemania 2000
  • WWF No Mercy
  • Yoshi's Story

The console was a treasure trove of great games. I'm still missing loads of stuff as well, such as Bomberman 64, Bomberman Hero, Castlevania, Mystical Ninja, the Turok games and Sin & Punishment.




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2 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

@nekunando  No Wave Race? I'm honestly shocked! I was expecting all 5 of your nominations to be that! :D 

It was very close :red:

I've always said that Blue Storm is one of my favourite games ever and I played that several years before finally getting Wave Race 64 on eBay during my university days!

If I had played it back when it came out and didn't have the nostalgia for Mario Kart 64 and all of the multiplayer fun we had, Wave Race 64 would have taken that spot.. but there are honestly so many games I hate having to leave out..

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15 hours ago, Ronnie said:

It’s interesting hearing you all talk about how tough it was to narrow the N64 down to 5 games. 

In my opinion the N64 is one of Nintendo’s weakest consoles. Quality was high but the quantity just wasn’t there for me. I barely played more than half a dozen titles that stand out in my memory. 

I'm with you on this one. N64 was probably the easiest for me to narrow down to 5.

4 of them were easy to include while the last spot only had me choosing between 3 games.

Which is weird, considering how important the N64 actually was at the time. The jump to 3D was a big deal.

Edited by Glen-i
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3 hours ago, Glen-i said:

OK everyone, obligatory reminder that today is the last day for N64 nominations.

OK, here's mine, but I absolutely refuse to vote for Animal Crossing as an N64 game and will almost certainly vote for it on the GameCube list. If that nullifies my voting so be it, but seeing as the game was exclusive to Japan on N64 it makes no sense to treat it as an N64 title for a European top 10. :blank:

  • Super Mario 64
  • The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
  • Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
  • Super Smash Bros.
  • GoldenEye 007
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8 hours ago, RedShell said:

OK, here's mine, but I absolutely refuse to vote for Animal Crossing as an N64 game and will almost certainly vote for it on the GameCube list. If that nullifies my voting so be it, but seeing as the game was exclusive to Japan on N64 it makes no sense to treat it as an N64 title for a European top 10. :blank:

Fine then, you can vote for Animal Crossing if you want. That's the last time I actually listen to @Dcubed

And with that, N64 nominations are over. The N64 Shortlist consists of 16 games that all got 3 or more nominations. It was a lot more spread out than previous consoles

  • Banjo-Kazooie
  • Banjo-Tooie
  • Conker's Bad Fur Day
  • Diddy Kong Racing
  • Goldeneye 007
  • Lylat Wars (Star Fox 64)
  • Mario Kart 64
  • Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
  • Paper Mario
  • Perfect Dark
  • Pokémon Snap
  • Super Mario 64
  • Super Smash Bros.
  • The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
  • The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
  • WWF No Mercy
  • Voting must be done via Private Messages sent to me. This will help to prevent any possible tactical voting.
  • Everyone must choose 3 games to vote for. They also must be ordered from favourite to third favourite.
  • It'd be great if you could explain why you chose a game in the PM. I can then use these in the article that will go up on the N-Europe front page.
  • I reserve the right to both use and not use someone's reasons why they chose a game.
  • I will abstain from these votes and act as a tiebreaker. If two games tie, I'll decide which game comes out on top.

Voting closes on the 11th of May

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13 hours ago, Jonnas said:

The shortlist ended up being way fiercer this time around. Kinda surprised.

There were a lot more games that got more than one nomination. Probably due in part to the N64's sparse lineup compared to previous consoles. But what is there gets a lot of respect.

It's going to be an interesting vote.

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7 minutes ago, Mandalore said:

Some obscure frog game noone had heard of got in on GameBoy, F-Zero X didn't get in on N64? ::shrug:

I'm glad someone mentioned that. I was a bit puzzled how F-Zero X didn't break the top 16 given how much N-E goes on about it.

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5 hours ago, Glen-i said:

I'm glad someone mentioned that. I was a bit puzzled how F-Zero X didn't break the top 16 given how much N-E goes on about it.

I'm guessing that, while F-Zero X has a good few fans, it's F-Zero GX that drew all us boys to the series' yard.

By the way, whatever happened to the SNES article?

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Today is the final day to get your votes in. So here's those of you who nominated but have yet to vote.

@Dcubed @Ronnie @Mandalore @lostmario @Ike @Iun @EEVILMURRAY @Nicktendo @dan-likes-trees @Gadwin @Hero-of-Time @nekunando @RedShell


I need more of you to stop being so lazy and vote. It's not much of a comprehensive top 10 if only 9 of you have done the actual voting. Don't make me step in and clean up that list. I'll get my choices in there, and do you guys really want that?

Even if you didn't nominate games for the N64, you're still free to send me a PM with the 3 games you want to vote for.

Edited by Glen-i
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Here is the final article for our Top Ten SNES Games. :D

Thanks to @RedShell for the sensational 16-Bit banner/side graphics. :cool:

and  @Glen-i plus @Dcubed once again for organising this. :peace:

Also thanks to the N-E community for contributing as this article really is what we all make it. :grin:

(my contribution was making the game banners in the article and getting it uploaded, which was a pleasure as always) :smile:

Oh and I totally didn't fill in some commentary for certain titles which didn't have any community comments with some old retro reviews I found lying around. :rolleyes:

Enjoy! And here's to the next one. :)

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12 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I will never understand the love that a lot of gamers have for Super Metroid. It honestly baffles me.

You don't get to complain, you didn't vote.

The controls have aged a tad (Space Jump's window is way too precise), but the world design is top notch and the atmosphere is really impressive for the SNES era.

It's also an amazing game to watch speed runs for. There are so many cool tricks that you can pull off that really blow the game apart.

Anyway, less than 90 minutes until the N64 vote closes.

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Voting is now closed!

I've also added the SNES Top 10 to the opening post.

So before I get to counting the votes and writing up the N64 article. Here's our next argument.

Game Boy Color


Releasing for Europe in 1998, the Game Boy Color is a misspelled Game Boy that improves on the original Game Boy in many ways, the most obvious one being it's colour screen. While it didn't last quite as long as the Game Boy did, the GBC stands out from other "enhanced" consoles in that it has such an extensive library of games designed for it, that it might as well have its own Top 10. And that's what we're doing now.

Quite a few restrictions on this console that I will go through now...

  • The Pokémon Clause applies to this console, different versions of games that have minor changes will be counted as one game. The obvious example for the Game Boy Colour is Pokémon Gold, Pokémon Silver and Pokémon Crystal. If you nominate any of these games, they must only take up one slot.
  • Two games that do not fit into the above Pokémon Clause are the two original Zelda games, "Oracle of Ages" and "Oracle of Seasons" While there were bonuses for owning and playing both, they are fully fledged titles on their own merits. Each having a similar amount of content to Link's Awakening.
  • Remakes/ports of older titles from previous Nintendo consoles are not eligible for any nominations. Unless the remake has extreme differences from the original version. For this reason, games such as Tetris DX, Link's Awakening DX and Super Mario Bros. Deluxe are not eligible for nomination.
  • Retro Compilation games, games that contain multiple older titles in one cartridge, are banned from this nomination. A good example is Super Mario Bros. Deluxe, seeing as it included the first two Super Mario Bros. games. These games have an inherent advantage while using older games from other consoles.
  • Games that were released at pretty much the same time on two different consoles will only be counted for the console that it was originally designed for. For the Game Boy Color, this means that Wario Land II is ineligible for nominations.
  • Games that were designed for the original Game Boy are not eligible for nomination. When selecting your games, they must all have the Game Boy Color logo on the box art. So check it if you're not sure.

Not allowed   220px-Pok%C3%A9mon_box_art_-_Red_Version          latest?cb=20081012165215   Allowed

Remember, 5 nominations in no particular order. Let's get colourful!

Nominations close on the 18th of May.

Edited by Glen-i
Added the Dual Console Release rule
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My Game Boy Color nominations will have to be...

  • Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal
  • The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons
  • Mario Golf
  • Shantae
  • Pokémon Trading Card Game

I had to make some unfortunate cuts with this one...

Edited by Glen-i
Forgot that Wario Land II was a Game Boy game originally
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