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Fitness, Weight Loss & Strength 2018


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About time we had the 2018 edition of this.

What is everyone's goals for this brand new year? I've bought my first ever pair of weightlifting shoes as I was tired of using my old, worn out trainers. Had my first session yesterday using them and it was like squatting with your feet cemented to the floor. They are really well built and I should get tons of usage out of them. So far, big thumbs up from me. 

@Eenuh bought my some new Olympic dumbbell bars for Christmas. I used those for the first time yesterday and am quite impressed with them. I love getting new shit! :D

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Well, last years goals were as follows:

On 1/5/2017 at 12:23 AM, will' said:
  1. 10k time under 45 minutes (stretch goal under 40)
  2. Get weight up to 13st through working out (stretch goal 14st)

I failed at both.

For the first one I didn't make enough time to run 10k's and it's so hot and humid here I'm not sure I could have done it anyway. Since the start of December last year I've been doing 5k most week nights and have got my time down to just under 24 mins.

The the second I'm basically where I started at right around 12st. I'm drinking less due to the horrendous quality of beer here, but this is offset by how unhealthy the god-awful food is.

This year I'm going to go with similar goals but ever-so slightly tweaked to be just a bit more realistic.

  1. Get consistent at running 5km under 22.5 minutes
  2. Do one 5km under 20 minutes (this will need to be done somewhere else I think, hence just one time)
  3. Do a 10km under 50 minutes
  4. Generally eat better and lose the belly/bulk out to a place I'm happy with

Hopefully those are challenging yet achievable, I'm feeling much fitter recently so hopefully that trend continues.

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Due to lack of motivation I haven't been to the gym in three months, so I guess I won't be able to squat 80kg anymore.

Really want to get back to it but I still don't feel any kind of motivation...will probably have to simply go once and then keep it up.


Tonight I'll have a football match. The first time I'm doing sports since November last year. Maybe this will get me going.

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I gained a stone and a half back on partly because of injury but partly because I didn't cope with stuff correctly. Now I'm back on it again, feeling good and I still have my fitness.

I'm boxing...well, sparring with a friend...and I'm jogging too. I'm also going to hopefully sign up for Tough Mudder half, Wolf Run or even both!

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I have been lifting again since.... november...

was kinda happy but going through the motions and mostly feeling sad at what I was no longer able to do... remembering what I could do 3 years ago (this was consistent heavy ass training 4x a week and more) and feeling a bit of a failure with what I can do now..  but forgetting that i went through a crazy serious bout of glandular fever that ill never really get rid of.

relearning certain aspects of the lifts because its a better way of doing it, which results in backtracking further.  For example when cleaning i used to go fucking full force from ripping it off the floor, whereas now i've been taught to go half power from floor to hips then the HIP DRIVE is where you turn it the heck up... almost instantly they felt so much easier.  But still pathetic weights.  I've been putting in the hard graft since new year and i've been improving lots and feeling a lot better. 

calorie counting on point - i've not seen numbers im seeing now on the scales since i was 18/20ish. When I used to weightlift before I was very lazy about macros etc, lifting for the fun of it and eating what i wanted without gaining weight.  Stayed around a solid muscular 19 stone for a long time.  Today I am 18 stone on the button, and going down. 

its a big dent to the ego but im working hard and my body just moves so much easier than it used to. i forgot what feeling strong and active felt like!

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Its alright Raining, you'll get there! Just remember that I currently can only lift 10kilos max and I always get told:

You've got to start/re-start somewhere. 

It sounds like you're on the right track though! How do you currently track kcal/macros? 

In November I joined the gym, so I've been going not very regularly for a couple of months now, got back on the bandwagon properly first week of January and I've been going twice a week. Lifting is fine for my stomach thus far, but I do find some of the classes a lot harder because they require a lot more to do with my core. 

I've also added protein to my diet, I've got an app to keep an eye on my food intake and whilst I'm not 100% worried about kcal, I am worried about the lack of kcal/protein and fat I'm getting in at the end of the day, I've noticed if I go to the gym I'm missing a good 800-1000 kcal when I'm at work, so I've added the protein shakes, upped the food intake and also sat drinking 2L a day. 

At the very least my skin is loving me right now.

Hoping in a month or so I'll be lifting 20kilos rather than 10. Leg presses are easy, I'm sat at 40kilos, if only my arms were the same! 

Edited by nightwolf
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On ‎11‎/‎01‎/‎2018 at 9:26 PM, Raining_again said:

its a big dent to the ego but im working hard and my body just moves so much easier than it used to. i forgot what feeling strong and active felt like!

I'm feeling this a bit, at the moment. Whilst the weight I was moving was by no means impressive, I just think of what I could do before and what I'm doing now and it's mindblowing. Almost a "how the bluddy hell did I do that?!" moment. 

Definitely going to be getting back into a more consistent routine. Although it's probably a lot better than the average person who doesn't exercise or rarely does it or maybe visits a gym once a week, it's still not what I want it to be. 

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My wife wants to lose the weight she gained during her pregnancy last year (about 10 kgs) so she bought into some bootcamp thing for newly moms. It's working fine for her and she's doing a great job - the bootcamp doesn't really restrict her eating just saying that she should stick to one portion for supper and for a few days avoid sugar and wheat. She's now on day 7 without sugar and wheat and doing nicely! It's for a period of 4 weeks. She has added some more food that she should avoid - empty carbs. 

In support, I also stay off sugar at least - I may eat some carbs like bread and rice (though I generally don't eat much of that anyways). I'm at day 9 without sugar other than a glass of juice the other day, and I can actually see the difference. I'm still 68 kgs I think but I look tighter again. :)

I can also relate to the ego-thing. Since getting a child my strength and fitness in general have taken a hit and I'm now just in fine shape, contrary to one year ago where I was in really good shape. My lifting has also gone noticably down, had a hard time with 6x60 kgs front squats today.

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After a month off (December and start of January) due to getting some treatment on my neck I've been getting back into it.

My first weight session on Friday I lifted 25% less for 10x10 bench press than I did at the start of December. I'm hoping it will get back up there quickly.

I think that my plan is to continue on the German Volume Training but aim to get back down to around 70kg, which is around a 7-8kg (a stone) lighter than I am at the moment. Definitely put on a bit of fat and lost some muscle during my month off so need to reverse that and then drop more bodyfat to get that shredded look I've so desired for so long.

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On 1/14/2018 at 1:29 PM, Fierce_LiNk said:

I'm feeling this a bit, at the moment. Whilst the weight I was moving was by no means impressive, I just think of what I could do before and what I'm doing now and it's mindblowing. Almost a "how the bluddy hell did I do that?!" moment. 

Definitely going to be getting back into a more consistent routine. Although it's probably a lot better than the average person who doesn't exercise or rarely does it or maybe visits a gym once a week, it's still not what I want it to be. 

It's poop.  I wish I had been able to keep up my fitness.  I think I was the only person on the planet who got FATTER with glandular fever.  My sister lost 4 stone, nearly starved.  I got sepsis, nearly died, but still gained weight because I have extreme tolerance for nausea (that sick life), and the honey i was guzzling by the bottle helped my throat lol.  On top of being fit, w/ enormous appetite, but no longer exercising... its a perfect crime for fatnessssss.  I'm just glad im well enough to get back to it.

On 1/13/2018 at 4:29 PM, nightwolf said:

Its alright Raining, you'll get there! Just remember that I currently can only lift 10kilos max and I always get told:

You've got to start/re-start somewhere. 

It sounds like you're on the right track though! How do you currently track kcal/macros? 

In November I joined the gym, so I've been going not very regularly for a couple of months now, got back on the bandwagon properly first week of January and I've been going twice a week. Lifting is fine for my stomach thus far, but I do find some of the classes a lot harder because they require a lot more to do with my core. 

I've also added protein to my diet, I've got an app to keep an eye on my food intake and whilst I'm not 100% worried about kcal, I am worried about the lack of kcal/protein and fat I'm getting in at the end of the day, I've noticed if I go to the gym I'm missing a good 800-1000 kcal when I'm at work, so I've added the protein shakes, upped the food intake and also sat drinking 2L a day. 

At the very least my skin is loving me right now.

Hoping in a month or so I'll be lifting 20kilos rather than 10. Leg presses are easy, I'm sat at 40kilos, if only my arms were the same! 


I track calories just, and I use cronometer, its very like myfitnesspal, but the paid version is better for tracking fat/carbs/protein.  


I do spike calorie counting (Russell Branjord's book is an interesting read)

high - 1 day of BMR x 3

med - up to 3 days BMR (workout days only)

low - at least 3 days BMR-500

though most of the time I stick to 1 high day and 6 low.... maybe a medium thrown in there if I have something planned through the week or am feeling crappy..... and the high day is always the day before I train with my coach as i find that's where i really really need the caloric boooooost. I do intermittent fasting during the week anyway (have done for a long time) so it all works out nicely for me.  And my body is changing so very rapidly.  Looking in the mirror and not seeing me anymore,.... there's someone with a half decent shape starting to appear...


oh and my workout is basically: 

tue kettlebell swings + cleans (3x10)
wed kettlebell swings + OHP bar (5x5) OHP kettlebell (5x5)
thu kettlebell swings + front squat + OH squat (3x5 both)
fri kettlebell swings + deadliiiiiiifts 5x5
sun - whatever torture my coach decides to put me through.... usually a lot of cleans lol


ohhh i got to try a deadlift bar... it must have been about 8 foot long and bendy as f..... knurling that would make your hands weep (almost literally) ... and now i want one... they're only £500 lol 


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  • 2 weeks later...

I knew I was going to put on weight over Xmas but was surprised that I continued to put on weight through all of January despite eating a lot less than I did in December. Last Friday I was back up at 11st 12 so thought it was about time I started to watch what I ate a bit more and have started going on the bike again every day. 

I'll see how things progress over the next couple of weeks and see if I need to change anything, still hoping to get down to 10 stone.

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16 minutes ago, killthenet said:

I knew I was going to put on weight over Xmas but was surprised that I continued to put on weight through all of January despite eating a lot less than I did in December. Last Friday I was back up at 11st 12 so thought it was about time I started to watch what I ate a bit more and have started going on the bike again every day. 

I'll see how things progress over the next couple of weeks and see if I need to change anything, still hoping to get down to 10 stone.

10st is my target as well.

Was up at 12st 2 at the start of the year, now down to 11st 11. Should have lost a lot more but my diet is shit, I'll be really good for a week then the next week I'll have Domino's every other day :heh: so my weight is yoyo-ing like crazy at the moment!

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Jeez my christmas stuff was gone by the end of the first week in January...


In fairness I don't get a lot of presents (nor do i buy) so I didn't get a LOTTT. 


I am currently "on the bench" as I have a severe arthritis flare up.  When you're struggling to get up stairs lifting anything becomes a problem.  

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Back when WiiFit was being used daily by myself I was stable at around 10 and a half stone. Let things slip and ended up at 14st.

So last September I actively decided to start exercising a bit more again to lose some of that. With the assistance of using my Apple Watch I set daily move goals and started hitting the 30 minute exercise goal too. Started out small and built from there. Currently doing a 2 and a half mile walk each day along with other general activity. Have got down from just over 14st to 12.7st on last weighing. 

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I think I'm in the mood to go keto again.

However, I'm also in the mood to drink alcohol on a few occasions during the next months. And I remember the first (and so far only) keto hangover I got...it was horrible. Three options:

  1. deal with the hangover from time to time
  2. don't drink during keto
  3. don't do keto

#2...nah, can't do that.
#3...hm...I really want to, though.

@Raining_again I think I asked you this in the past but...do you have any tips (if you drink/had experience with this problem)? I assume if I "carb up" before drinking I immediately get out of ketosis, right?

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I've just discovered that The Real Ghostbusters cartoon is on Netflix, so I can now watch that when I'm on the cross-trainer. Woooooo! Anything to make cardio a bit less boring. [emoji14]
Thank you for this useful information! Big fan of the cartoon so I guess the stationary bike in the gym will be getting some use [emoji23]

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