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22 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

Is there a Nindies Showcase today I missed or something??

Picross 2 revealed for next week


It's a game (like many others) I just like to play once in a while, do 1 or 2 puzzles, than move on. Still did one yesterday, and I;m not nearly finished with the regular puzzles. Though I have barely touched the megapicross. Nopt really a fan of it , though I'll give it a few more chances. I'll probably get this once I'm done with the regular puzzles.

48 minutes ago, killthenet said:

It's really starting to gripe with me the amount of games coming out on the Switch that I want to buy, as if my backlog wasn't big enough already!

I like the look of what I've seen of the steam version of this so I'm definitely interested in picking it up though I'm kind of worried about suffering Souls-like fatigue before Dark Souls even makes it to the system.

I already had this. I have plenty of unfinished games, and even one indiue titles I have literally never even started (Old man's journey). And my wishlist keeps growing and growing.

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2 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Another indie game is heading to the Switch very soon.


I've heard good things about it. I know Bloodworth over on Easy Allies really enjoyed the PS4 version of the game.


Another game I need to buy! Really intrigued by what I've heard about this but it seemed like a game I'd really enjoy in handheld mode so waited for a Switch announcement before buying it, this could be an expensive week for me!

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Also worth noting that I pre-ordered the physical version of this game on the strength of @Mr-Paul's fine review. :D

It's £20 on Shopto for either the Switch or PS4 version, I know it's £8 more than the eShop but... that boxart. :heart:

I missed out on this one during the Wii U era.

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36 minutes ago, S.C.G said:

Also worth noting that I pre-ordered the physical version of this game on the strength of @Mr-Paul's fine review. :D

It's £20 on Shopto for either the Switch or PS4 version, I know it's £8 more than the eShop but... that boxart. :heart:

I missed out on this one during the Wii U era.

You get all the DLC with the physical version though, so it's well worth it!

Hope you enjoy! :) 

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19 minutes ago, Mandalore said:

Does Runbow on Switch have anything that isn't in the Wii U version?

Only Online Play and the obvious portability. I'm not even sure it has Colour Master mode either.

Rainbow is a great game, but the WiiU has 9-player local play and Colour Master Mode.

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Wii U version had online play. It's completely dead now, though, but the mode is there.


Bought Dandara today as it's still on sale. The main criticism is about the controls being hard but apart from that it should be a good game.

Also pre-ordered Dead Cells whole it's 20 % off. It looks good.

Edited by MindFreak
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I find it amazing that someone from a big outlet, such as IGN, has plagiarized another review, shocking really. I get there's a want to get your review out there as soon as possible and there's even a want to see what other outlets are saying about the game (particularly when it comes to issues with the game) but that should never be the basis to allow for a sloppy job like the Dead Cells review to go through.

In my time reviewing a few years back, it never crossed my mind even once to look up another review and make crib notes to base my review on. Even when I got sent some truly awful games through from publishers (mainly anything with a Zoo Digital or Zoo Publishing logo on it) I always say down and played them through to completion before putting my thoughts down. Hell, I very rarely got games early but even when I did, despite a bit of pressure, I'd sit and take my time before writing up.

There's a growing issue with reviews and reviewers these days where there is a rush to be the first to publish a review but they've not bothered to finish it. IGN have the issue above but even Kotaku put out a review where the reviewer hadn't finished Dead Cells either but instead wrote they'll get it eventually. The issue of reviewer/writer integrity has always been on iffy footing thanks to things like Gamespot's Kane and Lynch review back in the day but it seems to be a growing issue. I find there are so few reviewers or sites where the quality of the writing is of a really good standard (something that's never questioned when it comes to the reviews here as they're always well written and thorough) and things like this just puts doubt in players minds that they're not really reading the thoughts of the reviewer for their chosen site as I don't doubt this kind of thing happens more often than we expect with the number of YouTube and blogspot reviews that happen. It's a discussion for another day but yeah, shocking.


Back to the games, glad to see Dead Cells reviewing well. I was on the fence with it but the more I've read up and seen of It, I've found it doesn't look like the right game for me. I'm not a huge rogue-like fan and it reminds me very much of something like Sundered and that didn't fully gel with me.

I've ended up picking up Flipping Death, however, so interested to see how that plays. Their last game Fe wasn't great, a bit dull, so I'm hoping for a change and for this to be a more enjoyable experience.

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12 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Yeah, i've been catching up with the events that have happened during the night. It's seems Filip Miucin (NVC host) has ripped off someone else's review. Apparently he has done this before, as well. His and IGNs credibility have certainly come into question again and i'd be very surprised if he is kept on. The evidence is pretty damning. 

I would say that i'm shocked that something like this may have happened but honestly i'm not. You look at the sheer amount of games that are being released, especially on the Switch, and websites and YouTubers are desperate to get their name out there and put up reviews for these games, even if they haven't actually finished or even played the game. A lot of reviews these days can be seen as glorified press releases, with people taking what was wrote on a press release and then adapting it to a review. Strangely enough, I had a brief conversation with @S.C.G about this kind of thing happening just yesterday.

I know i've harped on about this before in the past but this kind of thing is why I like to see the credits roll or even 100% a game before I put out my final thoughts/review, as well as providing a quick screen shot showing my stat screen or credits rolling. It adds credibility to the person who is writing about the game. This subject also came up in a recent episode of Sacred Symbols, with Colin saying this is why he enjoys achievements and trophies because you can call out reviewers if they say they've completed a game for the review but the stats say otherwise, something which he has been able to do in the past. Although he didn't say whether this was while he was working at IGN.

It will be a shame if Filip has indeed done what is being claimed. He was just starting grow on me as host of NVC. However, if he is indeed found guilty of plagiarising that other review then I do think he should be let go from IGN because the damage would have done and he probably wouldn't be able to review another game without being put under the microscope.

That video is brilliant. I love the audacity and brashness about it. It's almost like a "oh gawwwwd, I didn't know the internet was a thing and people would actually find this ouuuut! 20 years ago I would've gotten away with it!"

I started off watching it thinking, eh, it's a game, there may be one or two keywords that sound familiar. But then, so many phrases are actually just lifted from the initial review. 

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