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Indie Games


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Every day there seems to be a new indie game announced for the Switch so I figured this would be a good place to group some of the "smaller" titles together (though obv feel free to start standalone threads should you so choose).


Thought I'd start off with this game just announced coming to Switch in Spring: TumbleSeed


“TumbleSeed will make unique use of the Nintendo Switch HD Rumble, offering a unique sense of how fast and where the player is rolling in the world. The Nintendo Switch is the only game console available that can provide this experience and TumbleSeed aims to be the console’s flagship title for HD Rumble.


“TumbleSeed is perfect for 10-20 minutes play sessions anywhere you may go and also great for a couch-session in 1080p at home,” adding that the game “is made with the same spirit as any major title on a Nintendo system.”



Looks great!

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I feel that HD Rumble is going give us some amazing experiences. Would be great if Indies continue to pioneer the use of the tech leading by example in terms of creativity, hopefully inspiring the bigger boys. Retro VC games could gain a good sense of revitalisation from the use of it.


I was a bit ignorantly anti-indie games due to the assumption most were short-lived and experimental - but with the Switch's handheld mode, I feel more inclined to try them out especially inbetween the bigger games.

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I was a bit ignorantly anti-indie games due to the assumption most were short-lived and experimental


Some of my favourite games of the last few years have been from indie devs. Shovel Knight, Steamworld Dig/Heist, Stealth Inc 2, Affordable Space Adventures, Severed, Enter the Gungeon, Darkest Dungeon, Abzu, Firewatch, Inside. They're a much needed breath of fresh air to the industry.

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It feels like even if Nintendo haven't managed to get to grips with improving relations with the big third party companies, their approach to Indie's has been really competitive and seemingly beneficial to both parties.


Although I don't think Nintendo's own big titles plus indies are enough to sustain the Switch it is really great to see so many being announced and, in the case of Tumbleseed, actively using the new hard ware as well! I'll definetly be picking up the many Indie games coming to Switch, as that's how the industry grows and we get better quality games, right?

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Tumbleseed sounds more like it belonged on the Wii U's lineup.




I was a bit ignorantly anti-indie games due to the assumption most were short-lived and experimental - but with the Switch's handheld mode, I feel more inclined to try them out especially inbetween the bigger games.


You're missing out on so much!

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It feels like even if Nintendo haven't managed to get to grips with improving relations with the big third party companies, their approach to Indie's has been really competitive and seemingly beneficial to both parties.


Although I don't think Nintendo's own big titles plus indies are enough to sustain the Switch it is really great to see so many being announced and, in the case of Tumbleseed, actively using the new hard ware as well! I'll definetly be picking up the many Indie games coming to Switch, as that's how the industry grows and we get better quality games, right?


Seems third parties didn't get dev kits until last summer which could explain the lack of titles.

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I don't like the idea of lumping all of the independant (not "indie", that's near enough a derogatory word now) games into one thread. It signifies that they're not worthy of getting threads of their own and aren't "full" or "real" or "worthy" games in their own right.

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Indie, derogatory? That's crazy talk.


I see your point about lumping them all in one thread, but, maybe this is the best way to give them attention, there's going to be so many of them; they'll get lost quickly; on here this thread will be kept alive and other games may be brought to light for some. And I'd imagine the bigger games would get their own threads anyway.

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I don't like the idea of lumping all of the independant (not "indie", that's near enough a derogatory word now) games into one thread. It signifies that they're not worthy of getting threads of their own and aren't "full" or "real" or "worthy" games in their own right.


I did it because I thought they would get more exposure and chat on here this way. TumbleSeed, Fast RMX Has Been Heroes don't have threads for instance, yet two of them are out next month. I've already said indie games are some of my favourite games of the last decade, not counting Nintendo first party so it certainly wasn't my intention to belittle them.

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I did it because I thought they would get more exposure and chat on here this way. TumbleSeed, Fast RMX Has Been Heroes don't have threads for instance, yet two of them are out next month. I've already said indie games are some of my favourite games of the last decade, not counting Nintendo first party so it certainly wasn't my intention to belittle them.


I appreciate you trying so I don't want this to sound like criticism but...you could create threads for those games. I get what you're saying that they may get lost amongst everything else, but likewise they could get lost in this thread over the years.


Not an 'official' request really, just pondering what might be best. As a forum we certainly have no qualms with individual threads for them.

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I think this is a nice idea for small Indie games that may go unnoticed. I think it's instantly apparent which Indie games should get their own thread, games like FAST (can just use the existing thread), Rime, Journey, Unfinished Swan... but it's felt a bit desperate lately starting a new thread for every new Switch Indie game - obviously due to lack of confirmed/launch titles. Threads may get a couple of posts and then they sink.


If a game builds enough momentum before launch, or is well worth everyone discussing and sharing upon it's release then it can always get it's own thread at that time.


I wouldn't have left a comment in the Tumbleseed thread because singularly it doesn't captivate my interest [at this stage], but I'm happy it was brought to my attention - and was going to comment as such here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Enter the Gungeon is confirmed for Switch.


Stardew Valley is coming in the Summer and Switch version will be first to have online multiplayer.


Steamworld Dig 2 is coming.



Finally, a game called Wargroove got announced at the Nindies event and looks awesome. Advance Wars lives on! :D


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Has towerfall been confirmed too?

Thumps has, amazing game, though can't imagine it being as good not in vr, still. Good to see?!


It has indeed! At last!!! That game belongs on a Nintendo console and I can't think to a platform more perfect for it than Switch!


Can't bloody wait! :D

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