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Oh you guys. This is actually Sony's fault


It can all be traced back to that moment when Nintendo went behind Sony's back and teamed up with Philips...


There's a strange air of paranoia and 'us and them'. People really need to get over that.


Its been this way since time out of mind. Whats gradually changed is the "us" people playing on Nintendo systems on this website have dwindled and dwindled. (The active discussions about games are...? Is anyone apart from @Glen\-i playing any games?) Then as has been the norm forever, the "them" jump in when a "tasty" thread crops up and the age old battle is relived, ad infinitum. I think if our members were going to get over it, it would have happened by now. :(



...now, my 3DS should have charged a bit...

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It can all be traced back to that moment when Nintendo went behind Sony's back and teamed up with Philips...




Its been this way since time out of mind. Whats gradually changed is the "us" people playing on Nintendo systems on this website have dwindled and dwindled. (The active discussions about games are...? Is anyone apart from @Glen\-i playing any games?) Then as has been the norm forever, the "them" jump in when a "tasty" thread crops up and the age old battle is relived, ad infinitum. I think if our members were going to get over it, it would have happened by now. :(



...now, my 3DS should have charged a bit...

That is an actual thing I have noticed. People like Daft and Sheikah never post on the Nintendo forum, except when it comes time to bash and criticise.


I feel drive-by posting akin to that is just as bad as, if not worse than, what I do when I get too enthusiastic in defending.

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Its been this way since time out of mind. Whats gradually changed is the "us" people playing on Nintendo systems on this website have dwindled and dwindled. (The active discussions about games are...? Is anyone apart from @Glen\-i playing any games?)


Many of us are playing plenty....just not on Nintendo platforms. :heh:


To be fair, most the time I use nando's gaming diary thread to post about what i'm playing, rather than dig up old threads. It allows me to have everything in one place and keep a count of the amount of games i've got through during the course of the year.

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To be fair to him, I'd say you are also describing @Goafer as a person there as well


I can't believe you're calling goafer useless and inflammatory as a person! Instaban :p


But no you're absolutely correct - in terms of post made in the thread goafer did the same but I responded to drahkon as he posted here. I can't actually moderate anything right now as the forum/PC I'm on is bugging out on me, but I intended to clean it up a bit for whatever its worth.

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I have other things to be doing... but seriously this is quite amusing.

Its a good demonstration of the primal tribal tendencies of our species.

Lots of idiots spout out the religion = war crap. Actually it's this exact thing.

Ideas being promoted above individuals. It can be religion.. sports and evidently even video games.

The solution is for the individuals concerned to tone things down.

You are an individual first and foremost (I hope!) and so are the other users on this forum.

I think respect was something brought up earlier in this thread.. and actually self respect is something I think a few people have to revisit.


Amazingly I was actually thinking exactly that bolded bit this morning before I left home/whilst I saw all of this. You've actually managed to read my mind somehow; slightly disturbing how on-point/word for word it is!

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So I visit the boards after a brief hiatus...


God damn, that new thread about Iwata...the first 2 replies sum up everything that is wrong in this place. Right from the get go, any attempt at discussion was thrown completely down the drain. Again, this boils down to the fact that some people feel the need to defend Nintendo and this is more important to them than engaging in a discussion. That thread is quite frankly embarrassing. Serebii, I can only assume that you were having a VERY bad day when writing those replies but unless someone murdered your cat there is no way to justify those responses.


I appreciate that some of the problems on this board may come from the fact that some people obviously have social difficulties (I'm assuming that we can still be honest in this thread @Rummy?) but let me be blunt - If that's how you talk to people and if that's how you engage in a discussion at work, you wouldn't be kept there for very long. There are people on here that have literally ZERO interest (or ability) in engaging in discussion and it's ruined the place, quite frankly.


Those same people throw around the term 'negative' quite a lot ('The conversations here are so negative'). Just to clarify: The quality of the discussion has nothing to do with whether or not a comment or news article is positive or negative, it comes from the quality of the replies and the discussion that follows. It's a bit like writing an essay really. If you're letting your own personal agenda come to the forefront of ALL of your posts then there is a serious issue. Alternatively, if you lack the ability or experience to engage in proper conversation, then accept that and don't treat the rest of us like shit.


Regarding the criticisms about the OP - I thought it was fine, if opinionated. Instead of having a massive go at him for it, a better, more sensible approach would be to list your own thoughts and then have a discussion about it. The childish nature of the replies are saddening and the reason why I, and many others, have stopped posting altogether. That thread probably would have better if myself or Hero posted first but hey ho. That thread could have been brilliant and I had a lot of points to contribute, as I'm sure others did, but it looks like it won't be happening now. Another thread ruined - cheers guys.


Ironically, the N-E meet up was absolutely brilliant and we had some great conversations about Nintendo there. I would go as far to say it was better than any discussion that has taken place on this very board for the past 12 months.

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That is an actual thing I have noticed. People like Daft and Sheikah never post on the Nintendo forum, except when it comes time to bash and criticise.


I feel drive-by posting akin to that is just as bad as, if not worse than, what I do when I get too enthusiastic in defending.


Or arguably they have no interests in their games and thus don't engage in those conversations but still have an interest in the company and that's why they keep an eye and comment on those matters because it is easier to comment on that without playing the games than it is to comment on the games. It's perspective. Neither of us know why they choose to respond to particular topics, but you need to be careful about attributing your assumptions as facts and then getting your back up because of it.


And from my POV at times your defending goes to the absurd. I pointed out in that topic how you made up someone's response (the GTA V thing) and then criticised them for it and when justifying arbitrarily picking something they didn't' say you were essentially doing something you hate others doing to you (i.e. "putting words in my mouth"). You also seemed to completely misinterpret my first response and then got het up about something I didn't even say. You seem to be triggered easily and I do genuinely worry about the impact it has upon you. Be more Snorlax*.


Ultimately we just need to remember this is a place to discuss, not argue. In that thread there seemed to be little "hmm I don't think like that, I believe ... because..." and more "NO YOU'RE WRONG HOW DARE YOU, YOU KNOW NOTHING" from a lot of people.




*which reminds me, whatever happened to Coolness Bears?

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(The active discussions about games are...? Is anyone apart from @Glen\-i playing any games?)


I'm the kind of weird sort who can get enjoyment out of playing games I've already played to death just for the hell of it.


I could just be casually playing games while Dave (Best TV channel ever) is on in the background, when suddenly, for no reason at all...


"I wonder if I could play through Child Of Light with only the main character"

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You can, it's really hard though.



or sometimes complaints about a game can make me go out of my way to try and find a way around it.

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Personally, I still think the game would be liked more if the two endings were actually switched around.


or something I didn't know about a game makes me play through the whole thing again.

"You mean there's a cheat code in Shovel Knight for something called Butt Mode?"

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To be fair, I am a little bit mad. Raise your hands if you've played through Xenoblade 3 times and did every single possible quest, got every single secret skill tree and rebuilt Colony 6 to 100% completion!


The more freedom a game provides, the more likely I'll play it again for completely stupid reasons.


I'm currently playing more games on Mario All-Stars in anticipation for Mario Maker.


EDIT: BTW, in regards to that thread. After my first post, I realised where it was going, so just decided to be no part of it at all.

Edited by Glen-i
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Let's face it, that thread was always going to go to shit. People on both sides seem completely incapable of discussion without ridiculing other people's opinions or acting as if people have just walked in and raped their dog.


I just post in those threads to amuse myself. Literally for no other reason, because I genuinely don't give a shit anymore. I've stated my opinion on Nintendo before, as have other people and it's always the same result and a complete waste of everybody's time. The way I see it, I may as well amuse myself amidst the thread's self destruction.


In short, my attitude has become:



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  • 5 months later...

I know it has it's ups and downs... but just wanted to say that I'm personally enjoying the forums at the moment. Good general atmosphere, I've had some interesting discussions, there's some new members and then there's things like The N-E Show. I'm probably being a bit more selective about the threads I go into and what I post, but yeah, it's good.

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I know it has it's ups and downs... but just wanted to say that I'm personally enjoying the forums at the moment. Good general atmosphere, I've had some interesting discussions, there's some new members and then there's things like The N-E Show. I'm probably being a bit more selective about the threads I go into and what I post, but yeah, it's good.


I give it a month. :laughing:

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That's more like it. Thursday at a push....


I have to say, I feel the complete opposite to you Retro but spending around 15 years on this place makes it very hard to just walk away.

Oh I'm only talking about a short-term shift. A week or two ago and I was probably the same as you.
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Oh man, i saw this thread had resurfaced and was hoping for something juicier.


Where are the bans?! Where is the shit-flinging?!


I'll have to dig out my gigantic wheel of doom and use it to pick someone to ban.


It's the only fair way.

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That's more like it. Thursday at a push....


I have to say, I feel the complete opposite to you Retro but spending around 15 years on this place makes it very hard to just walk away.


Same. Felt it for a long long time, but actually things havent been quite as bad recently. And hopefully nx things will start getting exciting around here. I think that's why I like podcasts also much, people love a certain topic speaking passionately about it, having objective debates about it the pros and cons. Perfect.


I feel the same about the Internet in general, don't use Facebook as much, delete more people on there, and Twitter. Don't post on the Spurs forum I go on anymore either (though still browse), it's a shame, but I'm just sick of being exposed to....well....people....

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That's more like it. Thursday at a push....


I have to say, I feel the complete opposite to you Retro but spending around 15 years on this place makes it very hard to just walk away.


Yeah just play the song of time and you'll be fine.

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