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Well, that's the first bit of disappointing news about Yooka-Laylee.


It's a shame Shovel Knight is in it, but it's only a minor problem. Hopefully there won't be any other cameos like that.


I'm sure I won't be the only one who'd like you to elaborate on why you think this is a problem.

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I'm sure I won't be the only one who'd like you to elaborate on why you think this is a problem.


It just seems completely random. I don't mind cameos that make sense (like Sabreman in Banjo-Tooie, as he's a Rare characters), but Shovel Knight just seems out of place.


The game doesn't need "guest stars".

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I don't care [for] the character myself..


The disappointing thing for me is that I'm not really digging the majority of characters shown in Yooka-Laylee so far, something which further emphasizes my lack of love for the overall style. There's something that just isn't clicking with me here..

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Well, that's the first bit of disappointing news about Yooka-Laylee.


It's a shame Shovel Knight is in it, but it's only a minor problem. Hopefully there won't be any other cameos like that.

Weird thing to be annoyed by, that doesn't bother me in the slightest and I haven't even played Shovel Knight. It's not like the kind of game where you're left thinking "the immersion of this believable universe has been shattered"
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I like the new characters though I'm not too keen on the art style, they have that pointy edged, sketchy feel of Nuts & Bolts, I'd have preferred the old bug-eyed silicon graphics look but I know I'm the only person in the world that prefers the latter so in the grand scheme of things they made the right call :p

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Boxed gaming goodness!


Physical copies confirmed!

With everyone safely back in their office chairs, development progresses unhindered on Yooka-Laylee. As we get closer to launch and our plans take final form, we’re finally able to clarify many of your most burning inquiries and requests. One such query we’re delighted to tackle today is the ever-booming call for a boxed version of Yooka-Laylee. Do we have plans for a boxed release? Today we can confirm that the answer is, yes!


We’re delighted to be able to offer Yooka-Laylee in both digital and boxed flavours in time for the game’s launch in Q1 2017. As we speak, our business badgers are busily burrowing away on an initiative that will allow Kickstarter backers to upgrade their digital pledge to a physical version, if they choose to do so. We’re not ready to share the exact details just yet, but very soon you should be able to stick your head in the badger hole and look for yourself.


Happy with this. It would be criminal not to have this game on the shelf.

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  • 2 months later...


Shame about the Wii U version, but it was to be expected.


If the Switch version launches later than the others ( hopefully it won't ) then i'll pick it up on the PS4 instead. Saying that, I may preorder the PS4 version now, just to faff about with the Toy Box mode.


As an extra special bonus, everyone who pre-orders Yooka-Laylee on PC, Xbox One or PS4 will receive an instant unlock of the Yooka-Laylee Toybox, which offers a taste of the platforming mechanics set to appear in the full game in a self-contained, spoiler free sandbox. We’re also currently looking in to ways we can make the console Toybox available to appropriate backers (we’ll update you on that soon).
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Argh, don't say that you're working closely with Ninty! You'll get my stupid brain thinking Yooka in Smash is a possibility!

Annnnnnd it's too late.


Either way, I am A-OK with Portable Yooka. What better place to play a properly British game than on Properly British Transport?

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I'm willing to wait for the Switch one personally


I'm hoping it releases on the same day as the other versions. Hopefully they've been working hard with Nintendo to make the transition from Wii U to Switch easy and smooth. From the wording, no doubt they will talk about the release date during or after the event in January.

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Confirmed they're trying for Switch.


I imagine it will happen, but it's not confirmed for Switch yet.

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Confirmed they're trying for Switch.


I imagine it will happen, but it's not confirmed for Switch yet.


But then they also write this:

We’d like to apologise to those affected by this development and offer all Wii U backers the opportunity to move their pledge free-of-charge to any of the versions launching on April 11th (PS4, Xbox One, PC, Mac or Linux) or upgrade to the Nintendo Switch version when we announce further details in 2017.

Seems like they are very confident it'll be there.

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Confirmed they're trying for Switch.


I imagine it will happen, but it's not confirmed for Switch yet.


They're telling backers that they can change to a Switch version. It's definitely happening, but they can't officially confirm it.

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