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I generally prefer to buy games physically if the option is there so tend to only really download games that I think feel right as a download (a good example being Wii Fit U :smile:)


With that in mind, there isn't much in the sale I really fancy but Unravel looks like a good option that I might enjoy :hehe:

Yeah I'm the same Nando. As great as the prices on Ratchet & Clank, Gravity Rush and The Order 1886 are, I'd ideally like them physically.


Firewatch, Virginia, The Banner Saga and Symphony of the Night have my interest.


Was Firewatch a good game in the end? or just a very hyped up indie game at the time?

I've been a bit underwhelmed by a couple of indie downloads lately.

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Sounds good. I think I'll wait with this, though. I'll probably get Steins;Gate and Trails of Cold Steel for my Vita first.


Anybody know how long this sale is going to be? Can't find any info on that...I presume it will end sometime in January? Or at the end of January?


It depends on the game. Battlefield 1's deal ends on 6th Jan but Skyrim's is 20th Jan.


Steins Gate and Trails of Cold Steel are both 20th Jan.

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Thumper is amazing in VR - a real 'out of this world' experience. Haven't played it normally.


Can't compare it to the VR experience, of course, but hot damn this game is amazing. "Rhythm violence game" should become a new genre. :cool:


Currently playing the third "world" and I fear this is gonna be a tough Platinum :laughing:

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Interested in only a few games:


Thumper (15.99€ - @somme is it worth the price? I always wanted it but found 19.99€ too much...and this deal doesn't seem to be that great.


Legends of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel (14.99€)


Steins;Gate (7.99€)


Weren't you interested in Oceanhorn too? 51% off.

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Yeah I'm the same Nando. As great as the prices on Ratchet & Clank, Gravity Rush and The Order 1886 are, I'd ideally like them physically.


Firewatch, Virginia, The Banner Saga and Symphony of the Night have my interest.


Was Firewatch a good game in the end? or just a very hyped up indie game at the time?

I've been a bit underwhelmed by a couple of indie downloads lately.


It was overhyped in my opinion. The graphics looks lovely, but the story never moved me, on the contrary I was a bit annoyed on how it developed. I don't know how much it's reduced by, but anything less than 50% is not worth in my opinion.

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That's a great price but I already have 4 games to get stuck into as it is on PS4.. though I am tempted :red: Thanks for the shout out!


Being new to the PS4 scene, is that price likely to drop further if I wait a few weeks or months?


It's been very, very easy to build up a good PS4 collection really quickly due to price drops, deals online, PS+ and so on. This won't be the only time the game drops to this price I reckon, but I don't know when you'll find it for lower than this.

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I paid full price for that only weeks ago. :blank:


Ah well, it is The Last Guardian, still though I'm going to try and buy less games just as they come out in 2017 I think, I've already got loads to play. : peace:


But yeah, £25?!? Snap it up! :D

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The Last Guardian is only £25 over on Shopto.


Good to see some of you guys getting this - steal at this price!


It was overhyped in my opinion. The graphics looks lovely, but the story never moved me, on the contrary I was a bit annoyed on how it developed. I don't know how much it's reduced by, but anything less than 50% is not worth in my opinion.


To give the contrasting view - I found it a great experience - really good voice acting and dialogue trees, beautiful visual design, somewhat moving. Fully worth the 8 quid IMO.


That said I can totally the negatives. It's full on walking simulator, no puzzles, and the conclusion is kind of an anti-climax, even if that is the point to some degree. I reckon you could work out if it's the kind of game you'd enjoy before you buy it.


Not much for me on psn sale but I've been waiting for The Order 1886 to drop to a reasonable price for the 5 hours of gameplay or whatever. Might add it to my swelling backlog

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Jeez, there's quite a lot that's interesting me on that list. I did already say to myself that I wouldn't buy any more games until I cleared through my current lot...


Hotline Miami 2, Dear Esther, Fire Watch, Dragon Age Inquisition and a few others are catching my eye, however...


Amazing game with a brilliant soundtrack. I have some gripes with the level design in certain areas but it's such a good sequel.


Yeah I'm the same Nando. As great as the prices on Ratchet & Clank, Gravity Rush and The Order 1886 are, I'd ideally like them physically.


Firewatch, Virginia, The Banner Saga and Symphony of the Night have my interest.


Was Firewatch a good game in the end? or just a very hyped up indie game at the time?

I've been a bit underwhelmed by a couple of indie downloads lately.


Firewatch is undoubtedly the best game I've played all year. Definitely worth it at full price but if you can get it on sale, do it.

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Firewatch is undoubtedly the best game I've played all year. Definitely worth it at full price but if you can get it on sale, do it.

Can you tell why? Just curious. I always passed on this, because on first glance at least, it looked too much like many other indie walking simulators / survival games out there, but with less snow.


Googling gameplay right now, it looks purely to be exploration and dialogue choices, is that correct?

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Have to agree with @Hero\-of\-Time, great purchase. : peace:


To every PS4 owner who likes high-octane 2D-action: Get Seraph!



It's only £4.99 in the January sale. After playing the first two levels I can recommend it to anyone who thinks that trailer looks good. :D

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...Mirrors Edge: Catalyst for £8.99 if you have PS+. @kav82 did you ever pick it up? Good time to snap it up if you didn't.


No, I'll not be bothering. Once I heard you had to unlock dumbass things, like tucking your legs up when you jump, I decided not to bother at all!

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