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No Man's Sky


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I got a real star wars galaxies vibe from this, in the sense that it was a genuine attempt to allow a galaxy to be fully explorable including space...this looks like what that game should have been

I mean its goregeous.....i cannot wait to see more, its potential is stellar

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The Heinlein, Clarke and Asimov namedrops by the guy were all I wanted to hear after watching that brilliant gameplay trailer. Settle in, boys, I think we're finally getting the sci-fi game that's been missing.


Not that Mass Effect or Freelancer were bad games at all, but they were clearly wasted potential. Bring on the true sci-fi!

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I do worry about the gameplay loop. On the IGN developer commentary video they went to great lengths to say their were no goals or missions. So is exploration enough? I think it is when the world is procedually generated in the way they say it is but I mean wheres the incentive/motivation to destory these fleets of ships we see other than the spectacle of a space battle and potentially some resources (to create what?). I mean they did liken it to minecraft and starbound but both of them have huge robust building systems which isn't something we've seen from Hello Games yet. IF they are holding something like that back then WOW.

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  • 3 weeks later...

First of all, this guy...


He is one of the most genuine persons I have ever seen in any form of media. Just look at his face and listen to him when he talks about his inspiration for the game in the first few seconds. He smiles, he seems to remember the exact moments in his childhood that inspired him and most of all: He enjoys what he is talking about, he enjoys sharing it with us, he is excited of everything he (and his friends/the team he's working with) has (have) done and everything that the future will bring.

It's not fake, it's genuine excitement.


And this is what gaming needs. Sincere joy, true passion, and the desire - or rather the dream to share own ideas and bring one's imagination to life.


Many of you have already seen this, but just as a reminder:



Again, look at him.

His (and possibly the team's) dream is slowly coming true, and he is happy to share it with us, with gamers.


No matter how the game turns out, no matter if it's shit or if it's great, I'm already glad to be able to support them sooner or later, because they seem to 'get'...to 'know' what it is all about: Follow your passion and - if you want to - share it.



While I can see this gaming getting releases on every console (maybe not the Wii U) and the PC, I'm pretty sure that Sony realises their potential and because of that supports them. I mean, they gave them a segment in the E3 conference!


I've come to love Sony's approach to gaming and their own platform and I wished that others would do the same (Microsoft is slowly but steadily moving in that direction).

No Man's Sky's developers and Sony have a lot in common and I hope they will continue to work together.







Haven't been this excited for a game..well...possibly ever.

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Wow that looks amazing. I've always wanted a game where you could explore the universe, properly. And the fact it's generated and you could be the first person to find a new planet makes it all the more amazing.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...
Oh man, i really hope this comes to XBone at some point. This is currently the only PS4 exclusive that interests me, but it's not quite enough to warrant getting both consoles...


Their other games made it to Xbox eventually. It's a small team, so they're focusing on one platform at a time. First PS4, then PC. They're more experienced with Sony's consoles.

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