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The Super Mario 3D World thread


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I'm playing this game right now. One thing that annoys me is the camera. Why can't I have complete reign over it at my choosing? The levels are pretty and I want to just spin the camera around so I can see it from various angles. It seems like a lot of the time it's fixed. Such a shame for such a beautiful game.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

So I finally "beat" the game (i.e Seen the credits, not 100%ed the game yet) and...


I still feel that it's underwhelming as a whole.


Don't get me wrong, it's a brilliant game, simply a joy to play, but I can't help but feel that it's missing something. Despite being more fleshed out, I still enjoyed SM3DL much more than this...


Maybe it's because it doesn't have that one defining concept that unifies everything together. Like how Mario Sunshine was all about the FLUDD, Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 were all about gravity manipulation & the spherical planetoids and how SM3DL was all about the THREEDEE!!!


This game in comparison doesn't have that one defining quality and is instead a mishmash of all different concepts without That-One-Thing to bring it all together (the multiplayer is the closest thing, but even that is basically an alternate take on the form of multiplayer that NSMB Wii pioneered).


I reckon that's probably what holds it back in my mind ::shrug: I've been playing it on and off and have been enjoying it, but I've not felt compelled to dig deep into it like most past Mario games. It's odd :blank:


Edit: Going back and replaying the first two worlds of SM3DL also reminded me of something I hadn't really taken notice of while playing SM3DW... The levels in SM3DW are much longer than its predecessor... (To compare the first levels of each game, my best time for SM3DW's 1-1 is 59 seconds, while the SM3DL equivilent is 39... The former is around 1/3 longer; and the gap only widens as the game goes on).


I think that SM3DL's levels are better paced than those in SM3DW. They're also much better fit for speed running too (never forget that level in World 7 where, if you're clever, you can make a jump that allows you to skip almost the entire level :D); the world map is also indicative of this as you get into levels much quicker in SM3DL. While I wouldn't say that SM3DW's levels outstayed their welcome, or that the levels didn't have enough fresh and incentive ideas to justify the added length, I do feel that the added length takes away from the rapid fire pace that I enjoyed so much in SM3DL.


I feel that this format of 3D Mario gameplay works better in short form than when it is stretched out.


As an aside, going back and playing through SM3DL also really reminded me of how well each level really takes advantage of the S3D too! Going in and out of the screen, the top-down platforming levels, the big vertigo inducing drops, the perspective puzzle rooms... It really goes to town in that respect!


SM3DW on the other hand only uses the Gamepad for a few specific levels (and even then, it's reletively minor and basic touch screen stuff). Outside of the Captain Toad levels (which were probably the best levels in the game - the fact that they're getting expanded into an entire game of their own tells you enough about that!), it basically goes unused... A big missed opportunity, especially coming from a series of games that always made fantastic use of each respective console's unique control functionality and made a point about it to boot!


Yeah, SM3DL is the better game, for sure. For all the great new ideas and gameplay concepts it brings to the table as a Lost Levels/SMG2 style sequel to SM3DL, I feel that it also misses the point that its predecessor was making. Sometimes, less is more...

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Maybe it's because it doesn't have that one defining concept that unifies everything together. Like how Mario Sunshine was all about the FLUDD, Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 were all about gravity manipulation & the spherical planetoids and how SM3DL was all about the THREEDEE!!!


I get that some people are massively into the more themed Mario games, but I was happy to get to play something that feels like it went right back to basics. The focus this time around really seemed to be on presenting fun, unique levels - I only really appreciated this when I returned to the game recently to collect stuff to unlock the last world. Even the later stages that remix the earlier ones feel pretty fresh.


For me, and I know I may be alone in feeling this way, 3D World feels like the culmination of every Mario game before it and the result is something I'd be happy for Nintendo to continue developing in future iterations of the mainline Mario series. Yep, even keeping the dastardly run button.

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I think a big problem for me was how derivative it was. Where Mario 64, Sunshine and Galaxy had always brought something new, this was basically a polished 3D Mario game superimposed on the existing Mario World theme and template. It made it a lot less exciting really.

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If I played SM3DW in single player I would've found it a lot less enjoyable.


As it was, I could see whilst I was playing it that it wasn't up to the standard I was used to, but I was having too much fun with what I was doing to care.

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I get that some people are massively into the more themed Mario games, but I was happy to get to play something that feels like it went right back to basics. The focus this time around really seemed to be on presenting fun, unique levels - I only really appreciated this when I returned to the game recently to collect stuff to unlock the last world. Even the later stages that remix the earlier ones feel pretty fresh.


For me, and I know I may be alone in feeling this way, 3D World feels like the culmination of every Mario game before it and the result is something I'd be happy for Nintendo to continue developing in future iterations of the mainline Mario series. Yep, even keeping the dastardly run button.


Yeah I liked that as well and I also liked the new and unique level types they introduced as well like the circus levels and the traditional Japanese style level. Still, SM3DL did that as well, so it's not the first time that they've ditched the idea of themed worlds.


I just feel that the gameplay format was done better in SM3DL than its sequel ::shrug:

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Don't get me wrong, it's a brilliant game, simply a joy to play, but I can't help but feel that it's missing something..


Absolutely : peace:


Super Mario 3D World is AWESOME and I can appreciate that the way levels are divided up provides an exceptional variety for Nintendo just to go crazy with their ideas, but the game as a whole does indeed seem to be missing that little ingredient that makes it an undeniable classic..


I still love it, though :love:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can now add this to my list of Wii U games.


I've just finished world three and am so far missing just 3 green stars and 1 stamp so I've been trying to be fairly thorough before moving worlds.


I's pretty darn good, but it definitely lacks something. The fun is there yet it doesn't have the wow factor that Galaxy brought with it. I dare say the score has something to do with that too. Galaxy didn't have typical mario music but it felt like it belonged all the same. The Galaxies games locations allowed for more liberties with sound design. What's here isn't bad but the only real highlight so far has been the Mario Kart remix and I'm smart enough to know that it's really nostalgia at work on that one. I really can't recall any other music piece so far - not even the main theme.


I will also say the lack of fully analog movement is a little annoying/disappointing too. I know why they did it but it doesn't mean I have to like it, and it does make a difference even within the relatively angular level designs. It was much less of an issue on the smaller/tighter levels of 3D Land but it's a lot more obvious here.


Niggles aside though, it is a really fun game and I look forward to see what the later stages have to offer.

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Ive finally completed the main game this evening. Got the post game stuff to do plus get all the stamps and stars. I've just been taking it a few levels at a time. This is what I tend to do with platformers these days.


A very underrated game.

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Ive finally completed the main game this evening. Got the post game stuff to do plus get all the stamps and stars. I've just been taking it a few levels at a time. This is what I tend to do with platformers these days.


A very underrated game.







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  • 2 weeks later...

I got this the other day and I have to say so far I'm not enjoying it as much as I thought I would...


Theres a few things that are bugging me. Simple things like running; the speed doesn't feel as fluid or natural as it did before. Back flipping doesn't have the same effect as it used to, and wall jumping is less useful than it used to be.


I also can't help but feel Mario games have gone backwards in many respects since Mario 64. Each home console iteration seems to be gradually reducing the size of the overworld; we never get anything that could be properly compared to Peaches Castle anymore. Sunshine's was good, but then we had the castle/whatever of Galaxy that was lacklustre and then the tiny Mario head of Galaxy 2. Now they've fully gone back to just the SM3 style overworld, except you can run freely around it in a very unsatisfying way.


Levels too are not as expansive as they once were, now sticking to the Galaxy formula of smaller, more linear levels. That made sense in Galaxy but now it just feels lazy.


I'm saying all this having only reached world 3 but I doubt many of the things I've said will change in the rest of the game. It's just not fluid enough somehow; it doesn't have the same instantly satisfying controls as the previous Mario's have had. Compare the movement in this to Sunshine and it's simply not as good.


I will perservere despite all this because it is decent enough, but really it feels more like a 2D Mario than a 3D Mario, with rubbish 3D controls to go with.

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  • 1 month later...

Alright. Finished this.


Well, the Champion Road level was the coolest thing of the game and it wasn't even that good.

Still, this level alone is the best Nintendo has done with Super Mario in years.


Shame you had to go to the tedious task of collecting everything in the rest of the game which, in my opinion, was boring. :(


Just remaster Mario 64 or make a direct sequel please.

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Another glowing review of a Wii U game drahkon! : peace:




I still need to go back and 'do everything' on this game. But I have such a backlog.


I'd love to see some DLC or patch for this to include more playable characters. Unlikely. But a Wario / Waluigi inclusion would be delicious!

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[Champion Road] alone is the best Nintendo has done with Super Mario in years.


A level that makes no real sense and is just lots of suspended platforms stuck together is better than the beautifully realised themed levels from the rest of the game? The circus or beep block themed ones or ones where you rode around on a dinosaur or ice skated inside a boot? :indeed:


The rest of the game is crap but Champion Road is great? I don't get your reasoning. You wouldn't be complaining just for the sake of complaining would you?

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A level that makes no real sense and is just lots of suspended platforms stuck together is better than the beautifully realised themed levels from the rest of the game? The circus or beep block themed ones or ones where you rode around on a dinosaur or ice skated inside a boot? :indeed:


The rest of the game is crap but Champion Road is great? I don't get your reasoning. You wouldn't be complaining just for the sake of complaining would you?


I think it might just be a case of "It's easy, so it sucks"

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Another glowing review of a Wii U game drahkon! : peace:




Shut up :p


The rest of the game is crap but Champion Road is great? I don't get your reasoning. You wouldn't be complaining just for the sake of complaining would you?


How dare I state my opinion. :indeed: And how dare my opinion be something negative against a Nintendo game...

Where exactly did I say the rest of the game is crap? I simply said that getting to the Champion Road (i.e. collecting everything) was boring and tedious, not once have I said the levels were crap.

My implication was: They weren't as good as Champion Road.


It's simply a matter of taste...


@Glen\-i got it partly right. Champion Road was good, because it was difficult. I like difficult platformers.

However, I never said the game "sucks". I said I found it boring (especially getting the collectibles).

Objectively it's an ok platformer. I mean...it's a Super Mario Game.

Other than that...it bored me for 90% of the playtime. also...every level before Champion Road was crap

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So a game bores you for 90% of your playtime but you never said it was crap. Gotcha.


There's a difference in saying "The game bored me" and "The game is crap".

The latter implies that the game is broken, that gameplay mechanics don't work, etc. And we all know, Mario games always work...


The first is simply me saying: "I didn't have a lot of fun with the game". :indeed:


To make you happy: Here's a Sony game I didn't enjoy: God of War 3. The game worked, it played well, but I found it to be fucking boring.

And here's a game on a Microsoft console I found boring: Gears of War.


So no, I'm not just complaining for the sake of complaining or because I want to 'bash Nintendo'...

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There's a difference in saying "The game bored me" and "The game is crap". The latter implies that the game is broken, that gameplay mechanics don't work


AND it could also mean it just wasn't fun to play, which in this case applies for you.


If you were bored of playing 3D World, maybe platformers aren't for you.

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AND it could also mean it just wasn't fun to play, which in this case applies for you.


:wtf: Yeah, it could also mean that. But in this case it doesn't. As I've said: Objectively 3D world is a good game (and for some that means it is a fun game).

For me...it is a solid game, i.e. not broken and some parts are fun. But ultimately I found it boring.


You know..that's my opinion.....


If you were bored of playing 3D World, maybe platformers aren't for you.


I love Super Mario World, I love Mario 64, I love Yoshi's Island, I love Rayman Origins, I love Rayman Legends, I love Guacamelee, I love Super Meat Boy, I love CaveStory, I love Aladdin, I love the Donkey Kong SNES Games. :indeed:


Maybe you should just accept that there are people who didn't enjoy 3D World and not try to devalue their opinion just by taking apart every sentence they said.

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