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Uncharted 4: A Thief's End


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Started this on Saturday and I'm probably about mid-way through at the moment. I'll not say too much but so far it has been absolutely fantastic, solid pacing and the story telling/character interactions have been great, some decent set-pieces, stealth is actually viable this time (for the most part anyway), looks outstanding and is a little less linear than previous games.


Dabbled with the multiplayer briefly this afternoon (as the servers only just went live) and just like in the beta, I'm absolutely terrible. Something about online shooters and me just don't get on, that said, I can see me spending a little more time on that side of things as there seems to be a fair amount of unlockables/upgrades etc.

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My game should be getting here tomorrow. Not sure when I'll actually get around to playing it though...maybe Wednesday evening? Could be the weekend! Ahhhh.


I'm going into every game with absolutely no expectations now and just hoping to be pleasantly surprised. Haven't really been following this closely so know next to nothing. Feels quite nice, actually. :D

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There's plenty of perfect score reviews kicking about. Check out the neogaf review thread.


I've got a list of people on here who will no doubt not like the game for various reasons. Let's see if I'm correct....


Sony are giving this a great marketing push. I've seen the advert on TV about 6 times tonight and seen it twice at the cinema. This is how you promote your franchises.


Am I on the list? You should probably put me on it.


Though I am looking forward to playing it eventually. The open beta felt damn smooth, and aiming use to be one of my main complaints for the series.

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Oh God this. This is everything I've wanted to say about other things in the past:




I can only imagine the hate if I'd reviewed certain games over the years :grin:


As for the 5GB update, I'd be lucky if I was playing the game by the end of the week with something like that :heh:

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Sure you can, but I don't know what the patch fixes for the single player, which is why I waited.


Anyway, only took 30 minutes for me, so I'm already well into the game. Been great so far as expected.

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I bought the digital copy. Game was downloaded a couple of days ago all patches were downloaded yesterday at some point. All very painless so I was able to play from midnight - too bad I was working today so only played until the opening credits but already loving it.

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Oh God this. This is everything I've wanted to say about other things in the past:




Jim Sterling did a similar thing. http://www.thejimquisition.com/quantum-break-is-blatantly-better-than-uncharted-4/

Since some people flipped shit that he could possible give two games the same numerical score. And today he published a review for Battleborn with the same score and in italics a note saying it's exactly as good as Uncharted 4.


I find it refreshing.

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Amazon let me down again with preordering a game... never again. Says delivery date friday...


They've done me over too, but usually they have conservative estimates, so hopefully it arrives tomorrow.

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Jim Sterling did a similar thing. http://www.thejimquisition.com/quantum-break-is-blatantly-better-than-uncharted-4/

Since some people flipped shit that he could possible give two games the same numerical score. And today he published a review for Battleborn with the same score and in italics a note saying it's exactly as good as Uncharted 4.


I find it refreshing.


Amazing. Best bit:


There is no greater measure of a game’s objective quality than a review score. We all know this. Publishers hinge money on review scores, and NeoGAF posters stake the success of their personal growth as human beings on numeral validation. With this in mind, we must conclude that Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, sporting a measly 8.5 on popular website The Jimquisition Dot Com, is an utter disappointment.


A fun poke at review scoring in general, the people who hinge off scores and why I think it's usually detrimental to have them in a review.


In other news, I just bought Uncharted 4 for 32 quid off Amazon, being delivered within a 2-hour window that I selected tomorrow. Link here with the promo code for those interested.

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I didn't get as much played on this yesterday as I was hoping for. By the time I got in from work, went to the gym and downloaded the patch it was around 7pm. Then the footy was on at 8. :(


Anyway, i've enjoyed what i've seen of the game so far. The graphics and animations are stunning. Absolutely stunning. When i'm watching the cutscenes i'm left wondering just how the hell they have pulled this off.


I adored this chapter. Looking through all the artifacts from the old games, seeing Nate in a normal life, talking with Elena and finally playing Crash Bandicoot were all awesome scenes. The latter of those scenes really had me in stitches.


"He's a fox with jeans?"

"Why is he stealing fruit?"

"He should have just climbed out of the pit. I would have just climbed out the pit."


Hilarious stuff.



You finished it yet, @Tales? I think you were on it the best part of the day. :D

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You finished it yet, @Tales? I think you were on it the best part of the day. :D


Yeah, I took the day off for the game, so I got to play nearly 10 hours straight on the single player. Still only on chapter 12 though, I'm trying to explore as much of it myself. Have found about 2/3 of the treasures.


Loved chapter 4 myself too.

I almost felt sad for him when he started the fake battle with the toy gun :p How he misses his old life...


Yeah the Crash Bandicat part was hilarious. You even had to use the analog buttons :p


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I bought it : peace:


Patch is downloading, I'm having lunch now and can't wait to boot this up. :D


Edit: Just got all the multiplayer trophies. Now I'm ready for the singleplayer. :bouncy:


Edit²: This was me during the prologue and chapters 1+2:




This game is absolutely beautiful...case in point:













Yes, I love photo mode :D


Everything is stunning. Graphics, sound, atmosphere, gameplay...Naughty Dog did it again. :bowdown:


And I'm only at chapter 3 :laughing:

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