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A CEO with the same beliefs will not mean things will remain the same, at all. Company strategy is dictated by the whole board; a strong CEO ensures the strategy works. We've been through this before, brah. No need to keep repeating it.




As for Iwata, I wonder just how strong he is with regards to changing things if they're not working. Obviously things aren't working well as they are and Nintendo as a company must be aware of this. By the end of this year, we should know how big his balls are.

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If Iwata was what gaming needed right now, consumers would have responded with something other than utter indifference.


I just dont think it works like this at all, in all other entertainment fields, quality and popularity aren't linked, and some of the most innovative and bold it's artists weren't recognised at the time but were later and/or inspired future artists. A CEO and a company that does something different, irrespective of how popular it is, should not only be applauded and welcomed, but could also be retrospectively loved and adored... You know. Like the game cube. And n64. Or even the ps3 after the first year or so.

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Nintendo is loved and adored, which is why people are demanding more. The opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference and that is exactly Nintendo's problem right now. The majority of gamers don't hate the Wii U (in spite of what some people want to believe) they are indifferent to it.

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Peter Moore, the Chief Operating Officer at EA, has taken to Twitter to apologise for the troll tweets published today from an anonymous developer on the Frostbite engine Twitter account. Moore says the tweets were not condoned by EA and presumably the person involved has had a stern talking too. You can read the deleted tweets below.


Frostbite now runs on the #WiiU since it is the most powerful Gen4 platform, our renderer is now optimized for Mario and Zelda.


Frostbite will power #HalfLife3, coming out summer 2014! #WiiU exclusive.


Good news, we have finally fixed and optimized our ‘netcode’. Uses quantum entanglement for Zero Latency connections. Exclusively on #WiiU.




Moore calls them partners? Unprecedented partnership?


And a little bit more.




Their apology rings hollow. This isn't the first time either.

Edited by Wii
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Didn't want to create a thread to ask this question, so I'll just put it here for now.


When / where was it that Iwata said that Nintendo would be looking at pushing their properties and licensing them out across various products?



Was I making that up?


Sorta hit me that they've done this pretty quickly (Mario Kart actual kart you can buy and sit in for kids, Pokemon & Addidas world cup sponsership, Mario toys and McDonalds and recently Pokemon&Google Maps)

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Didn't want to create a thread to ask this question, so I'll just put it here for now.


When / where was it that Iwata said that Nintendo would be looking at pushing their properties and licensing them out across various products?



Was I making that up?


Sorta hit me that they've done this pretty quickly (Mario Kart actual kart you can buy and sit in for kids, Pokemon & Addidas world cup sponsership, Mario toys and McDonalds and recently Pokemon&Google Maps)

Was during the January investor meeting

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Because he's the CEO Gaming deserves, but not the one it needs right now.




Tried so hard not to burst out laughing in the office. I couldn't manage it. Now people think I'm weird for not explaining what I found so funny(they wouldn't get it).


was the tweet itself an April fools? partners @Nintendo? who is he kidding there the sort of partners/ally's you'd get at an event in Game of Thrones


As much as they don't like each other - I don't think they'd be quite so bold as to publicly and obviously slate them and destroy the pretense. Professionality, I guess. I'm not reading any more from it than that myself, though.

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Can anyone find any sources (company checks etc) that shows Nintendo's 5 Billion yen finances?... If this is accurate its a bit shocking our fan-wank Nintendo dreams aren't coming true.

What do you mean? Their assets? That'd be $5bn. 5bn yen is like $50million

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was the tweet itself an April fools? partners Nintendo? who is he kidding there the sort of partners/ally's you'd get at an event in Game of Thrones


Honestly, I trust Peter Moore at the head of EA more than I did Riccotello (or however you spell it). A lot of the issues with EA and Nintendo seemed to stem from him not getting his way.


Moore is a good guy and I wouldn't be surprised if he is trying to wholeheartedly resolve some of the issues between the two companies behind the scenes. Yes, it's still unlikely we'll many of the games coming out of EA but I do think under Moore, Wii U owners will at least get something (most likely FIFA, etc.) which is a hell of a lot more than they'd have gotten under the previous management.

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As the dates draw closer, with the reality of Smash and MK8 coming out this year (as well as Iwata being on the hot seat), and also E3 around the corner - I am close to having absolute faith Nintendo can pull things around.


I think all the negativity will subdue slightly when we're playing MK8 in HD online, in the month of our Lord E3.


Believe people! :D

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If MK8 & Smash Bros both have voice chat, I'll have faith they could turn it around somewhat. If they lack it I'll not be able to gain faith they'll turn it around at all, they'd be seen too much as too behind the times when it comes to their online if these two lack voice chat.

I'll enjoy them still, just not as much as I hold be doing in this day and age.

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If MK8 & Smash Bros both have voice chat, I'll have faith they could turn it around somewhat. If they lack it I'll not be able to gain faith they'll turn it around at all, they'd be seen too much as too behind the times when it comes to their online if these two lack voice chat.

I'll enjoy them still, just not as much as I hold be doing in this day and age.


What's Wong with everyone wanting voice chat I hate playing game and talking at the same time

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If MK8 & Smash Bros both have voice chat, I'll have faith they could turn it around somewhat. If they lack it I'll not be able to gain faith they'll turn it around at all, they'd be seen too much as too behind the times when it comes to their online if these two lack voice chat.

I'll enjoy them still, just not as much as I hold be doing in this day and age.


Well, if Pokemon of all games can have voice chat - I say it will be a given. Theres a mic right on the gamepad.


What's Wong with everyone wanting voice chat I hate playing game and talking at the same time


I understand having the option, but I cant stand it either.

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What's Wong with everyone wanting voice chat I hate playing game and talking at the same time


It should be an option for private games, there is no reason in 2014 for it not to be included.


Having voice chat in COD and Monster Hunter improves the online experience, I wouldn't have put hundreds of hours into those games if there was no voice chat.


For the league nights it would be incredible to have voice chat.


Also its spelt wrong not wong.

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