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Super Mario 3D World (Nov 29th)


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I'm really excited about this game. Can't wait to get my hands on it!

I was gonna wait until Christmas, as it's the perfect game to be playing during those long (sometimes boring) Christmas, Boxing days and the days after where all you wanna do is unbutton your jeans after too much food, flake out on the couch and GAME!!


But I can't wait! So will be getting this at launch!


Also, if you are bored of Mario - don't buy it and move the fuck on. Can we all please turn our attention to playing this game and getting some hype going rather than moaning about how big the file for it is, the game havin the same textures, the lack of proper 3d movement, the length of the game and how it's like NSMB (which is a statement I don't quite get I'm afraid)! It is what it is - and I think it looks sweeeeet. Roll on launch! :D

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Oh right...well then, guess that means Killzone is just another Halo. CoD another Medal of Honor etc.


Killzone isn't Halo but in a thin 3D world that somehow feels 2D.


I didn't like the demos of 3D Land and 3D World because they felt exactly the same as the NSMB games.

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How can a game play like a game in a different genre?


Because genres are man-made things used to prescribe certain attributes to a product that don't naturally have categorisations anyway, and thus anything can be anything. Genres are useful for categorising, but we're not talking about fucking species here (where differences exist naturally) or anything like that. It's a bloody game!


Resident Evil 4 was a horror-survivor but felt like an action game. Majora's Mask was an adventure game but arguably felt more like a puzzle (in the sense that the time-limit required you to approach things differently). Thomas Was Alone is a puzzle that feels more like an interactive documentary thanks to the voice over.


You can't say that 3D World and New don't play similarly because the genres are different because genres are made up and often are bollocks. For example, I'm seeing a boroque pop artist tonight. WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT EVEN MEAN!? As a species we like to categorise and sometimes it gets out of hand. It has its uses, but you can't point at something and say "that's this genre so it can't play in this way" and act as if its gospel because that is both naive and extremely suppressive. Developers should be screwing around with genres, trying new things. Some of the most interesting products (I'm talking wider media here) do play with genre and if we're taking "2D platformer" as a different genre to "3D platformer" why the hell can't they blend? That's what Nintendo has done here, it's added 3D elements to its successful 2D franchise. It is neither one or the other, but to me it plays more like a 2D title.


I don't think you're going to like my review :heh: And it's even going to have a good score too.

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That's what Nintendo has done here, it's added 3D elements to its successful 2D franchise. It is neither one or the other, but to me it plays more like a 2D title.


Works both ways. Looks to me more like they added 2D elements to its successful 3D franchise.

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Also, it's not short, and easy is relative.


As is short, silly.


Anyway, regarding playtimes/length etc(which I think an aspect of ease plays into) I decided to go through HLTB and see how everything ranks. It lists user-submitted times from main story completion, total completionist, speed runs and 'main story+extras'(which I presume is main story plus more, but not completionist). Also lists number of submissions made in each category. Other than the overall average I've ignored speed runs due to risk of them skewing the numbers when not being typical, as well as main story+extras not being so well defined.


TITLE - [color="Red"]AVG.MAINSTORY[/color]/[color="Blue"]COMPLETIONIST[/color] - [color="Red"]POLLED[/color]/[color="Blue"]POLLED[/color] - AVERAGETOTAL/POLLED(includes speedruns and mainstory+extras)

SMGx     - [color="Red"]16h02m[/color]/[color="Blue"]46h00m[/color] - [color="Red"]50[/color]/[color="Blue"]32[/color] - 28h11m/121
SM64     - [color="Red"]13h37m[/color]/[color="Blue"]27h36m[/color] - [color="Red"]32[/color]/[color="Blue"]31[/color] - 18h57m/90
SMG2     - [color="Red"]13h35m[/color]/[color="Blue"]34h24m[/color] - [color="Red"]33[/color]/[color="Blue"]29[/color] - 22h47m/90
SM64DS   - [color="Red"]11h40m[/color]/[color="Blue"]30526m[/color] - [color="Red"]05[/color]/[color="Blue"]06[/color] - 24h00m/18
NSMBU    - [color="Red"]09h29m[/color]/[color="Blue"]26h52m[/color] - [color="Red"]22[/color]/[color="Blue"]13[/color] - 15h11m/49
SMBWii   - [color="Red"]08h29m[/color]/[color="Blue"]23h57m[/color] - [color="Red"]22[/color]/[color="Blue"]16[/color] - 14h02m/59
NSMB     - [color="Red"]07h48m[/color]/[color="Blue"]17h53m[/color] - [color="Red"]25[/color]/[color="Blue"]15[/color] - 10h57m/61
Yoshi's  - [color="Red"]07h37m[/color]/[color="Blue"]15h12m[/color] - [color="Red"]21[/color]/[color="Blue"]06[/color] - 09h24m/36
SM3DL    - [color="Red"]06h44m[/color]/[color="Blue"]21h06m[/color] - [color="Red"]80[/color]/[color="Blue"]69[/color] - 13h17m/220
NSMB2    - [color="Red"]05h30m[/color]/[color="Blue"]17h22m[/color] - [color="Red"]33[/color]/[color="Blue"]16[/color] - 10h34m/78
SMW      - [color="Red"]05h15m[/color]/[color="Blue"]11h06m[/color] - [color="Red"]29[/color]/[color="Blue"]28[/color] - 06h54m/92
SMB3     - [color="Red"]04h29m[/color]/[color="Blue"]05h52m[/color] - [color="Red"]40[/color]/[color="Blue"]18[/color] - 04h42m/77





Soooo....we can see the more recent offerings seem to offer a shorter main quest/story, but also a number of extras that can fill the time of the completionists. Makes no comment on the quality of the items to be collected to completion, but it looks somewhat interesting to me at least. Interesting to see the more recent offerings have offered less in the 'main' story - is that an issue of difficulty or something else?


Coming back to point - for most of 3DLand I would manage to find the golden coins as I played through rather than playing, completing, then going back(I definitely did pop back on occasion after completing a level and missing one or two) though I did give some levels an immediate second playthrough to see if it was where I thought/possibly get it.


However where there were ones I couldn't get too quickly or easily - I didn't bother, but these were few and far between. I'm sure the green stars in this will be fun, and also finding warp zones and any other secrets - but unless they're secrets worth something more than just being collectible then there's a bit pointless to me. However having said that I was glad to see in one of the earlier posted videos that the green stars lead to unlocking levels and bosses etc.

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However where there were ones I couldn't get too quickly or easily - I didn't bother, but these were few and far between. I'm sure the green stars in this will be fun, and also finding warp zones and any other secrets - but unless they're secrets worth something more than just being collectible then there's a bit pointless to me. However having said that I was glad to see in one of the earlier posted videos that the green stars lead to unlocking levels and bosses etc.


There are certain levels that only open when you get a certain amount, which is why I've got as many as I have. There are times I'd just miss one and go back into the level, but the idea of collecting them all doesn't appeal to me personally.

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There are certain levels that only open when you get a certain amount, which is why I've got as many as I have. There are times I'd just miss one and go back into the level, but the idea of collecting them all doesn't appeal to me personally.


Hmm...if I ever got the game I could see that appealing to me in a sense of wanting to get everything done - but still feeling a little chorey(SM3DL did on occasion). There needs to be some sort of proper incentive for unlocking the levels though - really fun, new twists, something to appeal.

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So the IGN review leaked on Youtube. Posted on gaf so not entirely sure how real it is but the video was yanked quickly.




I can see some 10's flying Marios way again.


edit -


Its real, just watched the review here



And here:



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Damn. I was going to ask what peoples predictions were of what score this would be on Metacritic, I thought we had a few days to spare. That's a savage score, long may it continue. I was reading on IGN and people were saying before the score obviously that this could be Game Of The Year and people said not a chance(The Last Of Us, supposedly). So then they said well it's platformer of the year and then people remembered Rayman Legends. Not a chance they say so let's see. Game On!


Still make your prediction of the final Metacritic score.

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Mario is my favourite game series of all time. I'm so pleased this looks so good... A new mario and a new Zelda within a week. Both getting amazing reviews, just incredible.... And still no one will buy them :)




I'm glad we are getting Zelda a week before Mario. The poor Yanks have them dropping on the same day. At least I can get Zelda done and dusted before Mario arrives.


GAF does it again.



Edited by Hero-of-Time
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So the IGN review leaked on Youtube. Posted on gaf so not entirely sure how real it is but the video was yanked quickly.




I can see some 10's flying Marios way again.


edit -


Its real, just watched the review here



Am somewhat surprised. Since Rich and Audrey left, I thought the times of non-cynical Nintendo reviews were over

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Ahhh how lovely to see these review scores! Now let's all go back and read the previous comments about file size how it's not 3d and how the textures aren't too different from the other Mario games and LAUGH. LAAAAUUGH! :laughing:


I kid. I can't wait for this now!! :D

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