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Official Sony E3 Press Conference Discussion - 11th June @ 2am


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I only caught the late end of the conference, but holy fuck, I am happy to admit I was wrong about Sony's direction. I'm glad I wasn't right, because this hobby and industry would have gone in a very sour direction.


Although Nintendo has got a very good line up waiting to be revealed tonight, I just don't see how they can top this. This had the games we've waited for, the services that the PS3 could have done, the trash talking, the hype of a true next generation console. And most of all, they were the only ones who could have put Microsoft in their place. Nintendo is already out of the gate and will probably gain a lot of steam very soon, but I think the hype Sony built is too strong.


Well done Sony, well done. I've trash talked about you a lot over the years, but just as I was feeling I was warming up to you, you go and pull off this absolutely amazing stunt. PS4 is pretty much the only console I want right now.

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£349. MS are in trouble!!


Pre order in, I don't mind paying for online. Used to it with live and it seems Sony give you a lot for your money.


Sony still showing they don't give a damn about the vita.


Wii u will need a major price drop as PS4 @ £350 looks such a bargain compared to £299 Wii u

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The only bad thing is that they are charging for online play now. It doesn't bother me as I pay for Live and Plus anyway, but it will annoy a lot of people. Given that the PS4 will let you play used games, I think it's a fair trade.


As a neutral Nintendo only gamer, this 'positive' statement is very depressing! :(

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Just finished watching the show on Youtube.


Overall still not tempted to get one but it was nice to see them MURDER Microsoft.


When they talked about the Used Game, lending and connected stuff (and did Jack say something like "got ya"?) you could hear them stabbing MS and twisting the knife.


BUT it is a little be sad that such an announcement had to be made and that it would gain such a cheer given it all has been a "feature" of every console ever in history :heh:


Does this mean though that PS4 games also don't require an install like the XB1 does? Or maybe you can install but still requires the disc to play?


Wonder if this seemingly lack of DRM features has EA sour towards Sony too.... don't recall seeing an EA stuff during the show (unless I somehow skipped it?)


Then the price at the end, undercutting MS so much on all 3 price points.

Wonder if they were waiting for MS to show their price first and then decided their own after :heh: (Wonder if same happened with DRM too...maybe they were thinking about it but saw the reaction to MS' plans and then changed their minds?)


Even if the XB1 didn't have the DRM issue, with both launching round the same time with such a price difference (double the difference I was expecting and in the opposite direction too) surely the XB1 is dead in the water before it even comes out. MS will have a hell of a job to do in the next few months.... don't know what they could do to turn it around short of flip-flopping on the DRM stuff and dropping the price before launch :heh:



I do wonder though how much of a loss Sony will be taking at that price point too?



Overall though while there were a few games that piqued my interest (mainly some of the indie stuff) it wasn't enough to tempt me into buying/wanting a 2nd console.

But it was oddly nice to see them massacre MS.... guess the thoughts that one of the main 3 console makers might drop out after this gen could happen...looks like Xbox could be it :heh:


Is there no E3 stream archive? I can't find anything and for some reason Sony's website thinks restreaming the conference is better than having a normal archive


Youtube is your friend






Oh forgot to comment on the design of the PS4...


yeah.... smaller/slimmer than expected but still damned ugly... that really what they were hyping over...really?

Well it is a bit better looking than the XB1 I guess

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Wonder if this seemingly lack of DRM features has EA sour towards Sony too.... don't recall seeing an EA stuff during the show (unless I somehow skipped it?)


I dont think they're going to have a problem. Most of the EA games shown at their conference were confirmed at the time to be PS4 as well so it doesnt look like they are holding out at all.

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Leaning more towards getting a PS4, though I have no plans on getting it anywhere near launch but Sony seem to be on the ball this gen. Price is very good, but for me they need the software first.


I preferred Xbox this gen but been appreciating the PS3 more lately although it needed PS+ for it to do that and I don't think it should have needed an additional subscription to do that. I find it better value than Gold, but I'm going off topic now.

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Okay so i have just got in work with no knowledge of the ps4 and planning on googling etc, and my mate who is a pc gamer came up to me asking about Microsofts funeral! when i was puzzled he told me to google the price



Its been 10 min and i've stopped chuckling, i only know the price and know that Microsoft have been xboned


time to watch youtube and laugh some more



but those pictures! damn its ugly still its a stone cold killer already

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I shall be viewing Youtube when i get home concerning the PS4, but damn. The price reveal of the Xbone made me laugh, who in their right mind would pay for a all-controlling console that you don't own games for and spys on you 24/7


Then i saw the PS4 price and the opposite DRM, so long Xbox. Nice knowing you, i will keep the 360 for a while. But i am moving on over to the PS4 either at launch or early next year, not sure yet.

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I must say, SONY was perfect last night.


More Indie support is where it's at!


It was absolutely beautiful!


But one indeed has to wonder, with all this free stuff, and a lower pricepoint than the Xbone, how on earth are they making a profit on all of this?

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Oh, and I really didn't think that the leap in graphics would be this massive!




Especially David Cage's Tech Demo! He wasn't kidding with those 10.000 polygons.


I constantly had to do a double take and remind myself that I was watching a game, because some people in games just look so fucking real!!

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Nope, I think it looks great. Can't believe how small it is, tbh.


I know! I had to keep double taking a bit just to make sure it was really as small as I thought it was (that's what she said).


It somehow reminds me of the Wii, PS2 and Xbone all at once in a good way. Really does like pretty snazzy.

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