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Stuff you do when you're stressed/annoyed


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Chuck weights around...


Eat a load of crap.


If i get stressed gaming wise it normally involved chucking the controller across the room. I also headbutted the wii u gamepad the other day whilst playing Tekken with frustration.


Just storm off...a regular occurance after watching Sheffield United

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I think one of my major problems is I have no real go-to activity for when I get enraged. I guess whenever I get stressed I kind of default to doing the most productive thing I can within my immediate surroundings. Like I'll just go do the washing up or start tidying up.


Whenever I was drawing comics back in the day and something was stressing me out, I'd save a copy and totally sabotage/deface the image. No forehead would be without a gigantic wang and characters would have entire conversations using a variation of spellings of childish profanity.

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Definitely changed my mood from annoyance to rage.


Don't you mean the other way around? Unless were trying to Hulk out.




When I enter rage mode, I usually let it out by punching or throwing stuff, which has resulted in stuff getting dents and scratches, and I'm always embarrassed afterwards that I let my temper run off.


If I'm just in a bad mood, I often sit down with something pleasant, like some hot chocolate and a TV series. It usually helps.

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Right, I'm just going to be that guy and say wanking and porn!


Okay, now that's out of the way, when I'm stressed or annoyed, I go running, jogging, play Just Dance on the Wii, weightlift, play squash or play videogames or listen to music or do the above when I'm in the mood.


Usually, the thing that helps the most is driving. No destination, just driving anywhere. Love driving a lot.

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Right, I'm just going to be that guy and say wanking and porn!


Okay, now that's out of the way, when I'm stressed or annoyed, I go running, jogging, play Just Dance on the Wii, weightlift, play squash or play videogames or listen to music or do the above when I'm in the mood.




I'm sorry, but I think we have to get married.


When I'm stressed, my Compulsions kick in. I usually start with a little tooth brushing...about twenty times a day, hand washing say twice or thrice as many times as I go to the bathroom.


Or a nice run.

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I don't handle stress very well these days and have never been good at dealing with anger/annoyances. Recently, it has led to having anxiety and/or panic attacks which is super helpful when you've got to give presentations.


Definitely doesn't help that I bottle a lot of this stuff up until it starts to leak out/burst out everywhere, although I'm not worried as at most it'll probably just result in me curled up in a ball in the corner crying my eyes out :nono:


Pretty much just settle in and listen to a couple of hours of music in the hope of relieving stress and it works most of the time. I've tried to write/draw but that just frustrates me and makes it worse. Probably should do something a bit more proactive than that like go out for a run or, you know, deal with it but that'd require a bit too much effort on my part :zzz:

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Hmm, sometimes I wonder if I feel perpetually stressed/annoyed, because I can't think what I do 'when I am'. I guess If it's due to home, I'll go out maybe? Or have folks round? Sometimes I'll game. Or come on tinternets and occupy myself(which is a large part of my existence anyway), through socialising(ie social media or here). All of which will be done with a beer, probably. I'm not sure I really get so annoyed/stressed with something that I need to do something to get over it, I just kinda try to focus on doing what I would normally and thinking/realising how whatever it is isn't really big enough of a deal to change anything?

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I often get annoyed or stressed over things but barely ever get angry, in fact I can't remember the last time.


When I am stressed I tend to just revert back to my 15 year old self - listen to Scatman John/play Super Monkey Ball 1 (I always desperately crave that game when drunk as well, I have no idea why) or... well that's about it. Not much then, which is probably why I always just end up being awake for ages haha


Maybe I should start punching walls etc too? :P

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I'm annoyed far too often to be able to do anything about it.


I even get annoyed with people, when I'm on my own.




You're just a forum slut, aren't you?


If I could, I'd be pressing my man-parts on everyone and everything.

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Stress and annoyance are different though. I feel as if I'm persistently annoyed at something or another, but I handle stress really poorly. I just get a bit depressed and end up starting into space, or if I'm stressed in company the opposite will happen and I get quite hyperactive and make a lot of jokes. I think it's a response to fear.

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Play Minesweeper/Freecell.




I have a beer. Well not when in work, but when I get home. Either at the pub, or just a can at home on the sofa. Not like on a mission to get hammered, just a pint or tin will do it.





You definitely can.


Go on, try it.




Stress and annoyance are different though. I feel as if I'm persistently annoyed at something or another, but I handle stress really poorly. I just get a bit depressed and end up starting into space, or if I'm stressed in company the opposite will happen and I get quite hyperactive and make a lot of jokes. I think it's a response to fear.









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