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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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On 15/03/2020 at 10:37 PM, Ronnie said:

The game that keeps giving


I got a minute in of "I guess"/"It looks similar"/"it could be" before giving up.

"You may see something kinda similar" *dramatic music cranked up* "Wow right?" No, fuck you.

Anyone know of any decent ones? Ones which make sense?


I've seen a few of these "theory" videos, and half of them are annoyingly pure speculation,but if the kids wanna dream...

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  • 5 months later...
4 minutes ago, bob said:

Is there any way to craft arrows, or do you just have to wait for them to appear in chests/shops? I'm currently stuck on a particular shrine that needs arrows to complete, but I keep running out of arrows. 

Not as far as I'm aware, they are only limited to chests/shops.

However, I just read up on a strategy for aquiring many arrows, go to somewhere on the map, where there are Bokoblins on horseback, run around in a cirlce and pick up the arrows which will land on the ground as you dodge them, apparently you can end up with more than enough arrows to last you many hours, just by doing this for a few minutes.

I've not tested this myself, but it sounds like a good way to replenish your stocks.

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Not as far as I'm aware, they are only limited to chests/shops.
However, I just read up on a strategy for aquiring many arrows, go to somewhere on the map, where there are Bokoblins on horseback, run around in a cirlce and pick up the arrows which will land on the ground as you dodge them, apparently you can end up with more than enough arrows to last you many hours, just by doing this for a few minutes.
I've not tested this myself, but it sounds like a good way to replenish your stocks.
That actually how I replenished last time - I hid under one of those tree houses while a load of Bob-goblins fired arrows at me.

The problem is that I seem to go through arrows like nothing else in the game, so I'm all out again.
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1 hour ago, Cube said:

Although I do also get a load of arrows from scanning Amiibo to try and get the outfits.


Yep, scenes like this, used to be an every day occurrence in Hyrule, for me, when the Switch was first released. :D

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5 hours ago, bob said:

Is there any way to craft arrows, or do you just have to wait for them to appear in chests/shops? I'm currently stuck on a particular shrine that needs arrows to complete, but I keep running out of arrows. 

Another good way is to take the route up to Zoras Domain. Since there are loads of camped enemies with bows, you can get a decent haul. 

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So after doing the second boss, I thought I would do a bit more exploring. Wanted to try and get the picture of one of the sets of leviathan bones, but apparently a picture of an enormous set of bones isn't enough for this guy. He wants a specific set of bones! Looked up online where the actual ones he wanted were and made my way there. Once i'd taken the picture, I saw another enormous dragon thing fly past along a canyon. Decided to try and attack it (yeah, i've killed two bosses now, so I'm a pretty big deal), but ended up just leaping into the canyon and falling to the bottom.

With no easy way out, i decided to just follow the canyon along and see where it ends up. Turns out it's a very long canyon, and ended up popping up right at the other side of the map. Luckily, I ended up right near another great fairy location, and the bird village. Ended up polishing off the third dungeon and boss while i was there (I did mention that i'm kind of a big deal).

It seems like everyone i speak to is telling me to go and get the super duper darkness locking sword from the Lost woods, although i tried going there before and unsurprisingly, just got lost. Maybe i should head there next? It does seem a bit pointless since all the cool fancy weapons i get just break shortly afterwards. Does the legendary sword also break? I guess i'll find out. 

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So after faffing about in the right-hand side of the map for a while (discovered another centaur near a giant sword, noped out of there pretty quickly), I decided to go and look for the magical sword that seals the darkness that everyone kept hinting at. I also wanted to find the Korok dude who hands out inventory space, since i'd built up about 45 seeds since I last saw him, and i kept having to swap out weapons every time i found a shiny new one. Luckily, the sword, and inventory space dude were both in the same place, so I headed there.

The first time i went to the Lost Woods, I got lost (i guess I shouldn't have been surprised), but i assumed it was a story locked thing and i'd be able to do it later with a guide or something. Turns out that's not the case! I did have to google how to do it though, because I was wandering around in there looking for the next flaming torch and getting nowhere. The way you do it seems very nonsensical. Presumably there is a hint at some point that i missed? 

Anyway, I get to the centre of the Lost Woods, and find the sword. Try pulling the sword from the stone, and my hearts start dropping?! I eventually pull the sword with a quarter of a heart left. I assumed that it was all for dramatic effect, and no matter how many hearts you have, you always get left with a quarter of a heart, but i looked it up and.....no! Apparently you need at least 13 hearts to pull the sword, which was exactly the number I had! Pretty lucky.

Anyway, got the sword, spoke to the tree, and also to the large Korok. Spent a long time upgrading inventory space (why can't you do multiple at once?!), and now i'm on my way again with a shiny new sword and plenty of space for others. Incidentally, the map says there is a shop and an inn in the Lost Woods, but i can't find them? Even when I'm standing on top of the icon, there's nothing there...?

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48 minutes ago, bob said:

Anyway, got the sword, spoke to the tree, and also to the large Korok. Spent a long time upgrading inventory space (why can't you do multiple at once?!), and now i'm on my way again with a shiny new sword and plenty of space for others. Incidentally, the map says there is a shop and an inn in the Lost Woods, but i can't find them? Even when I'm standing on top of the icon, there's nothing there...?

If I recall correct, the shop and inn are both


inside the Deku Tree.


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I started playing this again a couple of weeks ago. I first played it when it launched with the Switch, but about 100 hours in but ended up stopping for a while and never (despite loving it) and always found it too daunting a prospect to get back in.

So I started a brand new save and may be enjoying it more than first time round! So far I've pretty much just been exploring areas - cleared out the Hateno region and the area around the coastal village in the South West. Went through Faron Forest and last night did a lot of Hyrule Field, including going into Hyrule Castle to get the Hylian Shield - pairs nicely with the Master Sword that I picked up on Tuesday!

I've been using an interactive map to clear Korok seeds as I go - spent far too much time aimlessly wandering around last time trying to find them so want to be a lot more efficient this time around. I think I'm going to explore more of Hyrule Castle tonight - something I never really did before - as there seems to be a lot of sidequests related to the area.

I also managed to skip a blood moon by fast travelling to a shrine at 11:55pm (had no idea it would skip it) and haven't seen one since - not sure if I've somehow glitched it!

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So I spent about 4/5 hours last night just exploring the castle, loved every second of it. Was constantly on edge with all the Guardians all over the place, but got pretty good at deflecting their beams back to kill 'em. Having the Master Sword helped as well since it is 60 power in the castle and meant I didn't have to burn through a load of weapons - including all the fancy Royal Guard stuff I found!

Might finally move on to my first Divine Beast tonight, probably head to Zora's Domain. Still got a bit of Hyrule field to clear out first though and want to track down the Royal Horse since the Epona I got from Amiibo and the giant horse can't use the Ancient Saddle - I want my teleporting horse, damnit! :heh:

Edited by Eddage
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  • 2 weeks later...

After faffing about in the middle of the map for a while, I decided to Go West properly and look for the fourth Divine Beast. Crested a large hill, and finally saw the Gerudo desert stretching out in front of me, with the Divine Camel strutting about in the middle of it.

Paraglided towards what looked like the main town, and found out to my surprise, that deserts are hot! So I switched to my super duper Goron clothing that I had been wearing happily in the middle of a volcano only to find that my volcano costume is only flameproof, and not heatproof?! Excuse me Nintendo? Apparently I need different clothes for wandering in the desert?! Ridiculousness.

Eventually got into Gerudo town with a bit of nifty cross-dressing, before making my way into the bad guy's lair and defeating the fat ninja. I don't know if i'll head straight out to do the fourth divine beast ASAP or explore a bit more. 

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So it appears i'll do the fourth Divine Beast straight off the bat.

The fourth one seemed to be quite a large spike in difficulty compared to the second and third. I actually had to use Revali's Gale to solve one of the puzzles getting around inside the camel. I'm assuming there must be a way to do it without, as you can do the Beasts in any order, but I cheated and just jumped up to the top of the humps after faffing about for ages trying to work out how to get up there.

The fourth boss was really hard too. I couldn't work out how to block his super speedy rush attack, until I just started hacking away with the Master sword, which seemed to work. I also forgot until about 3/4 of the way through to drink a shock resist potion, which helped a bit, as I kept dropping all my weapons. I ended up going through three or four full yellow health bars, and a Zora revive thingy, but eventually the dude died. 

So I have done all the beasts, and am free to storm the castle. I won't do that for a while I don't think. Want to do a few more shrines and explore more of the west side of the map first. I also should practise taking on the giant spider robots too, i guess, since there's supposedly lots of them in the castle, and i've gotten this far in the game without killing one.

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It's definitely the best Zelda game i've played so far. To be honest, i've never really been a fan of Zelda games. I've played most of the 3D ones, and only ever completed one. The others i've got maybe 1/3 of the way through and my interest fizzled out. 

I think the reason this one is different is the way the gameplay is so much less structured. I hated the way that there was only one way of playing through the other games, you had to go to this room, with this boss, and defeat them with this weapon. If you couldn't do it, then that was it, you couldn't go any further.

In this one, you can just skip past the enemies if you wish. None of them are actually required. I liked that at the beginning you have to get the shock arrows from the centaur, but you don't actually have to kill him, you can steal them from under his nose and run away (running away if one of my favourite strategies in games). And if you do decide to fight someone, there are so many ways of doing it. You can freeze them and spam them with arrows if you want. Or just chuck bombs at them from a rooftop. Or actually lob your sword at them. Or drop a metal crate on their head. 

The exploration too is amazing, you always feel like there could be something interesting just over the next hill, or if you find a lone tree, there could be some secret to find nearby. 

The only thing i'm not really digging is the story-line. The 'plot' for each Divine beast is exactly the same; champion of old dead, find younger version of champion, do some minigame around Beast, younger version fucks off for some reason, do dungeon, get magical reward for defeating Ganon ghost. They could have mixed it up a bit. I do like the Beast dungeons themselves though - climbing around a huge, moving, statue is incredible.

Anyway, yeah, it's good.

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I didn't ask this earlier as you seemed to be really enjoying finding the divine beasts and stuff (I wish I had played like that first time), now you've found them all it seems safe to ask, have you not spoken to the person who gives you the locations of them that the game guides you to (or didn't realise you told track the objective) or did you purposefully choose to play like that?


I do feel like if you have missed it, it's made for a better experience for you.

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24 minutes ago, Cube said:

I didn't ask this earlier as you seemed to be really enjoying finding the divine beasts and stuff (I wish I had played like that first time), now you've found them all it seems safe to ask, have you not spoken to the person who gives you the locations of them that the game guides you to (or didn't realise you told track the objective) or did you purposefully choose to play like that?


I do feel like if you have missed it, it's made for a better experience for you.

No i don't think I spoke to anyone like that, although if it's at the start of the game then I could have forgotten, since i started it more than a year ago. I don't really use the objective tracking thing though either, unless i get really lost, so maybe I did? It was fun just stumbling across them, and working out where to go next.


I don't know why you'd need to be shown where the beasts are though, you can see them from halfway across the map! 

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  • 2 months later...

I always felt that the Hylian NPC's in BotW were really pedestrian compared to other Zelda titles and there's my proof.

It is really cool though. @Dcubed was suggesting the idea that it was gonna be a full Mii feature where you had the option to import your Mii's into the game before it got shifted to a multi-platform title.

I'm inclined to believe that. Between this and the ditched Gamepad support, I do wonder what WiiU BotW would've been like.

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3 hours ago, Glen-i said:

I'm inclined to believe that. Between this and the ditched Gamepad support, I do wonder what WiiU BotW would've been like.

It's still annoying that they couldn't even put the HUD elements on the gamepad as an option. 


You can turn most of it off, but you can't move it to the screen in your hand. 


So far, the Wii U is a much better console than the Switch, it's a shame Nintendo gave up on the Wii U's features.

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