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The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD


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There's a big difference.


They can easily remake MM for 3DS for relatively little effort.


Yeah I'm amazed this still hasn't been done. The only slight reason I can see is a conflict between the 3-day system and the ability to sleep the 3DS. Does take off rather a large edge.


Personally still not all that fussed by this remake atm.

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Not to keep banging on that drum but thought I'd stick in my two cents on Skyward Sword and why I felt it was underwhelming (on top of the points already made).


I don't know about anyone else but for me, the only time when being down on Hyrule felt like it should have been given the story was when you entered the Silent Realm (or whatever it was called). In there, it was tense and there was a sense of danger which matched with what the story had set Hyrule up to be like: this dark and dangerous place below the clouds where evil and magic ruled. Perhaps it speaks more for how the non-Silent Realm areas were designed that they did feel too sparse and devoid of any of that tension that should have been there. They felt too "inviting" if you will. Too friendly. Maybe the art style (which I don't think they went far enough with but that could have been down to how little the Wii had under the hood) didn't help either.


That, along with the poor story progression, controls, dungeon design, overworld and other things, really made it a poor Zelda experience and sort of shows why Nintendo need to be less insular and see what is being done by not only the other Japanese developers (even some of their own studios, such as Monolith Soft because releasing SS in the wake of Xenoblade Chronicles did it no favours) but by Western devs. It does make me think that the eventual Zelda Wii U, and the new 3DS one, will fall behind the standard of where games are right now.


If I was rating the games, though:


OoT - 10

MM - Never finished (got stuck in the Swamp area and just generally confused. I will go back to it one day)

WW - 9.0

TP - 8.5

SS - 7 (which is somewhat generous)


I remember after SS came out and Gametrailers had included it as a nominee in their GOTY awards (or was it the VGAs). Anyway, I remember one of their Bonus Round features at that time where one of the guests said he thought OoT is probably the only game that has been released that was truly deserving of the 10 out of 10 grade and I agree because it does hold up extremely well even now and is still a benchmark for some devs with regards to action-adventure games.


Anyway, back to WW. Have been considering replaying it recently but don't really have the time for it. Perhaps if I do pick up a Wii U around xmas I may pick up this and do just that.

Edited by Ganepark32
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Just wait a few years and the SS haters will love it... just like TP and WW before.


For me, SS is far superior to TP. It's creative (in its amazing artistic direction and in game design) and feels alive. Plus, I absolutly love what they did with Zelda's character (especially design wise).Its big negative points are a mostly empty and useless sky HUB (but TP's overworld is bigger and emptier) and forgivable boss fights.

TP is the weaker home console episode for me. It's just a bigger, emptier OOT clone with more polygons, a sepia filter and a pseudo-mature plot. The universe went far too closer to more bland and generic ones and kinda lost the zelda magic IMO. It's good sure... but it started to go in the wrong direction IMO (that's why they should not listen to fans and try to make something good instead).

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Yeah I'm amazed this still hasn't been done. The only slight reason I can see is a conflict between the 3-day system and the ability to sleep the 3DS. Does take off rather a large edge.


You could pause your N64.

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You could pause your N64.


It's not quite the same thing though :p


There are still the owl statues. If they made the game they could intentionally disable the sleep function and warn that it's the case - the urgency of time and play definitely added something when I was a kid.


In the old MM though you could use the owl statues to pause and turn off your game so I guess being able to close your 3DS to pause won't be too jarring. There'll still be the need to complete your dungeon within the 3 days of gameplay.


Yeah but it's different closing your 3DS when you're in a middle of a dungeon just before a boss and coming up for the end of day 3 compared to leaving the dungeon, getting to a statue(especially if you dont have the song yet), saving, and later managing to make it all back in time. I definitely recall having some very close calls on a few things when I first played.

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Just wait a few years and the SS haters will love it... just like TP and WW before.


It's honestly not the same thing. I've always loved Wind Waker, personally, although I agree there has generally been a revision of attitudes to it over the years.


Twilight Princess was just... slightly disappointing. It couldn't live up to the incredible hype, but no one ever said it was a bad game. I've never seen anyone claim it's less than 8/10.


I don't want to keep bashing Skyward Sword, but it's the first one I haven't wanted to replay. I was pretty keen to replay Twilight Princess no longer than 12 months after it had been released (and I loved it that time), but Skyward Sword feels like too much effort to even think of replaying.

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Report: Wii U 32GB with Wind Waker HD bundle coming


Blue and red 3DS XL bundles with Pokemon X & Y also coming




Destructoid has learned of Nintendo's upcoming plans to release a new Wii U bundle and new 3DS XL bundles. The information was revealed to us by a source at Target, a major North American retailer, where they were able to show us a firsthand account of their store's inventory tracking system.


The Wii U bundle will contain the 32GB Deluxe version of the console, and come packed with The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD. This will retail for $349.99.


Additionally, our source revealed two new 3DS XL bundles for Pokemon X and Y. They'll come in two colors, red and blue, with the color choices presumably being a nod to the original two Pokemon games that were released in America. The inventory listing didn't specifically state which version of the games will be included with the different colored handhelds, but we can expect the bundles to retail for $199.99.


No release date was listed for either of the bundles, but we can assume they'll be out this October as Pokemon X/Y will be out on October 12 release, while Wind Waker HD has an October window.


We reached out to Nintendo for a statement regarding this, to which they replied with "Nintendo does not comment on rumors and speculation." Not an unexpected answer. We can probably expect an official reveal in the next month or so, most likely through a Nintendo Direct.







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That is one expensive bundle tbh. A HD remake of a 10 year old game and the console for $50 less than the PS4. Hmm.


It's deluxe + Windwaker so i'd assume it would come with Nintendo Land as well. $50 less and you've got two games compared to $50 more plus the games you'll have to buy isn't that bad.

As we all know software sells hardware, hardware rarely sells hardware, look at the Vita, even after the price drop that puts it on par with the 3DS XL price I highly doubt that it will outsell the 3DS XL anytime soon.

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A few changes detailed.


- Triforce quest – the five Triforce pieces can now be grabbed directly

- Only the remaining three require translated charts instead of eight

- Hero Mode available from the start

- Picto Box has been upgraded

- Upgraded camera could still be used to snap photos of unsuspecting villagers or enemies

- Pictures can go up on Miiverse

- Link can also take funny self-photographs

- Switch between happy, sad, and surprised emotions

- Get the Swift Sail at the auction house after completion of the first dungeon

- No alert via an in-game prompt to signal the special sails availability

- No longer possible to accidentally skip Tingle’s island, as the developers have inserted an introduction to the quirky character into the main quest

- Enhanced first-person camera

- Can now have full movement in that perspective

- Can travel through hallways and shoot arrows like you’re in a FPS

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Let's see...


- Triforce quest – the five Triforce pieces can now be grabbed directly :blank:

- Only the remaining three require translated charts instead of eight :smile:

- Link can also take funny self-photographs :smile:

- Switch between happy, sad, and surprised emotions :smile:

- Get the Swift Sail at the auction house after completion of the first dungeon :nono:

- No alert via an in-game prompt to signal the special sails availability :smile:

- Can travel through hallways and shoot arrows like you’re in a FPS :smile:

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Yes that too!


Actually I like what they did with the Triforce hunt. Having it so that 3 still require charts seems like a good compromise.


Having watched the video, Link's 'selfies' function is pure genius!!


Still think they could have given us an extra mini dungeon or something, but I have a feeling reviews for this will still be glowing.

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