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Love Thy Neighbour


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I hate my neighbours (as in the three other flats in the building) because they're loud, inconsiderate and one of them left the front door open, resulting in my bike being stolen. But I understand that where we are, and the age they are, that it's not going to be perfect and providing they don't break in and brandish a weapon (like a previous neighbour) then let it be.


However, woke up this morning to this, which I assumed was a joke but was curious where it came from. Eventually got more and more annoyed because we know it's not us, as several things they list aren't applicable. So, always looking for a chance for snark, this (with a post-photo note that we're the only ones who clean the hallway and the rest litter and smoke in the hallway...and maybe another saying "who uses clip art?") will be going on the inside of the front door tomorrow morning (as it was anonymously written, can't directly respond). It's childish (and some of the grammar points may not be accurate), but fuck it.


So, neighbours eh? Got any stories?

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The neighbours who lived next door during my fourth year at Uni were mega-dipshits. I remember one particular time where they were having a party that went on til about 6 the next morning, with them smoking some extremely strong weed. I normally can take the smell of the stuff, but this time it was so bad that I had to go and throw up in the bathroom.


I was getting really wound up, all of the house were up and were pissed off. Then, a few months down the line, we had rats in our house that came from theirs, through a hole that connected our two houses.


It was a shame as the neighbours before them were awesome. :(

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My parents are convinced that one of our neighbors has a secret drug den in their house because their blinds are always drawn. It may just be racial profiling because the woman is black, though (no idea about her husband/boyfriend).


I guess it is a bit weird, but I think they should be allowed to sell as many drugs as they want as long as they continue to keep to themselves.



I live beside my Granny.. and I never see her.. ::shrug:

When was the last time you saw her? *Worried*

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@Ashley I like your response :P But I'm also curious about the weapon story!


But I understand that where we are, and the age they are, that it's not going to be perfect and providing they don't break in and brandish a weapon (like a previous neighbour) then let it be.
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well, we live opposite a builder who has between 3 and 6 children aged between late teens and the mid twenties (its hard to tell as one week there there then gone for weeks) who all have cars, currently there are 4 cars out there and two vans for his work, his drive could hold them all but alas as normal three are on the street blocking half of it.

i always park in my drive, but the one time i didn't and parked outside my garden half on the verge half on the road as i was going out in half an hour, i find someone had bumped my car, a nice series of dents about bumper high on my drivers door, the only way a vehicle could have done this is if it reversed out of his drive and did it badly and wide, and while i was in the house the only car i saw leave the street was one of his son's in his work van - but they can't own up to it, they saw nothing


They've also been working on my neighbors extension and have been mixing cement on their drive, which is between our houses, in doing so they have sprayed cement over the side of our house and windows, which are now scratched to fuck, which thankfully we caught them damaging (leaning over the fence with a mop to clean the window...) so they at first said they'd pay for, once we told them however that it would be a new window, they haven't got back to us about paying for it...


i hate them, i'd happily blow their house up if i had some explosives right now

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There was one time I lived with a music school on one side and a nasty gypsy couple on the other one. Pleasant music or two people fighting loudly, it was an interesting dichotomy.


Nowadays, our neighbours are much quieter and friendly. There's also a college student residence on our street now, but they make surprisingly little noise.

And at least one of our neighbours holds some sort of weird voodoo ritual regularly, but it's cool.

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I like my neighbours. They have charm. They're Italian (so I can practise!) and play loud heavy metal. Last night though James Blunt's "beautiful" song was played full blast which was a lol. They also have loud sex occasionally but it's humorous.

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This reminds me of the time in uni when the cleaner lady left a print out set of instructions on why we shouldn't leave the kitchen sink plugged with puke, and we just left the piece of paper corrected on the counter top with "F- please see me after class" written across the bottom.


Asshole five!

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I guess it is a bit weird, but I think they should be allowed to sell as many drugs as they want as long as they continue to keep to themselves.


We used to joke that we had drug dealers as upstairs neighbours. We saw loads of people in and out of the building but never the same person twice.

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Upstairs man used to beat his wife. Then I went and had words with him. Problem solved.


Out of curiosity, where do you buy underwear big enough to contain those massive balls of yours?


Also, @Ashley, that letter you received has to be joke. They can't seriously think they can dictate what you're allowed to eat (which is apparently only crackers and fruit), can they?




I live in a residential area for students, but surprisingly enough it's generally very quiet and peaceful. The walls between apartments are quite thick, so I can barely ever hear that my neighbours are there, and even then it's nothing more than easily ignorable background noise. The one exception being when someone in the building is drilling a hole in the wall: Due to the building being made of concrete, the sound reverberates throughout the entire building, and if it's next door, you can't hear yourself think.


I've always been a bit paranoid about disturbing neighbours, but I've never had a single complaint, not even last summer when I had a lot of friends visiting for my birthday and we were quite loud (and doors and windows had to be kept open due to the temperature), so that was a relief.

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Saltines are American right? So this is just printed off the internet.


In fact... source. They didn't even write it, they just edited it for your residency. You can see how this would make it instantly ridiculously irrelevant. It seemed kind of odd that they would suggest banning food groups to control smell rather than just suggesting a more frequent rubbish-removal process.


Also neither single nor standard quotes are acceptable for the word "demerit", except in this instance where I just quoted it.

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Our downstairs neighbour is great. Lovely woman, likes a drink occasionally but keeps to herself. This all changes when her son comes to stay.


Her son is awful. Dude is constantly drunk, plays the same songs out loud and is generally intimidating and unpleasant. The dude is so awful we have allied ourselves with the bottom floor neighbours (the dude being in the flat below us and above them) to get on his back about the noise disturbance.


Over Christmas his mother went away and this douchebag constantly had random people over to stay with random parties. Dunno what they were taking, but I expect the guy was definitely using something. His behaviour was pretty erratic and so are the people who come visit him


We've had bizarre exchanges where we'll come home and he'll just open his door a little and stare out at us before closing it again. Really weird.


Our solution is to move, pretty much. Doesn't seem to be any way to stop him coming.


We did consider messing with him in funny ways, but it would probably antagonise the guy. As I said before, he's pretty intimidating and I did vow I'd never again unleash the Seven Cruel Strikes taught to me by Zen Master Fyun.


Never again... not after last time...

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Saltines are American right? So this is just printed off the internet.


In fact... source. They didn't even write it, they just edited it for your residency. You can see how this would make it instantly ridiculously irrelevant. It seemed kind of odd that they would suggest banning food groups to control smell rather than just suggesting a more frequent rubbish-removal process.


Also neither single nor standard quotes are acceptable for the word "demerit", except in this instance where I just quoted it.


I just assumed they were American neighbours (based on the lack of 'u' in odour and the parenthesis following a full stop).


Oh well. Still, other than passing in the hallway we've never spoken to two of the flats, and the other one we haven't spoken to in months after my housemate and one of them had sex (not intentionally ignored, but they've since avoided us) so it's kind of a dick joke to pull. If this was halls and you knew each sure, but otherwise it just comes across as being a dick.


Least we've reminded them to shut the fucking door, that they smoke in the building and informed them of the landlord's name. ^_^

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