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'Kinect two-point-oh!' should not justify an extra £100 not when they are practically giving away the current model. :laughing:


This is another reason for me to hold back on the console. I'll have too see how many proper games had non-optional Kinect gameplay features.

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This is another reason for me to hold back on the console. I'll have too see how many proper games had non-optional Kinect gameplay features.

I have Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary Edition on my Xbox 360. I was playing it, Kinect was plugged in as usual. I coughed (I'm severely asthmatic so this isn't that uncommon). Kinect took the cough to be me saying grenade. The grenade was thrown and killed me.


Reasons such as this are why I dislike Kinect

Edited by Serebii
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I actually like Kinect being integrated into a normal game. Why bang on about the industry not innovating and then readily dismiss a plethora of possibilities from something new because the tech - which has now been greatly improved upon - has teething issues?


It took years for anyone to start implementing the DS's dual touchscreens properly, I think Kinect deserves a little more than unflinching dismissal.

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I actually like Kinect being integrated into a normal game. Why bang on about the industry not innovating and then readily dismiss a plethora of possibilities from something new because the tech - which has now been greatly improved upon - has teething issues?


It took years for anyone to start implementing the DS's dual touchscreens properly, I think Kinect deserves a little more than unflinching dismissal.


My main problem is that the new Kinect is inflating the price of the console by probably up to £100... when you consider how little many gamers will probably be using it, aside from the odd gesture or voice command, it doesn't seem like value for money.


It might prove its worth in the future, that's not entirely in dispute but for now, PS4/Wii U seems the way to go this generation with Xbone being bought as a third console only if/when it becomes worth for the games and Kinect.

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My cousin (who thinks she's a gamer) has a friend (who thinks she's a gamer) and sometimes her Facebook posts show up on my wall when my cousin comments on them. So yesterday she posted a link to the the Xbone news (from a tabloid, because that's where all the gamers get their gaming news these days) and said, "woohoo, guess now I won't have to consider a PS4 if my 360 dies on me." Which begs two questions:


a) Thank God she doesn't have to consider getting a PS4 (this isn't really question), and


b) Is she just going to keep using her 360 indefinitely instead of getting a new console if it doesn't die on her? I think the thought of only upgrading to a new console when your old one dies is the most offensive thing about her post. My old NES still works! :p



I think I'll just get both consoles

What are you, Switzerland? :blank:

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My cousin (who thinks she's a gamer) has a friend (who thinks she's a gamer) and sometimes her Facebook posts show up on my wall when my cousin comments on them. So yesterday she posted a link to the the Xbone news (from a tabloid, because that's where all the gamers get their gaming news these days) and said, "woohoo, guess now I won't have to consider a PS4 if my 360 dies on me." Which begs two questions:


a) Thank God she doesn't have to consider getting a PS4 (this isn't really question), and


b) Is she just going to keep using her 360 indefinitely instead of getting a new console if it doesn't die on her? I think the thought of only upgrading to a new console when your old one dies is the most offensive thing about her post. My old NES still works! :p


What are you, Switzerland? :blank:


She probably thinks that Xbone will play her 360 games... You may want to let her know that it's not backward's compatible...

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What are you, Switzerland? :blank:
Ha, no I won't really be buying both, not anywhere near the launch anyway. I just don't know which console I want at the moment. That said, I do earn my keep and spend a good chunk of my non-savings income on gaming, as it's my main interest and I don't get out much... :p


I just hate this PS4 vs Xbox shit, personally I'm just really excited for the next generation of gaming. All anybody else wants to do is rag on the console they don't even want! In an ideal world, I would be able to justify getting both, or they would both be half the price.

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There will have to be some shit hot exclusives to get me buying a xb180, not to mention a good period of time with MS regaining consumer trust, but as it stands having a WiiU and PS4 will suffice my console needs and other things such as Titanfall are on PC too so they are covered! as it stands the only thing i'm loosing is Halo, and i've not played one since 3, the spin offs never interested me, and by the time 4 was launched i just didn't buy 360 games anymore

If halo ever gets released on PC again, well i'd never ever need an xb180

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How is this fickle? What would you have expected/how would it have worked out better?


Sure, might be slightly strong on the use of the word "fickle". But shit, customer loyalty is a very strong thing and for a lot of people who identified with the Xbox brand and paid through the roof for console replacements, unfairly priced proprietary storage and basic online services, surely the fact they even tried to implement this shit is the most offensive part of it all?


Heck, now that I think about it, I was adequately strong on the use of the word fickle. They tried fucking their fanbase, the fanbase said "Get your cock out of our assholes" and Microsoft steps back and says "Ah lets just forget that ever happened. These gamers are fickle as fuck, good to see there's still a lot of different PS4 bundles in the Top 10 sellers.


I don't really give too much of a shit about these new consoles as I know none of them will be attractive to me for at least a couple of years. I'm glad Microsoft scrapped the idea, I really am, but the fact they even bothered to try will always remain strong in my head, especially considering my pure hatred for anti-consumerist practices. It's the prime reason why I'm finding myself less of a Nintendo fan these days.

Edited by Debug Mode
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I think they used this as an excuse to ditch the Family Sharing, rather than a reason. Rumours from a reliable source (the one that leaked the Pre-E3 stuff and has been known to be reliable for many years) suggest that the sharing was actually very limited, such as the game not saving after a certain number of minutes, as well as online features not being shared.


And if you look back to the wording of the interviews, they do repeatedly say stuff like "your son, who is off at university, can try your new game", which suggests that you didn't get the full game in the share.


If you think about it, this "Share with 10 people" thing, if it was as good as it was hyped to be, could have been much, much worse for publishers than the current system and would have completely undermined all the anti-used-games-because-it-hurts-publishers rubbish.


So I think it was completely dropped because they realised that, due to their terrible PR, it was massively overhyped. Dropping it while pleasing many people is probably better than people discovering what they were really offering - a glorified demo system.


But, as it has been dropped, we'll probably never find out what the service was going to be.


Which is why it's strange for people to be annoyed over the loss of it - we had no idea what it was anyway.


Edit: 60 minutes was the maximum, according to that crazy buttocks on a train guy on NeoGaf.

Edited by Cube
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I think they used this as an excuse to ditch the Family Sharing, rather than a reason. Rumours from a reliable source (the one that leaked the Pre-E3 stuff and has been known to be reliable for many years) suggest that the sharing was actually very limited, such as the game not saving after a certain number of minutes, as well as online features not being shared.


And if you look back to the wording of the interviews, they do repeatedly say stuff like "your son, who is off at university, can try your new game", which suggests that you didn't get the full game in the share.


If you think about it, this "Share with 10 people" thing, if it was as good as it was hyped to be, could have been much, much worse for publishers than the current system and would have completely undermined all the anti-used-games-because-it-hurts-publishers rubbish.


So I think it was completely dropped because they realised that, due to their terrible PR, it was massively overhyped. Dropping it while pleasing many people is probably better than people discovering what they were really offering - a glorified demo system.


But, as it has been dropped, we'll probably never find out what the service was going to be.


Which is why it's strange for people to be annoyed over the loss of it - we had no idea what it was anyway.


Edit: 60 minutes was the maximum, according to that crazy buttocks on a train guy on NeoGaf.


One thing I really don't get, is that with the PS3 and some trusted friends and family, you can share games and content already. Why was this being touted as a massive feature for the Xbone when, from the initial sounds of it, you couldn't even play games concurrently with each other.

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One thing I really don't get, is that with the PS3 and some trusted friends and family, you can share games and content already. Why was this being touted as a massive feature for the Xbone when, from the initial sounds of it, you couldn't even play games concurrently with each other.


Because it was retail games. Comparable to if you could share your steam library (which beta code suggests is coming?)


PS3 simply allowed sharing of digital goods. Which was FANTASTIC and under promoted quite frankly. Sadly though publisher pressure reduced the share limit from 5 PS3s down to 2...Maybe users? But I'm thinking consoles as users can share right? Not sure but still.


It worked quite well really, I've done it once with Grandia for a friend since my disc was fucked (:(:weep:). I logged on downloaded the game logged off and he could play it anytime.



Honestly allowing a 60 minute trial (similar to what PS+ does) would be FANTASTIC. So many games don't have demos because ermahgerd lost sales, even just an hour lended to someone you can't let borrow the disc could be enough to get them hooked.


As to Demo's losing sales.....yeah look at Gunpoint.




Actually this goes SO FAR towards the idea that the industry needs to Curb rampant spending. It's like minecraft to a smaller degree. He paid $30 for the software, made a (excellent) game, and earned enough through presales to quit his day job. At which point sales continued through the roof. Go figure he put out a demo because he didn't want to get initial hype sales without those people playing first.


Edit, that was a helluva drunken tangent. But I like it.

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Edit: 60 minutes was the maximum, according to that crazy buttocks on a train guy on NeoGaf.


I'm honestly not surprised by that at all because quite simply 10 mates could have just organised themselves to be on each others share list, and each only a single game each month, say 1 mate bought jan's big release, another bought febs etc etc and by the end of the year the group would have had all have the best games and probably only bought 1 or 2 per person! it was far too good to be true and obviously would have had a catch

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Rumour: Microsoft to announce Xbox One self-publishing at Build


Microsoft might be playing a little catch-up to Sony’s effort in helping indie-devs self-publish on its platform, if rumour is to be believed.


As noted on NeoGaf, Microsoft may be about to announce a self-publishing system for indies at its Build Developer Conference on Wednesday.


There are some interesting tweets from Notch, Supernnauation and others, suggesting something interesting may be about to happy as regards making Xbox One more indie-friendly.


If true, Microsoft may be taking note of general calls to diversify Xbox One’s content.


The talk comes after Microsoft u-turned on a ton of Xbox One DRM policies and dropped the need for the console to make an online check-in every 24 hours.



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Wow... way to shaft consumers MS, I don't see why the wireless 360 headsets wouldn't work though?


I'm hoping to use my existing headset from my PS3 when PS4 comes out, I reckon there's more chance of this than using existing hardware with the XBone! :p

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Wow... way to shaft consumers MS, I don't see why the wireless 360 headsets wouldn't work though?


Yup, I don't understand the need for the adaptor. I can kind of understand not having the headset (because Kinect), but not having the same slot seems a bit silly.

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Wow... way to shaft consumers MS, I don't see why the wireless 360 headsets wouldn't work though?


I'm hoping to use my existing headset from my PS3 when PS4 comes out, I reckon there's more chance of this than using existing hardware with the XBone! :p


I'd be shocked if it didn't. The PS3 supports any Blue Tooth headset. Would be weird for Sony to just change that.


I think it's super dumb the XBone doesn't come with a headset. I think it'll have a real impact on the community. I think it was one of the PS3's biggest problem in terms of community.

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I think it's super dumb the XBone doesn't come with a headset. I think it'll have a real impact on the community. I think it was one of the PS3's biggest problem in terms of community.


Everyone will be able to do voice chat with Kinect, so it won'r be as much of a problem. It just depends on how well the noise cancelling thing works in a real life situation.

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I hate the idea of voice chat with Kinect for the same reason I hated the Wii Speak device thing. I talk to people in my house all the time when playing, I need mute to be at a flick of a switch. I love the current Xbox headset and my PS3 one because it has a massive mute button on the side.

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