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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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Just watched the Octodad trailer.




It looks like a ridiculous amount of fun.



The road to release begins...


PS4 keynote is coming to TGS 2013


Sony will host a PlayStation 4 keynote presentation during next month's Tokyo Game Show, Japanese blog Remoon reports (as translated by Gematsu.)


The presentation, which for now is being referred to as "The World PlayStation 4 Creates," is scheduled to take place on Sept. 19, the first day of this year's TGS. SCE president Andrew House will host the keynote alongside senior vice president Masayasu Ito and Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida.


PS4 consoles will also be playable at the event, publisher Capcom confirmed last week with the announcement of a playable PS4 demo for its next-gen fantasy game Deep Down.


Tokyo Game Show will run from Sept. 19 to Sept. 22 this year. We've contacted Sony for full confirmation.



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Toys R Us are stating the UK release for the PS4 is December 13th 2013. They confirm this is accurate, but no-one else has not even Sony. What sort of date would be suitable for this, considering the One is coming out in November.

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Rumour time.


Sony may introduce a hardware bundle containing a PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita when the next-gen console goes on sale later this year, according to a new report.


Inside Gaming Daily claims to have been told by a "well-placed anonymous source" that a bundle containing the two consoles will release at "the end of the year" for "around $500" (~ £325).

If true, the bundle may offer a healthy saving on buying the two consoles individually.


A PlayStation Vita currently costs around $249.99 (£169.99), with PS4 set to cost $399.99 (£349) when it goes on sale this Christmas.


I was expecting something like this to happen especially as Sony are pushing the Vita as a companion to the PS4. I would like to see it as I think the Vita is a nice bit of kit and would like to see it be more successful.

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Toys R Us are stating the UK release for the PS4 is December 13th 2013. They confirm this is accurate, but no-one else has not even Sony. What sort of date would be suitable for this, considering the One is coming out in November.


December is too late. You'd think they'd want it out around the same time as some of the bigger third party releases.

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December is too late. You'd think they'd want it out around the same time as some of the bigger third party releases.


That's what i was thinking, plus if the One comes out 1 month before the PS4 that gives them an advantage in the market. What would be interesting, release both on the same day.

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Rumour time.




I was expecting something like this to happen especially as Sony are pushing the Vita as a companion to the PS4. I would like to see it as I think the Vita is a nice bit of kit and would like to see it be more successful.


I'm not particularly convinced by this strategie but, if true, I'm very interested to see how it does.

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Rumour time.




I was expecting something like this to happen especially as Sony are pushing the Vita as a companion to the PS4. I would like to see it as I think the Vita is a nice bit of kit and would like to see it be more successful.


I am sceptical. $100 for a vita. Unless Sony are prepared to lose a bunch of money then I dont see it.

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PS4 game downloads can 'rearrange by popularity'


PS4 developers can adjust what parts of their games are downloaded by consumers first, meaning that more in-demand content can be prioritised.


The new option for consumers is the result of better analytical feedback given to developers, along with the PS4's capability to break vast game downloads into smaller playable chunks. Studios can discover what parts of a game are the most popular and adjust game downloads so that the most highly sought content comes first.


Sounds good.

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It looks like a ridiculous amount of fun.



It reminds me of when you sleep on your arm and try and use it the next morning, but for your whole body.


Talking about release dates


Let's face it, the PS4 is going to be on sale at the very latest before Nov 28th in USA. Truthfully, I'd imagine that's the latest it will be available here too, with the US getting it at the start of the month. I guess Toys R Us have just picked that date because its the last date they would expect it, so if the date is any sooner they don't lose face (compared to if they had to say "we were wrong, its two months later!")

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New PlayStation 4 pre-orders no longer guaranteed for launch


Sony can no longer guarantee that if you pre-order a PlayStation 4 in the UK you'll get it at launch.


A directive was sent to a number of UK retailers including Amazon and ShopTo.


ShopTo displayed the message first: "Sony have confirmed all PlayStation 4 pre-orders placed from 6th August will now not be guaranteed for launch. You can still pre-order PS4 with us in case we receive cancellations and can fulfil your order for launch."


ShopTo confirmed to Eurogamer that this order came from Sony and applied to any European retailer.


Amazon soon followed with a similar message.


"Please note - due to high demand, orders placed for the PlayStation 4 console from 6th August may be received after release date. We will ship orders as soon as we receive sufficient inventory."

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I wanted to preorder one, I really did, especially after the great E3 Sony had but I decided to wait till Gamescom and now it could be too late.


The problem for me is that there isn't any software that really appeals to me at launch. I like the Killzone series but I don't see it as a system seller, for me at least. If Infamous had launched with the console then that would have been a different story as I love those games.


Another factor is that the PS3/Vita still has a great line up of titles for the end of the year. I have Tales of Xillia arriving this week ( with Symphonia HD and Xillia 2 next year ) and in the coming months Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Remix, Tearaway, Killzone: Mercenary, Beyond: Two Souls, Puppeteer, Dragons Crown, Final Fantasy X-X2 HD, Killer is Dead, Marvel Super Heroes and Ratchet and Clank: Nexus.


It's an insane list and looking at it you wouldn't think that Sony's next console is ready and waiting to be released. It's great to see this kind of support so late in the consoles life.

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Same here. It's not a bad line-up, but there's no system sellers on the list for me. Same for XB1. It's quite a relief in a way, it means I can take my time, examine the reaction to the consoles, maybe even wait for the first price drop :heh:

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Watch Dogs is probably the one title that stands out. Although it's going to be on current-gen consoles, I'll probably give it a miss until I do get a next-gen system. That said, there's no guarantee it's going to be as great as it looks.

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Yeah Assassins Creed 4 and WatchDogs are games that I'll wait until I pick a PS4 up, which at the earliest will be when Infamous comes out.


But as Hero says, there's way too much still to come on the PS3 and I have a vast backcatalog as it is thanks to Plus and coming to the PS3 late.

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Housemarque to reveal PS4 news at Gamescom


Also The Guardian have an on-going feature about DriveClub. Sony are working their media channels absurdly well at the moment.


DriveClub, PlayStation 4 and the future of social gaming


DriveClub and PS4: setting the look and feel of next-gen driving games


I don't think I've ever seen a company that was so out of touch become so savvy.

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Same here. It's not a bad line-up, but there's no system sellers on the list for me. Same for XB1. It's quite a relief in a way, it means I can take my time, examine the reaction to the consoles, maybe even wait for the first price drop :heh:


Yeah I agree. There's nothing hugely stand out to make me want to get one at launch. I'd rather wait.

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I wanted to preorder one, I really did, especially after the great E3 Sony had but I decided to wait till Gamescom and now it could be too late.


The problem for me is that there isn't any software that really appeals to me at launch. I like the Killzone series but I don't see it as a system seller, for me at least. If Infamous had launched with the console then that would have been a different story as I love those games.


Another factor is that the PS3/Vita still has a great line up of titles for the end of the year. I have Tales of Xillia arriving this week ( with Symphonia HD and Xillia 2 next year ) and in the coming months Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Remix, Tearaway, Killzone: Mercenary, Beyond: Two Souls, Puppeteer, Dragons Crown, Final Fantasy X-X2 HD, Killer is Dead, Marvel Super Heroes and Ratchet and Clank: Nexus.


It's an insane list and looking at it you wouldn't think that Sony's next console is ready and waiting to be released. It's great to see this kind of support so late in the consoles life.

Oh yeah no question. Ps3 is rocking it. I am excited for killzone vita and ps4. The vita kz beta is pretty awesome which bodes well for the ps4 game. But the ps3 has some real heavyweights for its big last year. No chance I will sell my ps3.

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Sony is said to be holding back stock of PlayStation 4 to ensure "stores have something on shelves come launch day at the end of the year", MCV reports.


The comments come after retailers confirmed they could no longer take pre-orders guaranteeing a console for launch.


Sony refused to comment on the reports, stating: "Sony Computer Entertainment Europe does not comment on production and we have no further information to share at this time on our release strategy for PlayStation 4 which is scheduled for launch this holiday season."


An MCV source states that Sony is holding back stock because it "doesn't want consumers who couldn't buy PS4 to buy Xbox One instead".


A very smart move, if true.

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