Retro_Link Posted February 1, 2013 Author Posted February 1, 2013 Substantially, yes. But what is substantial is not necessarily flashy, and something flashy is needed to draw attention to your own console, even if just to make it relevant in the eyes of the general public. Impressive graphics worked for a while, but that won't cut it this time. Not by itself.Enter Uncharted 4.
Retro_Link Posted February 1, 2013 Author Posted February 1, 2013 Still something flashy! :p But seriously, I think Sony have done such an incredible job with [First Party] exclusives this gen, that it could well be all they need. Just more of what they've been doing. It's certainly the differentiator for them against Nintendo and especially Microsoft atm! They've certainly won me over!
Agent Gibbs Posted February 1, 2013 Posted February 1, 2013 20th? well i wasn't expecting that! considering i'm only going Sony/Nintendo this generation, i'm both massively excited and terrified! (what if i don't like it? it took me years to love my PS3) Lets hope the price is reasonable and not sony get a second job "reasonable"
S.C.G Posted February 1, 2013 Posted February 1, 2013 The PS4 will have to be damn special for me to consider buying it, same goes for the Xbox 720/whateverit'llbecalled... I'm happy with my PS360WiiU setup.
Sheikah Posted February 1, 2013 Posted February 1, 2013 Substantially, yes. But what is substantial is not necessarily flashy, and something flashy is needed to draw attention to your own console, even if just to make it relevant in the eyes of the general public. Impressive graphics worked for a while, but that won't cut it this time. Not by itself. It's entirely possible that the PS4 will subsist with brand recognition alone, though. I just don't think Sony will see it that way. Well you only need look at the Wii in terms of flashy. Sure, it sold lots and to a new audience for having a gimmick. But this gimmick consumed the direction of the console and left many existing existing gamers disgruntled. The choice of Nintendo to go with a lower spec but a gimmick meant the vast majority of multiplatform games never made it. They also put far more attention into motion control then they did into a robust online infrastructure. A gimmick might help sell the console to the casual market, much like Kinect does, but they usually have a nevgative impact on gamers like me and ultimately the PS3 did very well without them.
Daft Posted February 1, 2013 Posted February 1, 2013 Killzone tech demo, if I recall, was actually pretty solid to the final product, albeit the one of the only ones. Most of the PS3's over-estimations came from third party developers, I still remember that fucking Gundam game that looked mad impressive. Don't suppose you know of any HD video's of that Killzone tech demo to you? I'm curious to see the texture quality of the surroundings again. Because there's one thing I've noticed about FPS's this generation and that's some very clever tricky by having the texture quality of stuff that's always near you at a fucking unreal quality (like the visible parts of your arms and the gun), the textures you place elsewhere like the ground mainly gets overlooked. This would be a good idea, as it'd be more realistic considering that's how we see things, but once you start moving towards something it just looks fucking awful and kind of ruins the immersion. I wonder if there'll be any games next generation that'll use some seamless technique to increase texture quality with distance, as it's clearly not happened this gen. Hence why I'm curious to It was tricky enough finding the SD video of Killzone. I can't ever remember having seen an HD version, my Internet was never fast enough back then. I never saw any of the other tech demos. I was too busy convincing myself the Wii would make me go 'Wow'. I'd love to see a rundown of the PS3's announcement, way back when. I hope someone does a retrospective of the PS3 launch. Would be nice to look back at a pretty bat-shit crazy product life. I've seen a couple comments bring up an interesting point. With Sony now most likely announcing theirs console first it leaves them to take advantage of promoting third party games like Star Wars 1313 and WatchDogs. I might not seem like a big deal, since these games will almost undoubtedly come out on the next Xbox too, but in terms of perception it could do wonders.
nekunando Posted February 1, 2013 Posted February 1, 2013 They'll probably show off their magnificent new controller: If they actually did do something to dramatically change the controller, I'd certainly be more interested in the next PlayStation
Ganepark32 Posted February 1, 2013 Posted February 1, 2013 Have to say that I'm personally more interested in seeing what Sony do with the PS4 than what Microsoft will do with the 720. If Sony are indeed using off the shelf components, the disparity between third party titles on the 720/PS4 will be gone and there'll likely be no differences which will fix the main issue that some developers had with the PS3's cell architecture. And then it simply comes down to who will have to better exclusives and given what Sony have done this generation, I'd banker on Sony having stronger first party exclusives as they seem more interested in investing in a variety of gameplay experiences whereas Microsoft sort of boiled down their exclusives to Forza, Halo and Gears and then moved their other studios to Kinect software. So if Sony keep up what they have been doing with the exclusives as well as their online setup, then the PS4 looks like the most attractive console from a speculative point. I have my fingers cross anyway that they don't force some unnecessary 'innovation' on consumers with the controller or what have you. I don't see the need for innovation on a console/controller level as some of the things being touted as innovative are just unnecessary. Keep it to the games and continue to make unique experiences (like Journey or Unfinished Swan) as that is what people are interested in (at least I am). Saying that, though, if Microsoft do give us Alan Wake 2 on the 720, I'd pick one up
Dcubed Posted February 1, 2013 Posted February 1, 2013 (edited) EDGE are claiming that the new controller will keep the familiar DS form factor, but will have the Start/Select/Home button area replaced with the same touch pad as the Vita's rear end. Also, it'll automatically record video footage of your last 15mins of play for you to share online via a dedicated button on the controller 2013 launch for everywhere except Europe, where we wait till 2014 (that's the most believable part sadly...) Edited February 1, 2013 by Dcubed
Daft Posted February 1, 2013 Posted February 1, 2013 I really hope that Share feature is true. I screen cap a lot across both my phone and my Vita. If they're smart they'll do this because it would cultivate a great community around it. Imagine the content users would create, it's pretty much free advertising. I bought a capture card for my PS3 but it's a real hassle to use - if it were all streamlined I'd not hesitate for one iota.
Oxigen_Waste Posted February 1, 2013 Posted February 1, 2013 I'm all in for the PS4 this gen. PS4/WiiU/PC all the way. Here's hoping they don't fuck up the new controller. The DS3 was such a disaster compared to the DS2...
Captain Falcon Posted February 1, 2013 Posted February 1, 2013 (edited) About 1.5-2 years ago, I was pretty much set in my mind that the next xbox would end up being my platform of choice based on how they started the generation, and the choices they made (with regard to their vision of both hardware and software), but Sony have really pulled it around for me as of late and I like a lot of things they seem to be doing/pushing. I guess as MS got further and further to their one box entertainment solution, the focus on games was always going to take a back seat - I just didn't expect it to be quite so soon. Hopefully they still have some good surprises up their sleeve although frankly, it would be much easier as a consumer to make a choice if their next device was outright rubbish. Now's it a matter of what Valve are up to as to where my focus will lie although it looks like I'll be gaming on a linux PC in one way or another regardless. Edited February 1, 2013 by Captain Falcon
Retro_Link Posted February 1, 2013 Author Posted February 1, 2013 Genuinely I had a far greater problem with the DS3 before I started using it! :p I'd played on the very occasional PlayStation 1 and 2 in the past and taken issue with the dualshock when compared to Nintendo's controllers. But when I actuallt bought a PS3 a year ago and started using the controller regularly I honestly don't really have much of an issue with it. The only thing I the controller needs IMO, is 8-way directional support around the analogue sticks, unless Nintendo have that patented?
Cube Posted February 1, 2013 Posted February 1, 2013 The Dualshock 3 needs: - Left analogue position needs changing. - fixed triggers. - Better prongs.
Daft Posted February 1, 2013 Posted February 1, 2013 Genuinely I had a far greater problem with the DS3 before I started using it! :p I'd played on the very occasional PlayStation 1 and 2 in the past and taken issue with the dualshock when compared to Nintendo's controllers. But when I actuallt bought a PS3 a year ago and started using the controller regularly I honestly don't really have much of an issue with it. The only thing I the controller needs IMO, is 8-way directional support around the analogue sticks, unless Nintendo have that patented? I'm exactly the same. I thought the Playstation control was the worst thing ever. The sticks were weird. I couldn't remember as easily which buttons were O,X Square and Triangle - A, B, X, Y apparently weren't an issue for me. Then I picked up a PS3 and BOOM, no problems. It's definitely a psychological thing. I actually really like its compact feel (I have massive hands). The only thing I would improve would be those fucking awful triggers. They need to be more springy. Also, they need to stop emitting that weird-oily-gel type substance whenever you don't use one for a while.
Captain Falcon Posted February 1, 2013 Posted February 1, 2013 The only thing I the controller needs IMO, is 8-way directional support around the analogue sticks, unless Nintendo have that patented? You guessed it.
Oxigen_Waste Posted February 1, 2013 Posted February 1, 2013 Genuinely I had a far greater problem with the DS3 before I started using it! :p I'd played on the very occasional PlayStation 1 and 2 in the past and taken issue with the dualshock when compared to Nintendo's controllers. But when I actuallt bought a PS3 a year ago and started using the controller regularly I honestly don't really have much of an issue with it. The only thing I the controller needs IMO, is 8-way directional support around the analogue sticks, unless Nintendo have that patented? I absolutely hate the DS3, and I say this despite the PS3 being my console of choice for this gen. I HAVE NO ISSUE WHATSOEVER WITH THE STICK PLACEMENT AND I DON'T UNDERSTAND THOSE WHO DO. The real problem, for me, is how loose the sitcks feel, especially when they weren't like that at all in the DS2. Also, there's the terrible "triggers" to account for. Basically, it didn't improve a single thing over the DS2 other than being wireless and actually became a much worse controller than it's predecessor. The problem was of course exacerbated by the fact that the 360's controller was/is so much better.
The Bard Posted February 1, 2013 Posted February 1, 2013 I absolutely hate the DS3, and I say this despite the PS3 being my console of choice for this gen. I HAVE NO ISSUE WHATSOEVER WITH THE STICK PLACEMENT AND I DON'T UNDERSTAND THOSE WHO DO. The real problem, for me, is how loose the sitcks feel, especially when they weren't like that at all in the DS2. Also, there's the terrible "triggers" to account for. Basically, it didn't improve a single thing over the DS2 other than being wireless and actually became a much worse controller than it's predecessor. The problem was of course exacerbated by the fact that the 360's controller was/is so much better. I dislike the stick placement for the simple reason that with the right hand your thumb largely alternates between stick and buttons, lessening the likelihood of cramp, but when the left thumb is extended to reach the primary analogue usually indefinitely, it gets really uncomfortable. Also think about it - when controlling a character with the primary stick, you're using the stick constantly to maintain direction, whereas the right stick you don't have to use as much just because you're controlling the camera view in much smaller increments. The other problem with the DS3 sticks is that they have a fucking colossal deadzone in the center, meaning you have to decentralise them by a marginally larger degree to get a response as compared to the 360 controller. What also makes this worse is that the sticks - when you actually get them past the dead zone - are a bit more sensitive than the 360 sticks meaning the disparity between deadzone and the actual sensitive region is amplified ever more.
Oxigen_Waste Posted February 1, 2013 Posted February 1, 2013 I dislike the stick placement for the simple reason that with the right hand your thumb largely alternates between stick and buttons, lessening the likelihood of cramp, but when the left thumb is extended to reach the primary analogue usually indefinitely, it gets really uncomfortable. Also think about it - when controlling a character with the primary stick, you're using the stick constantly to maintain direction, whereas the right stick you don't have to use as much just because you're controlling the camera view in much smaller increments. I disagree, and this is usually a complaint made by people who don't really use the DS3 or the Wii CCP that much. When you do use one regularly you'll see there's no discomfort to it at all as the position your thumb is in isn't unnatural in the slightest. 400 hours in Monster Hunter Tri later, and approximately 100 on each Souls game later and not a single ache was felt. The other problem with the DS3 sticks is that they have a fucking colossal deadzone in the center, meaning you have to decentralise them by a marginally larger degree to get a response as compared to the 360 controller. What also makes this worse is that the sticks - when you actually get them past the dead zone - are a bit more sensitive than the 360 sticks meaning the disparity between deadzone and the actual sensitive region is amplified ever more. I completely agree with this, though. (However, whenever you can pick up a DS2, you'll see it wasn't like this before. This is a DS3/Sixaxis exclusive feature, and one I don't see the point of...) This is why the controller is soo hated by the FPS crowd, to the point of there being numerous adaptors to play with a 360 controller on PS3s. And of course, THE FUCKING TRIGGERS.
Agent Gibbs Posted February 1, 2013 Posted February 1, 2013 I'm part of the crowd who hates the DS3/SIXAXIS, so much so i've replaced it with a gioteck controller that has the 360 stick layout and far better 360 style triggers, so any improvement on the DS3 needs to get it on par with the 360 controller which is far superior (except for the d-pad) why do europe always have to get the late launches? suppose it give people time to save, but march launches are always poor
Daft Posted February 1, 2013 Posted February 1, 2013 Late launch in Playstation's strongest territory? Makes total sense. 100% sense. Bullshit sense. They should launch in the UK along with America...because of...reasons.
Agent Gibbs Posted February 1, 2013 Posted February 1, 2013 Bullshit sense. They should launch in the UK along with America...because of...reasons. because we don't like waiting and we want it now?
Daft Posted February 1, 2013 Posted February 1, 2013 I was going to say because 'Fuck Europe' but for some reasons didn't want to insult the non-UKers. Fuck Europe. I'm a little suspicious though since the Vita launched in the US and Europe at the same time. If it is true, I guess the one upside is we'll likely get more launch titles.
Gio001 Posted February 1, 2013 Posted February 1, 2013 Would the next Xbox benefit launching in the Europe & America late 2013 whilst Europe wait for the PS3 launch ??
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