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i have set up my user and linked it to my PSN account. Ferret Jnr has also set himself up as a user, but can't log in to my PSN. He wants to be able to play games as his own user rather than being logged in as me.

How do i do this? Do i have to create another PSN account and if so does this mean i'd have to pay a separate £40 for PS+

I'm hoping I can just link them the same way as the Wii U

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i have set up my user and linked it to my PSN account. Ferret Jnr has also set himself up as a user, but can't log in to my PSN. He wants to be able to play games as his own user rather than being logged in as me.

How do i do this? Do i have to create another PSN account and if so does this mean i'd have to pay a separate £40 for PS+

I'm hoping I can just link them the same way as the Wii U


Set yourself up as the primary user for that console and it should be fine. He will be able to use your ps plus on that console only.


[settings] > Select [PSN] > [Activate as Your Primary PS4] > [Activate].

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SO what do you guys think of the year so far? :) and perhaps going forward?


I've had an absolutely fantastic time with the PS4 this year. Right from the very first moment turning on the machine and downloading Resogun to the FIFA Pro Club nights, it's been excellent.


My favourite game of the year, Alien: Isolation came out this year and it'll be a game I'll never forget. Every time a new game appears in that universe, it's going to be marked up against this game. Not just for the fact that there's an alien in it, but in terms of the AI, the immense quality of sound, the environments, the atmosphere, etc. I can't put it into words just how much this game ticked all of the right boxes for me. I felt like a teenager again watching Alien for the very first time.


I've also enjoyed The Last of Us, Tomb Raider and think that what I've played of Shadow of Mordor so far is also brilliant. I'm excited about next year and can't wait for it. Had I not picked up a PS4, I would have probably either had plunged back into retro gaming and either picked up more Dreamcast or SNES games, or...more likely, I just wouldn't be doing it at all. I've got quite a few other interests: working out, music, films, sports, learning languages, so there was a danger that gaming would have been the hobby I drop to make way for the others.


I'm looking forward to seeing what comes out next year. The Witcher and The Order both look like must-haves. The Order in particular looks excellent, can't wait for it.

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So very happy with my PS4. It's been a good half year. Bought it in May. UI, games, controller, love it all. Loved the games I have bought for it, inFamous, GTAV again, Shadow of Morder, Unity and FC4.


Don't know much about next year though. The Witcher looks interesting but other than that I don't know, assuming FFXV and KH3 is for 2016.

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As a new owner of a PS4 it's been a very underwhelming experience thus far.

It's been a complete lottery getting online, freezes up a lot, controller disconnects and can't reconnect - all of which results in turning of the PS4 and rebooting. Extra controllers are crazily overpriced (although that seems to be a temporary issue whilst the shops are exploiting all the new owners)

Cut scenes in COD AW look really good, but in game play doesn't look that much different.

Hoping when I start playing Alien it will kick start my PS4 adventure in earnest, but until then and PSN gets sorted it's been the Wii U that we've been reverting to over Christmas.

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Tricky one. In all honesty its been a huge disappointment, but I think that's my fault. I don't regret getting it kane bit as I enjoyed resogun, infamous and love fifa as always, but nothing else. I sort of feel this generation as a whole has been the most underwhelming yet. By some distance. It doesn't feel next next gem in the slightest, I don't really care for the "services" and I feel, for me having had a PS3, the games have been probably the worst on a console after one year I can remember.


I also think it's made me realise something else about myself, and maybe it's getting older and having less time, but I've gone past caring about most 3rd party games, especially the more "adult" ones, and that actually Id rather just play Nintendo games in the main. I think it's partly to do with the severe backlog I've built up over the years and the sheer amount off games I haven't played but desperate too. I want to thin out my gaming purchases and play the games I love more. And also play more classic games. I'm trying to get into destiny for example, but I'd rather play pretty much anything else, and with having 50 odd Nintendo VC games they appeal to me more.


Anyways, it's all come together to make me realise I'm probably not going to buy that many ps4 games, plus give away so much free, and nothing rewlly appeals to me anyway. I'm excited for batman, uncharted, and quite a few indies so I'll pick up the games I really really want!

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My half year with the PS4 has been pretty subpar but I kinda expected it.


What made me jump in (pun intended) with next gen was the release of FIFA 15 so you can immediately tell what type of gamer I am - yes I have COD too :P Being a casual gamer (or a normal person with a job haha) I am restricted with how much time I spend gaming and so far I don't think there's much of a big step up from PS3/360 to PS4/One apart from the standard improvement in the graphics department. Even that is contentious for me - the last game to truly wow me on the graphics front was The Last of Us - on PS3.


Moving away from graphics and onto gameplay, I haven't seem much innovation in this aspect either. Maybe the nemesis system in Shadow of Mordor but this generation seemed to promise more than that. But then on the other hand, 'why fix something that isn't broken' - I enjoyed Far Cry 4 (which is basically Far Cry 3.5).


I've always thought next gen (or current gen) was introduced too soon and with games coming half finished/delayed, it's only strengthened this opinion.


I'm optimistic for this year though and I hope we can see the true potential of the next gen systems (not just PS4)


Peace and love homies


*Goes back to playing COD online*

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I'm the opposite to most of you, towards the end of last gen I was extremely underwhelmed. I wasn't enjoying the PS3 or 360 and my love for the Wii U ended really quickly (and the fact that I cant re-download games iv already paid for means I will never buy another one) and I had numerous problems with my xbox one that meant that went back after about a week.


The Pas4 has reignited my passion for gaming, it has been years since I have played and finished so many games. I have a huge number of games still to play, there is that much available it kind of puts me in awe. Everyone talks about their being no games and maybe that's the case for you if you did alot with the last gen machines towards the end but for me... Games. Games everywhere!

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I also think it's made me realise something else about myself, and maybe it's getting older and having less time, but I've gone past caring about most 3rd party games, especially the more "adult" ones, and that actually Id rather just play Nintendo games in the main. I think it's partly to do with the severe backlog I've built up over the years and the sheer amount off games I haven't played but desperate too. I want to thin out my gaming purchases and play the games I love more. And also play more classic games. I'm trying to get into destiny for example, but I'd rather play pretty much anything else, and with having 50 odd Nintendo VC games they appeal to me more.


I'm pretty sure you said something similar last year. :D


The solution is simple...stop buying more games! If you're buying them only for them to sit on the shelf then what's the point? You end up with a massive collection of games that you overpaid for and are now gathering dust. It also has the effect of having all these games to play but not wanting to play any of them. You become over whelmed.


You also need to learn to pick your battles. Games like Destiny are a huge time sink and if you don't have the time to put into it then it's pointless starting the thing, especially if you have other games you would rather play.


If you have a retro gaming itch then scratch it. Don't play something because you feel you have to, rather play it because you genuinely want to.

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I'm the opposite to most of you, towards the end of last gen I was extremely underwhelmed. I wasn't enjoying the PS3 or 360 and my love for the Wii U ended really quickly (and the fact that I cant re-download games iv already paid for means I will never buy another one) and I had numerous problems with my xbox one that meant that went back after about a week.


The Pas4 has reignited my passion for gaming, it has been years since I have played and finished so many games. I have a huge number of games still to play, there is that much available it kind of puts me in awe. Everyone talks about their being no games and maybe that's the case for you if you did alot with the last gen machines towards the end but for me... Games. Games everywhere!


I didn't pick up a PS3 or 360 last generation, so going from being Nintendo-only to a PS4 has opened a new doorway for me. I can see how the jumpy from PS3 to PS4 won't be as big for some. The first year for a new console is always strange though and you don't really see the console's true potential until some time has passed. This time next year, we should have some idea of what the new machines are capable of.

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I'm the opposite to most of you, towards the end of last gen I was extremely underwhelmed. I wasn't enjoying the PS3 or 360 and my love for the Wii U ended really quickly (and the fact that I cant re-download games iv already paid for means I will never buy another one) and I had numerous problems with my xbox one that meant that went back after about a week.


The Pas4 has reignited my passion for gaming, it has been years since I have played and finished so many games. I have a huge number of games still to play, there is that much available it kind of puts me in awe. Everyone talks about their being no games and maybe that's the case for you if you did alot with the last gen machines towards the end but for me... Games. Games everywhere!


Feel same about my PS4 as @Esequiel.


Fifa & Destiny online have been my gaming highlights this year, the weekly Pro club nights and doing raids with you guys, well, they are something else. Showcases what a great gaming community we have here.


I don't understand it either when people say PS4 has no games. It has to be the blue cases that are making people confuse the Wii U games with PS4 games. There is no other explanation :awesome:


Regarding games not feeling next gen, this will be the year when cross gen support is dropped and you'll see it more.


I'm just glad I have a console that is future proof and will receive ALL 3rd party titles.

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