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Weird shit people do


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ocd alert...


I'm UTTERLY obsessed about packing shopping bags, all the fridge/freezer/different cupboard things have to be together in 1 bag, and put in the bag so it doesn't damage anything...(like bread on the top, heavy stuff on the bottom)


Just one of the obsessions I've turned into a fine art form :)

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ocd alert...


I'm UTTERLY obsessed about packing shopping bags, all the fridge/freezer/different cupboard things have to be together in 1 bag, and put in the bag so it doesn't damage anything...(like bread on the top, heavy stuff on the bottom)


Just one of the obsessions I've turned into a fine art form :)


You see, thisis why I believe us people with OCD are actually higher life forms - we see the universe in its proper and ordered state of existence. There is ONLY one way to pack a shopping bag, any variation and your risk opening a singularity in your kitchen and unleashing chaos upon all of existence.

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Asking a woman to do the shopping? That's sexist 'wolf!

True, the man should do the shopping. That gives the woman enough time to clean the kitchen in preparation of cooking whatever he brings back.

Can you pack my shopping from now on Raining? I'm bloody useless at it.

Just think of it like I do: Tetris with groceries. Even hum the theme/make turning noises in your head to get yourself started.


Although the "heavy at the bottom/light at the top" method is simply common sense, it's surprising how many people don't follow this and wonder why their Kingsmill is flatter after the drive home. Nothing to do with the jumbo box of Persil on it, oh no.

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- i always touch my nose when i´m thinking

- when i am with one of my closest friends we more often than not speak in several languages at once which many people find odd


that´s all i can think of but i wanted to contribute :blank:


My friend was raised to speak English, Italian, French and something else (forget, been a few years since I've seen her). Listening to her on the phone to her dad was amazing as they would hop between all of these.

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Surely the packing method you guys are saying as OCD i.e. heavy stuff on bottom or fridge bound items together is just plain common sense?


I know more people who pack like that than just stuff it all in wherever.


I just throw them all in and choose between dragging the bag home with a rope and kicking it in front of me.


I can eat dinner over a period of hours if I am not interested in it. If I am doing something else then I will just not be bothered to focus on the food and only return to take a bit every now and then since eating is boring.

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I just throw them all in and choose between dragging the bag home with a rope and kicking it in front of me.


I can eat dinner over a period of hours if I am not interested in it. If I am doing something else then I will just not be bothered to focus on the food and only return to take a bit every now and then since eating is boring.


I think that is quite strange, it'll all be cold! My cousin does something similar to this, he'll eat all the bits he wants to as he goes in phases and then take ages to eat the rest and usually gets bored with what's left.


I'm one of those who leaves my favourite items on the plate till last. I also don't mix a lot of my foods, I seem to eat each item on its own rather than take a bit of everything on my plate in each mouthful.

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I'm very symmetrical, such as when I knock my right knee, sometimes I will hit my left knee (but only lightly with my hand) otherwise it sort of feels weird / left out to me. I think this may seem quite strange.


This. I used to do this quite a lot as a kid. If I got a certain feeling on one side of my body (like touching a rough stone with my left hand), I had to recreate the same feeling on the other side, otherwise things felt wrong and I couldn't move on. And it had to be exactly the same too. This often led to me touching something multiple times with both hands just to get the feeling right. =P


Or like for example tying my shoelaces, they had to feel just as tight on both feet, otherwise it felt wrong and I wouldn't be able to concentrate properly.


I did a lot of weird stuff like that, but I somehow grew out of it. Only very very occasionally do I still get the feeling of needing the same feeling to be the same on both sides, but it's so rare these days, luckily.


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This. I used to do this quite a lot as a kid. If I got a certain feeling on one side of my body (like touching a rough stone with my left hand), I had to recreate the same feeling on the other side, otherwise things felt wrong and I couldn't move on. And it had to be exactly the same too. This often led to me touching something multiple times with both hands just to get the feeling right. =P


Or like for example tying my shoelaces, they had to feel just as tight on both feet, otherwise it felt wrong and I wouldn't be able to concentrate properly.


I did a lot of weird stuff like that, but I somehow grew out of it. Only very very occasionally do I still get the feeling of needing the same feeling to be the same on both sides, but it's so rare these days, luckily.



This is exactly what I was trying to describe, the shoe lace analogy I can picture myself doing back in the day as well!


I don't do it as much anymore, but sometimes when I get bumped on the hand/ leg or something I just get an urge to balance things out.

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Saving your favourite part of the dish to last is definitely something loads of people do. My cousin doesn't like mixing his food and will eat all the pasta first, then the sauce. I used to be the same BUT I had to have abitofeverythinginonego too - i.e. eat a full english and at some point I need to have egg, bacon, sausage, tomato, beans, toast and hash brown all on one forkful.

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I think that's meant to be to see how well the flavours mingle. If one particular element is too strong and is blocking the taste of others then it's not as good -- why even bother including that hidden element?


I don't like deciding that sort of thing about food -- I cook to my tastebuds, which probably means things taste sub-par :P

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I eat everything separately, least favourite thing first, then I get to the best part and I'm already full....




I too eat my meal in phases, most of them anyway. I always get amazed when you see people on cooking shows and the like piling a bit of everything on one forkful, I don't understand how they can taste everything.


The food is all meant to compliment each other. Eating it item by item is just... weird.

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