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Seen this kind of topic on Gaf and thought it may be nice to see what people on here think of the year so far in terms of gaming. What's been your favourite game so far? What has been the biggest disappointment? What games are you still looking forward to?


For me, the best game of the year so far has to go to Journey. The game was simply stunning to look at and had an amazing soundtrack. It was one of those games that made me feel glad to be a gamer and it's probably one of the few examples where gaming is classed as art.


My most anticipated game is probably Halo 4. I liked the new look they have gone for and i'm loving the sound of the new spec-ops mode. Getting new missions every week is big plus for me.


Big disappointment so far? I'll keep this short. E3!

Posted (edited)

Mass Effect 3.


It was an amazing game and while a few month ago it ended and I was left feeling extremely disappointment (I loved the first 99% of it), the recent changes have completely changed my view and I now love the entire game. Possibly my favourite game ever.


There is also the Vita, with some great games like Uncharted, WipeOut, Monster Blob Attacks, Gravirty Rush, Everybody's Golf. While I think some things need to be sorted (like not logging you out of online modes in games when you go to check your messages) it's a good console.


Kid Icarus Uprising is also looks great. This and Layton look to be my only 3DS purchases in 2012.


Then there have been a couple of good downloadable games in the form of FeZ and Journey.


For the rest of 2012 I'm very much looking forward to Need for Speed: Paradise 2.

Edited by Cube

This year has been a big upheaval in gaming for me since I was unsatisfied with the 3DS or so I thought. I spent a fair bit of money on games for it and barely played any of them which started to feel like a waste.


I'm just not that interested in spending time/money on games any more. Even with my Playstation Vita which I enjoy when I play, I''d just rather do something else. :D I haven't played it for a while now.


My Wii is broken, I have sold a lot of my DS games and my Xbox is still around because I need to complete the one game that still excites me: Gears Of War 3.


Also Gears Of War: Judgement has me pumped. :p


I don't feel like videogames have progressed as a medium to a place that will satisfy me personally. :)


So far it's probably Ys Origin despite it being a 6 year old game, although it only just got an official English release a couple of months ago.


Other than that Kid Icarus: Uprising gets a mention and Phantasy Star Online 2 is shaping up nicely, thankfully.


Got to play a lot of Gameboy titles I missed thanks to the 3DS virtual console.


I actually don't think I've played much in the way of home console games, everything I have played I haven't finished.


Games I am looking forward to:


  • New Super Mario Brothers 2
  • Paper Mario
  • Luigi's Mansion 2
  • Professor Layton
  • Pokemon Black/White 2
  • Rhythm Paradise (out Friday!)
  • Dragon Quest X (If playable outside Japan)


As you can see it's mostly handheld titles. Obviously looking forward to the Wii U launch as well. There's probably a few more titles I might be interested in picking up.


Biggest disappointment was having to wait until 2013 for Fire Emblem: Awakening :(.

Posted (edited)

GOTY so far is Kid Icarus Uprising. Utter insanity, a rollicking great ride and a surprise hit multiplayer mode that is far deeper than I ever expected it to be!


Rhythm Heaven Fever is a close second. You're insane if you don't pick up that gem!


Outside of that and a few other select releases (namely RE: Revelations, Tales of Graces F, NSMB2, Theatrhythm, LMDM, PMSS, Pikmin 3, PKMN B&W2, Layton MoM, Nintendoland, NSMBU, Wii Fit U and hopefully Castlevania MoF) I suspect that this year will be a pretty disappointing one overall (very sequel heavy :( )

Edited by Dcubed

Good topic, you should post this in General Chit Chat though as it'd get more responses.


Not bought too many new games this year - have been trying to catch up on ones I've had for a while like Mario 3DS. I have bought a few downloadable ones though like FeZ and Journey, which have been outstanding.


There hasn't been much this year in the way of must have games. Solid ones sure, but the whole year has been a bit meh.


The game I'm looking forward to the most believe it or not is Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon.


Dragons Dogma and MGS HD Collection (both excellent) are the only games ive purchased and ive only played through half of both.


As much as i love the PS3, the next console i buy is going to have to focus on speed and instant gratification if im going to continue investing time and money into this hobby.


Faster downloading and installing, sleep modes, save states for EVERYTHING, auto-updating, drastically reduced load times, a big charge mat that i can throw anything on it charges, etc.


Basically I want to walk into my livingroom and pick up where i left off within seconds without having to wade through a bunch of bullshit.

  Pit-Jr said:
Dragons Dogma and MGS HD Collection (both excellent) are the only games ive purchased and ive only played through half of both.


As much as i love the PS3, the next console i buy is going to have to focus on speed and instant gratification if im going to continue investing time and money into this hobby.


Faster downloading and installing, sleep modes, save states for EVERYTHING, auto-updating, drastically reduced load times, a big charge mat that i can throw anything on it charges, etc.


Basically I want to walk into my livingroom and pick up where i left off within seconds without having to wade through a bunch of bullshit.



  dazzybee said:


Downloads though the PSN are much slower than normal downloads and downloading through Xbox Live.


Any by "sleep mode" I think he means how the Xbox can power down and download, and how these downloaded games don't need to be installed*. The PS3 just stays on until the downloads are finished.


*Thus meaning that games actually require twice the amount of HDD space during the installation period.


Gaming is an interesting place with me right now..


I haven't really bought anything for a while as there doesn't seem to be much out there to grab my attention at the moment. I'm basically waiting for the next wave of great 3DS software (Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, Paper Mario: Sticker Star and New Super Mario Bros. 2) and, hopefully, Wii U if it manages to eradicate the doubts.


I have plenty to be playing through at the moment but I haven't been in a place where any one game is demanding my time. I put a lot of time into Project Zero 2 last week to try to get it reviewed before the game's release last Friday but it hasn't been particularly compelling for me, unfortunately, though I'm sure I'll outline my thoughts in detail when the review is complete :smile:


My biggest disappointment of the year so far (apart from E3, probably..) is Kid Icarus: Uprising :hmm: It was nowhere near as good as I hoped it would be, and my expectations hadn't even been that high going in :eek:


In summary, I would say that 2012 has further highlighted my concern about where gaming is going and how reliant I am on Nintendo to provide me with the compelling software and experiences that I crave, something that E3 somewhat failed to assure me of..


Low Point: Uncharted 3's online blowing chunks. FU Naughty Dog.


High Point: Gravity Rush. Was super disappointed by the demo but the full game has been a joy to play.


XBLA and PSN downloadable games have been my highlight in 2012. Minecraft, Journey, Trails Evolution and Fez have been some of the absolute best games released - boxed or digital. Plus the upcoming Spelunky and THPSHD are shaping up to be more essential downloads.


I'd say my favourite game so far is Journey followed closely by Mass Effect 3 (even before extended cut).


Biggest Disappointment has got to be Sonic 4 Episode 2....for the strides they made in changing the art style along with the great work in Generations this was utter toss....


Most anticipated is Retro City Rampage although there are tons of other great games coming Darksiders 2, NFS Most Wanted and Borderlands 2 amongst those I cannot wait for.


My low point is with Nintendo in general. Sick of the sequels they keep churning out and planning - particularly them whoring out Mario (apart from Paper Mario which looks good to be fair). But I still feel completely disconnected from and potentially finished with them. I'm at a situation where I can only play games a couple of times a week so I rather try out new experiences. Most anticipated this year is probably Assassins Creed 3. (I haven't owned an AC game before).


Gaming-wise of 2012, it's been ok. Been playing Witcher 2, which is a great game by the way. Mass Effect 3 (best of the series), SSX and MGS HD. Max Payne 3 has a fantastic multiplayer, single player isn't too bad.


Unfortunately I don't have much time to play, resulting in me picking up a game, playing it for a few days, not completing it and moving on :(


Bought Borderlands GOTY edition and I really enjoy it. This is a game I will definately finish in the next few weeks.


Other than that, the Vita is my highlight of the year so far. It's a beast.


Thanks for the replies, guys.


  MATtheHAT said:
XBLA and PSN downloadable games have been my highlight in 2012. Minecraft, Journey, Trails Evolution and Fez have been some of the absolute best games released - boxed or digital. Plus the upcoming Spelunky and THPSHD are shaping up to be more essential downloads.


Indeed. Both platforms have really blossomed over the past year, with many titles being far more original than retail offerings.


Technically, I finished Portal 2 this year, but I'm not counting that :heh:


I've just realized I've been replaying a lot of stuff this year. When it comes to new stuff, I've only beaten Skyward Sword, and still in the middle of Another Code R and Amnesia: The Dark Descent.


Because, you know, collegework and exams...


It's been a slow year, but the first half is always slower, anyway :heh: I have De Blob 2 waiting for me, as well as Pokémon TCG 2 (a translation patch recently came out. It counts, right?)


Not had a huge amount of time (or money to be fair) to spend on games so far this year. Haven't bought anything new on the 3DS or Wii since December. You could say that that is a result of the time issues and lack of money but I've just been extremely disappointed with the former (even Kid Icarus: Uprising, a game I wanted for so long) couldn't tempt me to part with my money) and I'm all but done with the latter.


Think the only new games I've bought this year have been Mass Effect 3 in March, SSX back in May and Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning a week or two back. Loved the ME3, easily my favourite game of the year so far but then, I don't exactly have a hard choice on that one now do I :laughing: SSX was pretty good as well and I'm beginning to grow on KoA:R.


Don't think the standard of retail releases has been of that great a quality so far this year, outside of a handful of titles. While I've not invested in any, its the downloadable titles which look to be bringing the best to the table so far and I really need to get into some of those that I've missed (still cursing the fact my PS3 doesn't work as I really, really, really want to play Journey).


Think I will get negatives out of the way first. So biggest disappointment...Has to be multiple really. Bioshock getting delayed, Guild Wars 2 looking like a game I don't want anymore, Tera being run by fools, Dead Space 3 looking to be designed around co-op, Diablo 3 only really keeping my attention for about 2 days and...that's it. Some of those disappointments are huge though as there was alot of patience and waiting involved...


Now onto the good stuff. Favourite game this year WAS Mass Effect 3 for stellar singleplayer (99% of it anyways) and multiplayer which has been a riot with friends. Really suprised that I like the MP so much because it has alot of design issues that make me want to tear my hair out. Battlefield 3 has been fantastic with the patches and expansions. Really looking forward to whats coming. And Dragons Dogma IS my current fave game so far. A real surprise hit. Only wish more people on my friends list had it.


Still looking forward to Darksiders 2. LOOOOOVED the first game. Anticipating great things. Borderlands 2, just need to decide what format. Dark Souls for PC. Need for Speed: Burnout Paradise 2 with autobook. Oh and almost forgot Playstation plus. They have had some great offers already and can't wait to see what is coming further down the line.


Not as well as i would like tbh.


When I say that I mean more about I don't feel like I have had a much time to game as I have in previous years. As a consequence I still have titles from last year I have yet to play! I have some new titles and a few of these HD collections I really want to play as well. For example I am only playing through LA Noire now and have been doing that for about a month (whereas it doesn't usually take me that long to complete a game. Also only bought Skyward Sword a few days ago as I seen it at good price (don't even know when I will start playing it) and I love the Zelda games!


But best game I have played so far this year has to be Mass Effect 3, <insert standard negative comment about ending here>. Quite possibly my favourite game series/story ever.


Big disappointment so far.... E3! What a yawn fest.


Most anticipated? Too busy playing catch up! Ha, Halo 4 potentially looks awesome, I did like ODST and really enjoyed Reach (never played one and two and three was 'meh'). Not really thought to much about up coming games though.

  Mike1988uk said:
Not as well as i would like tbh.


When I say that I mean more about I don't feel like I have had a much time to game as I have in previous years. As a consequence I still have titles from last year I have yet to play! I have some new titles and a few of these HD collections I really want to play as well. For example I am only playing through LA Noire now and have been doing that for about a month (whereas it doesn't usually take me that long to complete a game. Also only bought Skyward Sword a few days ago as I seen it at good price (don't even know when I will start playing it) and I love the Zelda games!


But best game I have played so far this year has to be Mass Effect 3, <insert standard negative comment about ending here>. Quite possibly my favourite game series/story ever.


Big disappointment so far.... E3! What a yawn fest.


Most anticipated? Too busy playing catch up! Ha, Halo 4 potentially looks awesome, I did like ODST and really enjoyed Reach (never played one and two and three was 'meh'). Not really thought to much about up coming games though.


I certainly think my year has also been defined by playing catch up so to speak...I've beaten 26 games this year so far according to my backloggery (40 last year). A huge majority of them have been titles from last year or earlier....Skyrim, RAGE, Dead Space, Back to the Future, Sonic Generations, Sly Cooper, Medal of Honor (2010), Heavenly Sword for example and some of these have been the best games I've played for a long time.


It's not a trend that's going to change really...at the moment playing Dead Space 2, Last Window and Little Kings Story...


The Back to the Future games could have be really good if Telltale finished them at some point. Completely put me off getting any more of their games.

  Hero-of-Time said:
I didn't mind them, although I got them all free on PS+. :D


They're not bad games, the story, plot, puzzles and voice acting is all great. They were just unfinished.

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