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It's raining pretty heavy where I live.


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Just thought I'd share as this is insane.


5 minutes from my house.




Recorded a little earlier.



Anyone else in the North East getting weather like this?


I work in Gateshead, got stuck because I use bus + metro, but they were off. Just got home after finishing at 6.


Got a couple of photos + stories which I'll post later. On my tablet right now.

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Yeah hot and humid here aswell, with thunder earlier and crazy rain for about an hour.


Just thought I'd share as this is insane.


5 minutes from my house.



What is this normally?


Has the road collapsed? Why's there such a height change and a car submerged in the middle?

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Yup, it was insane up at Consett as well. Me and my mate were at work and watching the water flood into the office through the front door. I then went and checked the the corridors only to find that the rain had busted through the roof and was cascading into the building. The corridors were flooding and we were using our lab coats to plug up the doors to stop the water getting in. We then scrambled all of the electrical equipment on to the the desks. Mental.


Strange thing is, there was a stupid amount of damage done all around the North East, yet the storm only lasted about half an hour! Oh and the size of the hail that came down was nuts as well. It was the size of small pebbles!


Gotta Love England. :D

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just a normal rainy "summer" here in ireland...


Do you mean to tell me that it's....



....raining, again?




Just thought I'd share as this is insane.


5 minutes from my house.




Recorded a little earlier.



Anyone else in the North East getting weather like this?


Did the lightning just hit the bridge with no issues? Looks mighty close to civilisation to me. Blows my mind that there's weather like that in places and it's sweltering down here(finally, at least, so im not complaining).

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How come England gets flooded but Scotland never does? Especially since Scotland's weather is generally always slightly worse than England's.


Highlands vs lowlands? iono ::shrug:


Apparently I'm on relatively high land for my area though(well, higher than most but the town up the road really takes it), so hopefully shouldn't get flooded too bad if it gets that crazy down here! Admittedly the Thames really isn't that far off, but I'm sure it couldn't break its banks now considering we've still got hosepipe bans in places :p

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After finishing work, I got to the main road and saw the massive queue. My bus was there so I just jumped on. Had no idea what was actually causing the queue.


Slowly we made it to the roundabout and found out why it was moving so slow. The entire road had been flooded. There was a couple buses that had stopped and a couple of cars that look like they got stuck, but our bus tried to get through and was doing fine until one of the other bus drivers stopped us.


Turns out the road was closed anyway, then the bus power cut out while they were talking. Would have been stranded in the middle of the flood if it didn't get started again. Thankfully it started to work again and we got to drier land. I decided to bail the bus and try to got another way, but it didn't seem likely I was going to get a bus and I discovered the Metro were off completely.


Eventually got my Mam to come out and rescue me, but it took 2 hours for her to reach me. I had to walk to the other end of Team valley with was maybe about an hours walk. Maybe a bit less. Ended up waiting at McDonalds until they arrived. I was stuck for about 4 hours in the end.


Worst thing was I had to walk through a flooded area so my shoes were completely soaked through.


Anyway, picture time:


Photos of the flood:









Bus started to flood, didn't smell pleasant:



Random one from the car on the way home:



There's a bank around that area that got badly flooded, didn't get a pic though. There was a car that was stuck in the middle of the flooded bit and when I passed that area again, it looked like it had somehow sank even further.


So that was my adventure.

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