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Happy birthday Mary-Kate!


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The thread title is weak but I appreciate the gesture :heh:


Thanks everyone :) Had a good if not particularly exciting day. As it's also my granddad's birthday I always feel that I have to go back up to the Midlands, which I did on Sunday, and as such I've spent most of today on route back to London. Had planned to go to Nintendisco tonight but couldn't find anyone to go with and to be frank I'm tired. Think I'll just spend the evening drinking wine with the housemate.


Got some nice gifts. Bought myself a PS3 and some games and got a bike cover, stuffed Pikachu, a print from my animation, an inordinate amount of chocolate, some cider and one of my friends wrapped my present (a book about veggie food/places in London and an etiquette guide for gentlemen) in brown paper with the lyrics to Freaks and Geeks over it which was quite awesome.

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