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Stuff you used to find funny, but now you don't.


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Went to watch Lee Evans the other week in Manchester. It's the third time I've been to see him, the other two times I really enjoyed it - had sore cheeks from laughing. But this time...nothing. Had a smile every so often, but felt like I was the only one not falling about with laughter. Also, felt the same watching stuff like the Fast Show, or the Ace Ventura or Wayne's World films.


Don't know if it's just my changing tastes, or if I've just become a miserable bastard.


But is there anything, apart from Rez :p , who you used to find funny, but now don't for some reason?

Edited by Dog-amoto
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Went to watch Lee Evans the other week in Manchester. It's the third time I've been to see him, the other two times I really enjoyed it - had sore cheeks from laughing. But this time...nothing. Had a smile every so often, but felt like I was the only one not falling about with laughter. Also, felt the same watching stuff like the Fast Show, or the Ace Ventura or Wayne's World films.


Don't know if it's just my changing tastes, or if I've just become a miserable bastard.


But is there anything, apart from Rez :P , who you used to find funny, but now don't for some reason?


Actually with Lee Evans, i think it might be him. I used to really like him, then a couple of Christmasses ago i got his new DVD and i'twer rubbish. Maybe if you went back and watched some old stuff you might find it funny? Or perhaps they aren't the sort of jokes that you can watch again and again and continue to find them funny.


Some things are funny the first time, but not after repeat viewings.

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Actually with Lee Evans, i think it might be him. I used to really like him, then a couple of Christmasses ago i got his new DVD and i'twer rubbish. Maybe if you went back and watched some old stuff you might find it funny? Or perhaps they aren't the sort of jokes that you can watch again and again and continue to find them funny.


Some things are funny the first time, but not after repeat viewings.


Thats the thing with stand-up, after you've watched it, you do need to leave it for a long while before watching it again. For example, after i watched "Big, Live at the O2" i watched it once more a few months later. Since then, i ain't watched it.

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For me, it's things that were fashionable or very much "of their time" like Wayne's World, Bill & Ted and maybe The Fast Show.


The flip side is that the stuff I laughed hardest at is still so flipping funny, like Bottom and the early episodes of Only Fools and Horses (the ones that had pathos without overdoing it). The last three series of Shooting Stars were also just as good as the old ones, probably better, so I can't believe they're axing it!

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I think it's a combination of getting older and expanding what you do and also some stuff just isn't good any more.


With Stand Up Comedy I feel I get used to the persons style so you know where the routine is going.


The Simpsons is reguarly called Zombie Simpsons now and even as a hardcore fan I know in my heart it is no longer good. So in that case the show itself has got less funny/clever.


Not just finding things funny but like say my favourite films as I watch more then others which used to seem great fall my the way side.


It's the same with music for me.


As I get a broader sense of the medium some stuff gets left behind. :)

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Kenan & Kel.


I watched an episode over summer and good god, totally grown out of it.


That said, I'm surprised someone mentioned Simpsons! I've been watching seasons 3-8 over the last few weeks, so many incredible jokes, most of which I didn't even get as a kid.

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Kenan and Kel is something I still laugh at. I've watched some episodes and there still are some gold moments that I enjoyed. However, the one person I don't laugh at anymore is The Pub Landlord. I thought some of the things he did was a bit funny but now I don't laugh at it as much anymore.


Another one is Harry Hill. As much as I like TV Burp, I thought the earlier series were better. Lee Evans, to me, is just someone who has taken on what Norman Wisdom and Laurel and Hardy have done and put jokes to it. He makes me laugh sometimes but there are a couple of things that he does where it's too OTT. I know the things he does is OTT anyway but for me, there's like a line where he tries too hard to be funny or something, I can't explain.

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Kenan and Kel is something I still laugh at. I've watched some episodes and there still are some gold moments that I enjoyed. However, the one person I don't laugh at anymore is The Pub Landlord. I thought some of the things he did was a bit funny but now I don't laugh at it as much anymore.


Another one is Harry Hill. As much as I like TV Burp, I thought the earlier series were better. Lee Evans, to me, is just someone who has taken on what Norman Wisdom and Laurel and Hardy have done and put jokes to it. He makes me laugh sometimes but there are a couple of things that he does where it's too OTT. I know the things he does is OTT anyway but for me, there's like a line where he tries too hard to be funny or something, I can't explain.


I could never stand The Pub Landlord, I hated having to sit through it when everyone else was laughing hysterically.


And I actually used to love Harry Hill's TV Burp but I have to agree, it just isn't that funny any more. I watched an episode last week and barely smiled the whole way through though I think it could be partly an age thing now.

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Vicar of Dibbley. Rewatched an episode yesterday. I absolutely loved it as a kid... was completely bedazzled as to why. Same for Father Ted... How did I ever love them?


I always think this is how I might view it if I ever watch it again. I shall try and avoid it...


As for myself...actually the old (first two seasons) of The Simpsons, I often laugh more at now than I did as a kid, where I was always put off by the very early animation.

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