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The Wii is Dead... what are you playing on it?


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Its quiet... too quiet.


Aside from those who are playing Xenoblade, has everyone else retired their Wii consoles? The machine has built up one of the biggest back catalogues of quality games ever (we’re all pretty knowledgeable around here so we know about the hidden gems out there) but are we all just waiting patiently for Skyward Sword then having a year off, before moving onto the Wii U?


What was the last game you played on the Wii?

What’s the next game you will play on the Wii?

If you haven’t played your Wii in a while, why not dust it off and have a quick game of Wii Sports again. :idea:

Is anyone replaying Twilight Princess in the run up to SS?







I got NBA Jam for Wii a few weeks ago for my birthday.* Like plenty of others, I loved the game back on the Snes and spent many an afternoon racking up insane scores in end to end matches, taking on the world and his dog with the Chicago Bulls. In fact, NBA Jam probably shaped the way I would go on to enjoy playing sports games – free flowing, attacking styled, end to end affairs. The Wii edition is a worthy update for the series. It’s extremely faithful to the original (though I wish it had half time highlights!) and introduces extra “remix modes†in an attempt to flesh the mode roster out. The only gaping omission, which is the reason I didn’t jump at buying the game when it came out is online multiplayer. There really is no excuse, especially from EA who have their own online ID system already set up. :angry:


Definitely worth looking into (or revisiting), particularly if you have a friend or three to play multiplayer with.



* All thanks should be directed to / nando /.

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I was going to say the last game I played was Xenoblade, but actually, it was Gradius Rebirth. Sometimes I honestly think the most fun I've had with the Wii is with those games where you can hold the Wii Remote horizontally and just play with the d-pad and two or three buttons. My best of all? Golden Axe coin-op via Virtual Console Arcade. (By the way, it's not that I massively recommend Gradius, it's just that it's the last game I played.)


As for Twilight Princess? No, I've been playing Spirit Tracks instead.


But yes, I'm just waiting for Skyward Sword now and when I finish it, I'm going to get rid of my Wii. If Skyward Sword turns out to be great, I will keep it for playing on the Wii U.

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Currently playing Xenoblade, probably will be until Skyward Sword. Go a huge backlog to go through after that, as well as Virtual Console/Wiiware games.


Want to replay Twilight Princess, but probably won't have time to finish it before SS.


Next year there's Pandora's Tower, Last Story, Fortune Street (after the price drops) and Dragon Quest X on the unlikely chance of it getting a EU release next year.

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Over the summer I managed to clear my back catalogue of DKCR, Metroid: Other M, Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Professor Layton Pandora's Box so I'm pretty much up to date atm!!


Next game I'll be getting will be Skyward Sword this Christmas.


There are a few other games out there.

Xenoblade I'd like to buy, but as I've said in that thread I don't know when I'd get round to playing it. Metroid Prime Trilogy I'd quite like to give a go (having absolutely loved the first, but given up on the second), and I think I might like to give Resi 4 another go sometime with the Wii Edition.


There's also all the great games out there and coming out on the 3DS!


Other than that though, it's pretty much roll on Wii U!!

Edited by Retro_Link
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What was the last game you played on the Wii?

Xenoblade Chronicles.


What’s the next game you will play on the Wii?

Skyward Sword, unsurprisingly.


If you haven’t played your Wii in a while, why not dust it off and have a quick game of Wii Sports again. :idea:

Why not? Because it's boring, that's why.


Is anyone replaying Twilight Princess in the run up to SS?

Probably. Not me, though.

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I still play Black Ops online, 2 - 3 times a week with others from the N-E clan, so my Wii is pretty active, but the last time I used it to play an offline game was probably when I replayed Donkey kong Country Returns and Super Mario Galaxy 2 earlier in the year.


Modern Warfare 3 and Skyword Sword will be my next purchases, and I'll be getting Rayman Origins and Kirby when they drop in price.

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I haven't been playing an awful lot of the Wii in recent weeks due to the horrible noise associated with my disc drive :hmm: I wanted to return to Okami and Fragile Dreams but the whirring and grinding significantly hinder the overall experience :sad:


The Wii was packaged up yesterday and posted this morning for repair so that I'll hopefully have it back in time for Skyward Sword, good as new :heh:


The last game I was really playing on it was Punch-Out!! (which everyone should really pick up if they haven't done so already) so I'll probably return to that when my Wii is back home along with PES 2012 and perhaps Muramasa: The Demon Blade with the second character :hehe:


Its quiet... too quiet.


When looking at the backlog, it's definitely not too quiet.. eh, Peppy..? :indeed:


While my Wii is away, I have countless other games to enjoy. I have entered the final stretch of Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, presumably, and am dipping in and out of Zone of the Enders and Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater on PS2, deciding not to wait for the 3DS version..


The Wii isn't dead.. it's just having a break..

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I've got about 2/3 of the way through Metroid other M. That was about 2 months ago. I think for me the problem with the Wii has been the fact that it is a family console its life was spent in the family room. Family stuff happens there more often than not it involves watching TV not watching someone play a game.

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3DS is taking up most of my limited game time. But the last game I played was... Well Kirby, but only for an hour to see what it was like. Other than that, the proper game was Donkey Kong Country Returns (which IS incredible snowman!). Next game will likely be Skyward Sword yeah, but I have so many games to play through it's unreal... Dead? Definitely not.

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My Wii has been the most busy console I've ever owned... and still is.


I'm playing CoD Black Ops mostly with the occasional blast on Monster Hunter Tri, I still need to finish getting all the stars on SMG2 and get NSMB Wii back off a friend so I can finish that.


The next games I'll be buying will be CoD MW3 and Skyward Sword and I'll be picking up Last Story too. MW3 will keep me busy until the Wii U's release.


It's all about gaming with the N-E Clan.

Edited by Kav
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Mine was fairly dead before Xenoblade, warranting occasional use in company for teh Brawlinz, also recently purchased Boom Blox Bash Party but mainly played that multi too. Guess I should finish LKS sometime but maybe I won't get round to it. It'll be getting played for Skyward Sword, and potentially Kirby Wii if I pick it up depending on paychecks etc

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I haven't touched my Wii since I got bored with Xenoblade, which was a few weeks after it launched. I will be firing it up for Zelda, Kirby and possibly Go Vacation but seeing as Kinect Sports Season 2 launches a week before that I may give it a miss.


Most of my gaming has and will be on my 360, what me still playing Gears of War 3, Fifa 12 and Dark Souls and Forza 4 waiting to be played. Then another onslaught arrives with Batman, Battlefield 3, Kinect Sports 2, Halo Anniversary, Modern Warfare 3 and Assasins Creed all landing between now and mid November. My Wii won't get much of a look in.

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At the moment fairly little, which is good, because I should use my time to finish my studies.


The games for which I neglected my studies before were MotoHeroz (ignore the "Z", PLAY IT!), a bit of Donkey Kong Country Returns and Xenoblade. The next will be Zelda.


Am I the only one who think's Pandora's Tower looks like shit?


Not quiet. But then I have only indifference for everything that's hack and slash with strange button combinations for moves. The likes of Devil May Cry, Bayonetta and God of War do nothing for me either. And if they did, I'd basically play any of those before I'd touch Pandora's Tower.

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ATM Xenoblade. Eventually Zelda and Last Story. Am I the only one who think's Pandora's Tower looks like shit?
Nope, it looks utterly crap from what we've seen of it so far!

A button masher that only throws one (two at best) opponents at you at a time, kinda defeats the object!

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Well, let's see.

Currently the core of my backlog (so those games that will be privy to getting bought first) are:


- Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles

- Red Steel 2

- The Blob 1 + 2 (though I might just go for 2 only)

- Kirby's Epic Yarn

- No More Heroes II (Though I'm hopeful that we'll see a trilogy-pack on the WiiU, so I'm more or less waiting for that)

- Okami

- Eledees

- Opoona

- Punch-Out!!


Aside from Skyward Sword, which I'll purchase at launch and rob me of my ability to have children :laughing:, I'm also very much looking forward to:

- Rayman Origins (Though I might buy that for the 3DS)

- Kirby Returns to Dreamland


and my most anticipated Wii game post-Skyward Sword is:



Out of all the games for my (3)DS, Rhythm Paradise is definitely one of the big'ns. Next to Advance Wars: Days of Ruin, this game kept my interest for a loooooong time, and still does so today:D

IN-CRE-DIB-LY looking forward to this, expecially the multiplayer mode!


Is anyone replaying Twilight Princess in the run up to SS?

I have watched my girlfriend play through the entire game a couple of months ago, and, despite the fact that she, at times, had some trouble with the camera and 'jumping', it reminded me how interesting the story was. Especially Ganondorf and Zant's relation to one another.....:hug: > :shakehead > :blank: > :wtf:


I'm now going through Xenoblade: Chronicles with a friend, and re-going through Super Paper Mario with another friend.

I'm focusing a lot on my study of Japanese as of late, so I think my own personal project will be digging into Muramasa: The Demon Blade.

Oh, and I also need to finish the marvelous co-op adventure I'm having with my girlfriend in Donkey Kong Country Returns. We're at the final world now :3


Let me just finish by putting forward this well thought out statement:





Anyone who mentions Little King's Story and is not playing it should not be doing it. Because, you see, then you understand the concept of 'playing a game' all wrong. In fact, your logic is backwards, for you should actually sit there, with Wii-Mote and Nunchuck in either hand, and have the Little King's Story disk running in your Wii which allows you to experience pixels in the polygons that show you the Story of a Little King which is truly magical and can, in fact, not be found anywhere else but on the Wii, with the Little King's Story disk running in there, and can only truly be experienced with the Wii-Mote and Nunchuck in either hand whilst you sit there, on something which allows you to be served a dish of philosophy, poetry, strategy, and Japanismy all at once, in one sitting, in one consecutive strike, one combo of infinite hits.

And that is why Fawful is best:)

Edited by Fused King
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I be playing... [scottish accent] Monsterrrrr Hunterrrrr! [/scottish accent] :laughing:

And still absolutely loving it. :)


Recently played through Sonic Colours. Also playing Wii Fit/Music pretty regularly.


Next Wii games for me will be Go Vacation and then Zelda.

Doesn't look like Rhythm Tengoku is going to get released over here unfortunately, so Zelda will probably be my final Wii game. :hmm:


But yeah, those 2 will bring my total number of retail games to 64! :D

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Lets see the last year or more I've mainly been playing Monster Hunter 3 (about 870 hours poured into it) and CoD:Black Ops. WiiSports Resort always gets a look in when my cousin comes to visit (or I visit him), we just love the Golf :D


I did play Goldeneye when it came out and I'm sure I had bought other games in this last year though I can't actually remember off the top of my head right now :heh:


More recently I've still been playing Monster Hunter 3, which is played at least 4 days a week (Mon - Thurs) and Black Ops at least once a week (Fri), and if I find myself free on the weekend it'll likely be MH3 that gets played (with the odd blast of Black Ops if I'm in the mood).


And of course since August Xenoblade pretty much ruled my Wii. When I was on my first playthrough of that I either put MH3 or BO aside and only played Xenoblade or I'd give half my session to MH3/BO and the other half to Xeno :D


In the future I'm planning to get Modern Warfare 3 and of course Zelda: Skyward Sword and likely The Last Story next year which may be my last Wii purchase before Wii U comes

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I haven't touched my Wii since I got bored with Xenoblade, which was a few weeks after it launched. I will be firing it up for Zelda, Kirby and possibly Go Vacation but seeing as Kinect Sports Season 2 launches a week before that I may give it a miss.


Most of my gaming has and will be on my 360, what me still playing Gears of War 3, Fifa 12 and Dark Souls and Forza 4 waiting to be played. Then another onslaught arrives with Batman, Battlefield 3, Kinect Sports 2, Halo Anniversary, Modern Warfare 3 and Assasins Creed all landing between now and mid November. My Wii won't get much of a look in.


B-b-b-bored?!??! You best get in the Xenoblade thread and justify that shiz!

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