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Oh boy. Apple have pissed me off today. First ill say that photo streams is a great idea, can't believe people aren't talking about it more. One thing that is retarded though and staggering, is that you can't both add pictures to the stream, so I set up a stream for me and my girlfriend,but she can't add pictures, so she also has to set up a stream for her photos.


The thing that's posed me off them let though is iTunes Match. I set it up a ew days a go because I'm sick of deleting apps and such on my iPhone and iPad and thought I'd go for it. It seemed okay, I kept 10g of music on there permanently for when I can't get a connection. I realised that when you listen through match it downloads the songs, a little annoying, but I heard it streams with ios6 so I thougt that was sorted.


Okay.theyve fucked up match. So basically there is absolutely no way whatsoever to manually manage your music on your devices if you use match either with the device or even through iTunes.


So I still have that 10g of music on my phone and I can't delete it from my phone, unless I want to delete ALL my music. The only way to do it, is turn match off, sort it out,then turn it back on. Absolutely mental. What makes it worse, is that if you don't use arch you can manually delete albums, or songs through the device itself. But not if you do use match.... OH MY FUCKING LORD!


Also, using match does still take up space. I don't know if its downloading or caching, but its taking up space when you listen to songs, and I don't know if there's a limit and it just replaces itself (which I'd be fine with, I'd just like to know).


So great, they've taken away functionality rather than steadily improve their service. If I'm going on the tube and download a couple of albums. I can't delete them afterward other than the way above.


So frustrating. This coupled with the crap maps, passbook not working and needing to get around a stupid glitch and the photo stream not being as good as I initially thougt, seriously peeved with apple!


I will say that other than this thigh, ios6 is very good and Siri is near flawless!

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Great addition to the conversation there, mate. We were having a discussion about the pros and cons of each OS and what we personally liked most about each one.


Anyway, I bet that I can find loads of people who would struggle to switch from an iPhone to Android because they are older and didn't grow up with technology as we did.


Actually I found his post the best so far. People will so easily put down one over the other but really they do the same thing to pretty much the same standard.

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Another iOS6 feature: if any of your contacts are linked to a Facebook account, and they haven't bothered to change their settings since Facebook changed everyone's emails, then their email address will be replaced by their @facebook.com one.

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I miss the old YouTube app :( Don't like the standard Google one.


Maps is a disaster, don't like the updated Music app design, App Store takes longer to load...


Just about the only good thing about iOS6 so far for me is the updated Safari app. Really nice upgrade all round (full screen is a god send!)

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Another iOS6 feature: if any of your contacts are linked to a Facebook account, and they haven't bothered to change their settings since Facebook changed everyone's emails, then their email address will be replaced by their @facebook.com one.


To be fair, that's mostly Facebook's fault. Why did they have to give everyone a @facebook.com email address as default....?



Oh, one of my favourite Maps fails has to be the entire river Yangtze left out of the map of Chongqing. The Yangzte river is kind of a big deal...

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iTunes match is shit


Slight paraphrase to keep the length of the quote down, but I think I got the jist of it.


I signed up to iTunes Match when it first came out just before Christmas last year and thought it was going to change the way I handle music on my iPhone. How wrong I was. I've never had so much trouble with a service before. I had to restore my phone multiple times, I had thousands of duplicate, blank, playlists created and wouldn't go away. I ended up having to ditch my back up and set it up as a completely new phone.


I dare not turn Match on again in case it screws things up again.


The idea behind it is such a good one as well.

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Slight paraphrase to keep the length of the quote down, but I think I got the jist of it.


I signed up to iTunes Match when it first came out just before Christmas last year and thought it was going to change the way I handle music on my iPhone. How wrong I was. I've never had so much trouble with a service before. I had to restore my phone multiple times, I had thousands of duplicate, blank, playlists created and wouldn't go away. I ended up having to ditch my back up and set it up as a completely new phone.


I dare not turn Match on again in case it screws things up again.


The idea behind it is such a good one as well.


To be fair, I never had any problems with any of that. Just the lack of options and manual management.

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I haven't used iTunes on my iPhone or computer (except for rarely backing up my iPhone) for over two years. It's abysmal.


iCloud, saving people everywhere from using iTunes since 2011.


To be fair, I never had any problems with any of that. Just the lack of options and manual management.


When I used Match you could delete music from your phone... I think either swiping or by clicking on the cloud symbol?

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Another feature i've discovered with itunes now that is just peachy is it now inability to complete an album now


Last night after updating to iOS6 (which failed 3 times then took 2 hours....) i decided to "complete my album" on the new itunes app, this morning i start playing the song i already had from this album that was in a play list, then clicked on the little symbol in the top right to see the rest of the album.....and nothing was there


Thought it just hadn't downloaded that one, checked the other song i had and for the album being complete and again nothing


go into the artists tab, find the artist and two of the same album! one with the song i originally had the other with all the new songs. clicking the new show complete album tab in each of these shows the availability to download (and purchase) the other songs...

other album i completed was exactly the same


so now when i get home i've got to go on my PC and alter track details until the two albums hopefully merge.....



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What is iCloud exactly? I've just chosen to ignore it in the past...for no good reason.


The only thing I use it for is to back up my phone to. Any time my phone is plugged in and on WiFi it will automatically back up everything to iCloud. You can then restore your phone over the web without the need to plug it in.


You can also set up a new phone over iCloud and not have to plug it into the computer.


I believe it also backs up emails, photos, calendars etc if you tell it to.

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So gots my new iPhone 5 today. Just got in from work - no nano sim from Vodafone so can't play with it haha. :weep:


Ah well. It all looks very swish and it is really light! Much lighter than the 4 / 4s.


It also seems sturdier in the hand for one handed typing etc.


Hoping the sim will arrive tomorrow (should do) then I can post some more thoughts for those interested.

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iCloud, saving people everywhere from using iTunes since 2011.




When I used Match you could delete music from your phone... I think either swiping or by clicking on the cloud symbol?


Cant do that now. Its gone. Boo! So irritating.reckon it's a bug though so hopefully ironed out pretty soon.in fact, apple could be doing with getting the update out on a few issues pretty sharpish


Someone who works for me got there's today, it is weirdly light. I've got my sim ready to go. You also got a little converter so I can do the change over now. Can't wait to get it.

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Here we go again.




Strange. I was up there earlier and saw a load of metal queue barrier...things with "Apple store queue" written on them but not visible in that picture. Unless they had one queue inside and another outside, although that would be weird as there's a big old gap between the store and the nearest exit.



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