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Game of Thrones


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Today I found out one of my friends from uni has been best friends with John Bradley (the actor who plays Samwell Tarly) since they were in nursery.



I got my parents into Game of Thrones in season 1. Now I'm back at home for a bit they've been catching up on seasons 2 and 3. We're currently half way through 3; I can't wait for the Red Wedding.


One thing I hated about season 3 (which may seem minor):


I've always thought the music has been used brilliantly in Game of Thrones, and the ending music has always soothed your transition out of the emotional rollercoaster that the show is (or in the case of the Red Wedding, silence; which worked brilliantly). However at the end of this episode, after seeing Jaime's hand been cleaved off, and him screaming in shock and (I assume) agony, they play that crappy rock version of The Bear and the Maiden Fair. Not only did it not fit with the theme or emotion of the show, it isn't even a good version. A full length version of Bolton's men singing it would have been far better.



Some of you may consider it a bit petty, but it really ruined it for me. Left a dark taint.


Edited by MoogleViper
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Pfft, be glad you didn't download the episode. For some reason, the song started playing before the episode had even ended.


"Oh, man this is so exciting! I wonder what he's going to-" "YAR HAR FIDDLE DI DEE BEING A PIRATE IS ALRIGHT WITH ME..."

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Kindle is your answer. Then you don't have to pirate.


I also finished watching the latest episode of GOT and was left with kinda a O_O expression and immediately downloaded the 3rd book on my kindle app (i'm not fancy enough to have an actual kindle u__u), then proceeded to PLOUGH through the remaining books. I think i disappeared for a few days... when i finally emerged jamba was all "oh, there you are!" and I was all "WAAA now i have to wait 'till 2014 for whatshisface to finish the next book.


It's like waiting for potter all over again ('sept with more incest.)

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Next season will be Book 3: Part 2, so even if the next book gets delayed, it should take them at least three seasons to catch up.



And if they do catch up, they could just do what anime does and have a couple of filler seasons.


"Hijinks ensue as John Snow and the Night's Watch get lost in the wilderness!"


"Joffrey invites Sansa to a ball, but will she be able to find something to wear in time?"


"Rumors abound that Ned Stark has returned to Winterfell - but is there any truth to them?"

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Won't the tv show catch up next year then? Unless the book gets a surprising release in 2014?


No, they've still got 2 and a half book's worth of material left (second half of A Storm of Swords, A Feast for Crows and A Dance of Dragons). So they won't run out of stuff until 2016/17 assuming that they release one season per year.


My thoughts on the coming seasons are:


That Season 4 will be the rest of ASOS plus other stuff they decide to move forward from AFFC and ADWD. Then Season 5 will be a mixture of AFFC and ADWD. My reasoning is that both AFFC and ADWD were incredibly bloated and there's a lot of room to shorten some of the story lines (Dany in Meereen and Tyrion riding the boat spring to mind). They were meant as one book anyway.


I've also heard somewhere that they were targeting 7 or 8 seasons in total, although I could just be talking rubbish.


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But aren't Books 4 and 5 supposed to take place during the same time, with a lot of stuff happening simultaneously? I imagine that would skew the Season-to-book ratio even further.


I imagine they'll still split them out over two seasons, but will do so chronologically. It's not like the TV show has been true to the books in terms of following characters.

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  • 1 month later...

Seen the first three episodes.


Not feeling it. :hmm: Mainly because of the 800 characters that got introduced and the exposition is still going...


The only things that keep me going are the exceptional acting and the foreboding which is done almost perfectly.

And tits.

Well, maybe things get a bit more intense soon.

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  • 4 months later...
So that's a couple of months to finish reading Book 3 (which I've started not too long ago).


I just started book 2 (or well, 1/3 in now) so I believe I have to choose when the time comes - finish book 3.5 and then watch or watch and then finish the book while waiting between episodes. I don't really know what to do, I doubt that I could get past book 3.5 before season 4 starts.

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I just started book 2 (or well, 1/3 in now) so I believe I have to choose when the time comes - finish book 3.5 and then watch or watch and then finish the book while waiting between episodes. I don't really know what to do, I doubt that I could get past book 3.5 before season 4 starts.


Start reading the 3rd book. That way, you can watch a season between books :heh:


(Also, I just remembered you have the 3rd book split in two, while I have the US edition. Yeah, read 3.5 first, you might even catch a glimpse of season 4)

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  • 1 month later...

So yeah, Friday I received a package containing season 3 at around 11 O'clock, I intended to go to bed actually, but I changed my mind after that. Saw the whole season in one go. Finally saw that.

I posted a Katniss Everdeen kills everything video some time ago, of which I said although it was funny, it also contained some spoilers..


Well, that was just the tip of the iceberg apparently. That was gruesome. It´s obviously sad to see some characters go, but it´s also sad to see some actors go. It´s one hell of an incredible cast.




and am i the only one who thinks they are overdoing the whole dany thing?


Fisrt of all, I´m not a book reader, TV is canon for me, so what I think may not be relevant, but I personally don´t think so.

Since I think most of us consider Daenerys one of the "good" guys (though what is good and what is evil isn´t always black and white in this show), it´s good to see a good guy get some success, especially considering what happened to the Starks. For all we know, it´s just a illusion, and Dany´s army will be crushed in some later season. Robb´s army was doing very well, until the House of Stark was all but wiped out within 10 minutes or so at the Red Wedding. Don´t forget the war of 5 Kings means nothing, they have a bigger threat coming. Daenerys´ army may be superior currently, but I suspect that she´ll be the biggest defence against the white walkers, and I suspect she´ll suffer the biggest losses in that battle. The war of 5 kings meanwhile will be on the background, and she´ll has to deal with a lot more stuff when she returns to Westeros. Again, she now has the superior army, but a battle isn´t the only way to get the upper hand.



I read on the wiki that it was meant as a contrast. The scene was a huge shock to people, so the music was meant to shock some more. It made me smile, and I thought it fit perfectly.


However at the end of this episode, after seeing Jaime's hand been cleaved off, and him screaming in shock and (I assume) agony, they play that crappy rock version of The Bear and the Maiden Fair. Not only did it not fit with the theme or emotion of the show, it isn't even a good version. A full length version of Bolton's men singing it would have been far better.


Some of you may consider it a bit petty, but it really ruined it for me. Left a dark taint.


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My season 3 blu-ray came last week. Forgot I even ordered it. I've managed to watch it all on my split shifts. From Season 1 to 3. Can't wait for Season 4 next month.


I read all the books now as well. Recently finishing a Dance with Dragons. Can't wait to see how they handle adapting the rest of the story for the old telly. This will be the first season I've watched with prior knowledge of whats going to happen from the books. So I hope I haven't in someway tainted my enjoyment of the show.

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One thing I hated about season 3 (which may seem minor):


I've always thought the music has been used brilliantly in Game of Thrones, and the ending music has always soothed your transition out of the emotional rollercoaster that the show is (or in the case of the Red Wedding, silence; which worked brilliantly). However at the end of this episode, after seeing Jaime's hand been cleaved off, and him screaming in shock and (I assume) agony, they play that crappy rock version of The Bear and the Maiden Fair. Not only did it not fit with the theme or emotion of the show, it isn't even a good version. A full length version of Bolton's men singing it would have been far better.



Some of you may consider it a bit petty, but it really ruined it for me. Left a dark taint.

I rather liked it to be honest. I thought it worked well as a contrast (As Smeagol mentioned) it was the first time I actually let the credits play out.

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