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Still. The notion that you can treat women like shit and they'll like it, and even want it, not only results in the rape culture we are inhabiting but also should make you question what kind of societal expectations we have placed on women and feel the need to change them, not use them to get your end off.

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Still. The notion that you can treat women like shit and they'll like it, and even want it, not only results in the rape culture we are inhabiting but also should make you question what kind of societal expectations we have placed on women and feel the need to change them, not use them to get your end off.


Playing the treat 'em mean keep 'em keen tactic and raping someone is a totally different thing. To suggest a guy who is in control of his relationship is akin to a rapist is utter tripe.

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I said we live in a rape culture, I didn't accuse anyone of being a rapist*. Basically its the notion that we teach people to not get raped, rather than to not rape. It's why there's all the slutwalks recently.



*I just want to emphasise this point. I by no means meant to accuse Charlie, or anyone else, of anything untoward.

Edited by Ashley
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I said we live in a rape culture, I didn't accuse anyone of being a rapist*. Basically its the notion that we teach people to not get raped, rather than to not rape. It's why there's all the slutwalks recently.



*I just want to emphasise this point. I by no means meant to accuse Charlie, or anyone else, of anything untoward.


That's not a problem just to do with rape though is it? We now have a culture where crime in general is out of control and we now teach people how to avoid it because the war against the criminal is lost.


We teach people how to secure their homes, rather than how to build a secure neighbourhood based on community values and respect.


We teach people how to be safe when out in an area they don't know, rather than making eveyr ara welcoming.


The whole culture is 'don't make yourself a victim', which by it's nature is based on the assumption that there are criminals and really you have to live with that fact and just do the best you can to avoid them!

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Basically its the notion that we teach people to not get raped, rather than to not rape.


I would say that's because it's easier to work out who are the potential victims (ie everyone, and more likely young women) than who are the potential rapists. An en-mass telling of people not to rape would, to me at least, be pretty offensive - I know that shit already.


You should always teach avoidance and safety, as there'll always be a few who miss the "raping is bad" class, as it were. The culture you're describing only becomes a problem when we start blaming the victim. The fault is that of the rapist, not their victim.

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The culture you're describing only becomes a problem when we start blaming the victim. The fault is that of the rapist, not their victim.


Sadly that happens too these days. People saying things like "She was asking to be raped by wearing that short skit and revealing top!".


Honestly it's sad when people are no longer allowed to wear what they want, for the risk of being accused of "asking to be raped".



Not sure those sentences are correct. My mind is a mess. Will be leaving in 10 minutes to my first ever interview. Shitting myself here.

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Sadly that happens too these days. People saying things like "She was asking to be raped by wearing that short skit and revealing top!".


Honestly it's sad when people are no longer allowed to wear what they want, for the risk of being accused of "asking to be raped".


"Asking to be raped" is, by definition alone, a tautology, not to mention a steaming pile of horse shit.

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And asking people not to dress like that is a horrible idea. If hot girls want to wear very short skirts and revealing tops, then they should wear very short skirts and revealing tops.

Edited by Cube
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Just noticed a hole in my trousers, on the inside of my legs... And I wore these to my interview. I hope no one noticed. =(


I also forgot to put on my good shoes (which I had cleaned). I actually took them with me in the car, but then simply forgot to put them on. >.<;

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"Asking to be raped" is, by definition alone, a tautology, not to mention a steaming pile of horse shit.


You mean contradiction? :heh:


Anyway, bad stuff:


I've fuck all to do since uni finished, and I moved back to Manchester, which due to three years of neglect, doesn't seem to want me anymore =(. Also, my parents moved to Saudi Arabia, so I genuinely don't have anyone to hang out with/ abuse. I'm slowly forgetting how to speak. Halp.

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I think there is a problem. I have already raised this issue twice to two different departments, including my team leader.


Before i was offered my job, they asked if i have holidays booked. I said i do, in July (over the 15th weekend). They confirmed that i can have this holiday, as i booked before i was offered work. Confirmed again on the Monday, so all good. Now they are saying, i can't have the holiday as i may be working that weekend. Even though they got proof i booked up, my team leader says no. HR and Recruitment say yes, no problems.


Shift patterns. I have no issues with the shifts, except the Saturday. No matter what train i get, i will be late no matter what. I informed them of this, they said they can be flexible and i can work it back on a later day. Not a problem, i can tag that on the Wednesday so i have less time waiting for my train home that day. Now the team leader says no flexible hours, shifts are shifts and if i am late too often, i will get disciplined and possibly sacked. All because of my travelling, which i can't help.


How hard is it to be able to move just 30 minutes from one day to another, would save a lot of inconvienience.

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Your team leader sounds like a dick. If the other departments are fine with it, why is he making a problem out of it?


Anyway you can go against him by contacting someone? I don't know how stuff like this works heh.

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Frosties for dinner for the second night in a row.

Hard to buy dinner when ive only £1.95 left! and no sign of the money that my dad is lending me going into my account! (i cant survive to the end of july with only £2! Ive stuff to buy dammit!)


... I didnt even buy the frosties the boy did! (He took pity on me ... ¬_¬)

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Frosties for dinner for the second night in a row.

Hard to buy dinner when ive only £1.95 left! and no sign of the money that my dad is lending me going into my account! (i cant survive to the end of july with only £2! Ive stuff to buy dammit!)


Tesco Value Noodles!

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Killed in another mafia AGAIN, then bloody Claire kicking up a fuss. Put a bid on something for her on eBay, made it EXPLICITLY clear how eBay works and that she needs to tell me the ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM including postage that she would pay for something. (£20)


It goes for £21 and then I get epically yelled at.



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I think there is a problem. I have already raised this issue twice to two different departments, including my team leader.


Before i was offered my job, they asked if i have holidays booked. I said i do, in July (over the 15th weekend). They confirmed that i can have this holiday, as i booked before i was offered work. Confirmed again on the Monday, so all good. Now they are saying, i can't have the holiday as i may be working that weekend. Even though they got proof i booked up, my team leader says no. HR and Recruitment say yes, no problems.


Shift patterns. I have no issues with the shifts, except the Saturday. No matter what train i get, i will be late no matter what. I informed them of this, they said they can be flexible and i can work it back on a later day. Not a problem, i can tag that on the Wednesday so i have less time waiting for my train home that day. Now the team leader says no flexible hours, shifts are shifts and if i am late too often, i will get disciplined and possibly sacked. All because of my travelling, which i can't help.


How hard is it to be able to move just 30 minutes from one day to another, would save a lot of inconvienience.


Fairly certain that that would be unfair dismissal, as you've already agreed with HR about the flexible hours. If you were to get fired, then your next stop should be citizens advice or whatever it's called.

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Current bad stuff:


- throbbing ankle

- ate all but three biscuits in a packet of caramel digestives last night and tonight

- gradually getting the cold

- CV rewriting is gay

- it'll be too bright to see the eclipse

- is it badder to have loved and to have lost, or to never have loved at all?

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My sister has been on with citizens advice this week trying to get some help for her boyfriend if he needed it. There had been a scuffle where he works with one of the golfers and get got suspended but they told him that through a text, then sent out two letters. The first two his mums house and the second to a completely wrong address. Apparently there was other stuff as well that was completely out of procedure for a suspension that he was recommended to bring up if he ended up getting fired. Anyway he just got a final warning.

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