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bad stuff thread.


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I recently made a 'serious' email address for applying for jobs and stuff. I've literally given the address out to five people max, and I'd not checked it for a week and BAM I have over 1,000 new emails plus a similar amount in the spam folder. Wattefuhisdisshit?


EDIT: Lol. So it's my old, old, ooold gmail account. My smart new cool super trendy clever grown-up account is totes fine.

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my hip arthritis is back with avengance...



*hobbles around miserably*



fucks sake.... :(


Poor thing, hobbling hurts!


Shame we didn't get Raptured huh?

Edited by Iun
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aye its a bitch, I feel like my leg is on a rusty old hinge! Hopefully it'll pass!



But more importantly, how are things with you Iun? :)



Thanks for asking, same as before really...


...I kinda feel like going to the bar downstairs, jumping up and down on a stool shouting




That'd be my ideal way of coping.

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I hate this thread. Every time you think you've had a bad day you come in here to lay it on and someone with something far worse has already gone and you're left with no choice but to deal with it on your own time in private for fear of looking like some moaning nancy. Normally I wouldn't mind but decent scotch is getting hella' expensive.

Edited by gaggle64
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Thanks for asking, same as before really...


...I kinda feel like going to the bar downstairs, jumping up and down on a stool shouting




That'd be my ideal way of coping.


hehe get someone to film it if you do! You're always amusing even in the face of really frightening stuff. I'm sure you know we're all thinking of you and wish you well. Do keep us informed :)


I hate this thread. Every time you think you've had a bad day you come in here to lay it on and someone with something far worse has already gone and you're left with no choice but to deal with it on your own time in private for fear of looking like some moaning nancy. Normally I wouldn't mind but decent scotch is getting hella' expensive.


ahaha aw, we're turning you into an alchie! :heh:

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Take care of yourself, Iun.


May the flames of Persephone protect you.



Thank you.


This is all part of my master plan to rid the world of Coca Cola:


Get sick, pee brown coke-substitute, secretly fill barrels in bars around the world with Magic Pee, coke goes out of business.


Pepsi takes over. Suddenly, no-one's laughing at me for all the shares in PepsiCo I bought!


I hate this thread. Every time you think you've had a bad day you come in here to lay it on and someone with something far worse has already gone and you're left with no choice but to deal with it on your own time in private for fear of looking like some moaning nancy. Normally I wouldn't mind but decent scotch is getting hella' expensive.


You think you got it bad? I gots me a fine 25 year-old Chivas in the cupboard, as well as a Remy Marten Cognac which are BOTH GOING TO HORRIBLE WASTE.


On the flip side I have plenty of, *ahem* coke to mix it with.

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Watching Man Utd lift the Premiership trophy clears doesn't agree with me. Seconds after it I came down with a killer migraine out of nowhere. Went to sleep about 6pm last night and am now up this god awful hour.

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I moved into my ''new'' place today, it's a hole, the landlord is nice, but his bedroom is basically the kitchen/living room. I know it's only for 5 weeks..


Also had my card details nicked and having to sort that in a town I have no idea where things are..


My sat nav cable also got broke today - so my sat nav is dead and things are damn confusing here..




..and I cried to my mum on the phone - woo.

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The whole village has been out of power since 4:30 pm and has only just come back on. Hurrah! That's a-ok. What isn't is the shit storm waiting for me at work tomorrow - irate customers, an asshole of a supervisor and somewhere in the thousands of pounds of now unsellable meat to be dealt with. Haroo.

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If you really need help in Cambridge, I can ask my sister who just moved back yesterday from there any questions you have?


It's mostly finding my way round, luckily a few friends are asking round their cambridge mates to get me out and about to find things.


Going to walk around the local area tomorrow night, figure some things out, the landlord was helpful this evening, helped me to the asda.

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Got all sorts of depressed tonight whilst reading about the making of Portal 2. Made me ask myself what I'm doing with my life. Sent an email to Gabe Newell, MD of Valve asking for advice. I feel stupid. I know he won't reply.


You always hear about people being whisked away to their dream jobs because someone saw them doing x at y, and just happened to be spotted at the last minute. Maybe I don't work hard enough, or maybe I don't deserve it.


Honestly, I feel lost.

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That sucks Dyson, I know exactly how you feel because I've felt it myself many times.


I think I rely too much on the feeling that something will just happen. I keep thinking something will just turn up or fall at my feet but I know it won't. I need to actually go out there and make it happen.


The problem is, any ambition I have usually occurs at like 3am when it's too late to do anything.

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That sucks Dyson, I know exactly how you feel because I've felt it myself many times.


I think I rely too much on the feeling that something will just happen. I keep thinking something will just turn up or fall at my feet but I know it won't. I need to actually go out there and make it happen.


The problem is, any ambition I have usually occurs at like 3am when it's too late to do anything.


Spot on, 100%. You've nailed it with that post.


What can we do to change it?

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It's mostly finding my way round, luckily a few friends are asking round their cambridge mates to get me out and about to find things.


Going to walk around the local area tomorrow night, figure some things out, the landlord was helpful this evening, helped me to the asda.

Feel free to PM me or whatever if you're trying to find something, I've lived there for four years now. Cambridge is pretty easy to get to grips with, it's basically just one big road with a few little offshoots.

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Got all sorts of depressed tonight whilst reading about the making of Portal 2. Made me ask myself what I'm doing with my life. Sent an email to Gabe Newell, MD of Valve asking for advice. I feel stupid. I know he won't reply.


You always hear about people being whisked away to their dream jobs because someone saw them doing x at y, and just happened to be spotted at the last minute. Maybe I don't work hard enough, or maybe I don't deserve it.


Honestly, I feel lost.


That sucks Dyson, I know exactly how you feel because I've felt it myself many times.


I think I rely too much on the feeling that something will just happen. I keep thinking something will just turn up or fall at my feet but I know it won't. I need to actually go out there and make it happen.


The problem is, any ambition I have usually occurs at like 3am when it's too late to do anything.


Work happiness is a rarified air.

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I am so fucking pissed I could cry. Just watched the last episode of The Event, and the final 60 seconds makes watching the whole thing worth it, and makes me want to kill and break every one and thing in site......



......How often do shows get cancelled but then picked up (by other networks, or through other means), because...my god...


I mean, I adored No Ordinary Family, and a second season would have been epic, but the ending of The Event....Jesus....I mean.....




I am so pissed.

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Internet connection is absolutely shocking at the moment. So much for Virgin Media upgrading the cables not so long ago. Getting constant 'Server Not Found' errors when I go onto a new page. Fun times. Makes trying to sort things out, like internet banking, a nightmare.


Also, Firefox 4.01, or whatever it is, f'ing sucks. With the internet issues, if I manage to get a connection to a new page, instead of going to that it'll go about 5 pages back as if I hadn't gone to any of the intermediate ones. ::shrug: Really should just install 3.6 again as it was much better.


Finally, attempts to start writing again failed miserably. Got a nice idea for a short story but after an hour of trying, I just couldn't work out how to write it down in the way I wanted. So annoying. Another literary idea I can chalk up as 'incomplete'. I'll try again tomorrow.

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