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So I'm pretty screwed on getting a good grade on one of my modules.


The lecturer told us that the first 5 weeks would be assessed, and the second half was more about a career in the module (Company Law) as well as the many uses of Company Law, which would not be assessed.


He now tells us, you can pass the course without knowing the extra 5 weeks, but to get even a 2:1 it must be consistent, coherent and very comprehensive, which is basically the writing of at least a 1st!


I know I could study hard, but without knowing the later lectures' material it feels a bit harsh. I need a 2:1 overall in my course to not breach the conditions of obtaining my job contract. Bad times.

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Feeling a bit shit because apparently they broke into my grandfather's house. He doesn't live there anymore currently, but all his stuff is still there and my sister is temporarily gonna move in there soon (until her house is finished).


I don't know yet what was stolen, but it's something the family can really miss right now. There's been a lot of family arguments about grandpa, the house and related things, so I'm afraid this is just gonna make matters worse. =(

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This is going to sound crazy paranoid, but I think my boss may be reading everything that goes through the router. He knows that I'm looking into a holiday in the US and Canada shortly after my contract ends, but I've only mentioned that in two places: email to friends and this website. How the fuck would he know that???

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Computer is facked. Day before I need to hand in a massive essay I've been working on for a couple of months. Can't even send it or save it anywhere, instead I managed to move it to a USB (can't explain it concisely).


Going to have to wipe computer clean again methinks. Really no idea what caused it since I haven't been on any new websites or anything dodgy for a very long time!

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I so fucking pissed off right now. Despite drinking and going to bed at gone 3 last night, I managed to get up for my 9 o'clock lecture. Now we've been studying basic research methods and correlation and regression and stuff (thing that's I've already studied in much more depth multiple times at A level). This module has no exam and is based on two pieces of coursework. The first one was talking about applied and basic research (two terms that were never even mentioned during the lectures). We were told that for the second one we'd have a choice between a literature review and a maths based one. We've just received it and it's:


"Explain why the researcher plans the literature review; demonstrate, by means of an example, an appropriate structure for a literature review"


Nothing to do with anything we've been doing for the past 6 or so weeks.



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I am utterly pissed right now.


Okay, so when I booted up Knights Of The Old Republic II today, AVG claimed to have found a win32/heur malware virus on the .exe file. I found this weird since it's never been an issue before, and I've even played it without problem the past few days. I had just installed some patches, but I'm pretty certain AVG would have spotted those already during the installation, so I didn't really think they could be the problem.


Not wanting to take any risks, I put the file in quarantine for the time being. I then checked online, and I found that AVG has a history of mistaking .exe files for malware due to the way they're packaged. "Heur" stands for "heuristic" and basically means AVG thinks the file "behaves" like a virus without actually having proof that it is a virus. "All right, then," I thought, "this was likely just a fluke brought on by today's AVG update," and I restored the file. Now, it did worry me, when I initially quarantined it, that AVG mentioned outright deleting a number of files and data, but I thought, "Hey, I can see on the quarantine page what files and data were deleted along with the .exe file, so restoring the file should restore those files and data as well, right?"


Wrong, apparently, since it appeared that only the .exe file was restored with no mention of the other files and data. And my fears were confirmed when the game simply wouldn't start. "Ugh, FINE. I'll reinstall the damn thing." So I copied the save files and uninstalled the game completely, deleting the entire game folder in the process.


And then everything sorted itself out.


Or so I thought.


The next bout of creeping fear came when the autorun on my installation disc suddenly didn't work. Nothing happened. "All right, it's just a coincidence. Merely bad luck." I opened the disc manually and ran the setup. It worked. It was installing. Phew. Everything's fi- NO, IT WASN'T!


After the installation had finished, I ticked the box that says "Run the game" and clicked "Finish".


The game does not seem to be installed properly.


Please restore the installation or reinstall the game.




How could the installation be wrong? I'd redone it completely from scratch!


Unless ...


And this is where YOU people come into the picture:


Is it possible that the quarantine and deletion may actually have deleted some files on the disc itself? Is my game ruined forever now? Or is the problem some silly, stupid little thing that can be easily solved when you're not as technologically illiterate as me?


If somebody can help, please do, because I fear I've royally screwed up my game.

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You're disc is now probably just an AVG installation.

It has been assimilated. :blank:



The only thing I can think of is that you should make sure that you've uninstalled the game/removed it from the currently installed programs list before you reinstall it, or you may just end up with the same broken installation every time.

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You cant delete stuff from the discs.


See, this is what I thought, but I wasn't sure.


The only thing I can think of is that you should make sure that you've uninstalled the game/removed it from the currently installed programs list before you reinstall it, or you may just end up with the same broken installation every time.


I'm pretty sure I removed everything very thoroughly, but I can give it another shot.


Note that the faulty installation message didn't pop up before I reinstalled the game, if that makes any difference.


I just have no clue what has gone wrong. :blank:

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How is that going to make my game work? It seems to have already been ruined.
Just give it a try. In theory, reinstalling the game should make it work perfectly, and judging from your problem it could be something silly like a conflict with AVG of some sort of another. (Remember, after installing a new antivirus, reinstall KOTOR 2)
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Just give it a try. In theory, reinstalling the game should make it work perfectly, and judging from your problem it could be something silly like a conflict with AVG of some sort of another. (Remember, after installing a new antivirus, reinstall KOTOR 2)


Yeah, that's what puzzles me as well. But I'll give it a try. Thanks. :)


And it worked! :D Thanks for the help, triforcemario! :)

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The fuck is that suppose to be? :woops:

dictionary and google didn't give me much so I don't if you guys eat it over there, but basically it's milk, water and rice plus cinnamon, sugar, butter and raisin on top. It's good, try it.

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