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bad stuff thread.


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Manage to spill water on my keyboar. Now it oesn't work properly so I have to copy paste the letter , an rom other posts i I want to use them. It's VERY annoying.
Stop using it, dry it out (dumbo) or you will permanently short some of the connections :heh:
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So yeh, I have 3 essays due in, one on thursday, one monday, one thursday, and the funeral is on this friday. So I'm worried that I wouldn't be able to get it done in time, I inquire about the concessions of the deadlines. They won't extend the deadlines for me, but they may (may) consider the essay if it is handed in late. If I provide a copy of the death certificate.



I think I may go complain about this one...

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I feel this. At the moment it's always "Price's gone up again" ... Yes, I've not heard that one before. "I remember the day when I could fill my tank with just 2 pounds and a drawing pin, and get change!"


Now it's "Why is the Tesco in {X} cheaper than here?" Because Tesco have this amazing strategy of only pricing competitively locally. I think their master plan is to undercut whoever's nearest, but by the smallest margin possible.


Do they make you do fuel surveys Goafmon? They keep harassing us to phone up local petrol stations and bug them for their prices. Every Tue/Thurs before midday [Always keeping them guessing] and once again they think we can drop everything* to phone around which most of the time they don't tell us. Which at present is hampered by the nearest Saisnbury's closing their petrol station for renovations so we've been inundated by their people. All complain over the payment system.


I didn't have to do any surveys whilst I worked there. Our prices were balanced compared to others though, since I think our fuel prices were the lowest in town, or at least very close. Because of that, I didn't get the "why are you more expensive?" malarkey.


I got people complaining about the prices, but not in an aggressive way. Just the usual "These prices eh?". I couldn't exactly disagree with them, they are getting ridiculous. A lot of people mentioned that at least I got a discount, but I soon corrected them, telling them that I had to pay just as much as everyone else.

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I went to buy some condoms from tesco earlier and, after eventually finding them, realised they keep them in massive fuck off perspex security cases. The fuck? Last week they only had them behind the counter, too (different store)


Just...what? why? I don't want to have to ask for a box of pleasuremax...that's just not a sentence to be directed at sullen eyed chubbo teens in supermarkets. Why can't I just buy the damn things discreetly?

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I went to buy some condoms from tesco earlier and, after eventually finding them, realised they keep them in massive fuck off perspex security cases. The fuck? Last week they only had them behind the counter, too (different store)


Just...what? why? I don't want to have to ask for a box of pleasuremax...that's just not a sentence to be directed at sullen eyed chubbo teens in supermarkets. Why can't I just buy the damn things discreetly?

Why are you gonna do with condoms?


Because they're high value stealies.


They are in my size anyway, WHAAAHHEEEEYYYY.

Seriously you have no idea how rare XXXS condoms are....

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Whats going on with your job situation at the moment ReZ? It just occured to me that you either hadnt mentioned it in a while or id missed it.


I'm looking currently. I've been doing other shit for the tail end of last week (this ezine I'm the editor of, gotta do logos/names/ramp up ideas/editorials/basically get shit together) and also I've taken the oppurtunity of having (some time of) to catch up on a comic book that I started collecting. Over the last week I've read from 110 ish to 169 (today) (which is upto date now) and although it doesn't sound like much, it is quite a milestone for me, as I started collecting it last year (its 20 years old nearly) so it feels good to finally be caught up. (As you know most of that anyway lol)




Also I've been busy drawing my head on penis'.




But seriously, I have looked and applied for a few things last week. Gonna go into overdrive this week/soon.


Ideally I want to get one AFTER April 7th though, as my father has some ceremony in London, getting more letters after his name or something [/Yes the man who's sperm created me is awesome too/I'm showing off]

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I've never had a problem buying condoms. I don't see why people are embarassed - they should be PROUD! Your doctor can give you free condoms too - in packs of 12 iirc.


and family planning will give you a bag full of them, I think I counted 40... I didn't even ask for them... lol... YOU MUST TAKE THESE CONDOMS NAOW. Er..k.



my work is going tits up at the moment as well. We share our system with another department, and they decided they wanted to make some serious shitting changes without telling us... resulting in the system being off indefinitely. And tonight they are doing ANOTHER update... which affects us pretty severely. christs sake. They don't realise that WE ARE PRIORITY. WE TAKE LIVE CALLS AND ARE DEPENDANT ON THIS SYSTEM WORKING. Dear god. :shakehead:shakehead:shakehead:shakehead

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You want to feel good, go up to the counter with 2 boxes of Magnum XL's. Even if you don't use them the pretty checkout girl will totes think you're the big dawg.. or perhaps not. But at least you can enjoy the mystery.


I get a bit sheepish about buying condoms, but only whilst browsing. It's like it gives off a seedy impression, weighing up your erotic options. When I'm paying at the checkout I don't care, I give a big smile and greeting as I normally do and proceed as normal - because it is normal.


As a matter of fact, buying condoms is quite exciting :D

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Random anecdote: I saw some teenager buying condoms at Morrisons the other day. Wanted to give him a pat on the back. He looked simultaneously proud and petrified.


That's not a random anecdote. People were talking about buying condoms in supermarkets so you gave an anecdote about [someone else] buying condoms in a supermarket.

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People buy condoms? Literally just go to a GUM clinic and they give you almost a lifetime supply for free. And lube. And dental dams too. [Lol] [And it's not like you even have to see a doctor/nurse either, they usually have them sitting on the counter/in the foyer/outside.]



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You want to feel good, go up to the counter with 2 boxes of Magnum XL's. Even if you don't use them the pretty checkout girl will totes think you're the big dawg.. or perhaps not. But at least you can enjoy the mystery.

The adverts to Magnums are severly misleading.


To get the smooth bite they do in the advert the thing must be hard melted. No chance in hell it's going to make that hard cracking sound. It will only do it when it is frozen to fuck, and only then can you get a proper bite if you're Jaws.


:blank: :p

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Watchmen is amazing IMHO.



My girlfriend watched 'Watchmen' with her mother in the cinema, She knew it was a superhero film and told her mum this. However she was expecting a superhero film with more common / known superheros.


apparently after the film my girlfriends mum was asking... "Where was Spiderman and Batman? and "Why was there a naked blue man?"


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I was wondering if you had any preference as to the format of our essay, with

regards to font style, font size, line spacing etc.





This was an email I sent to my lecturer. I imagined it would be a pretty simple question, requiring no more than a minute or two to reply.


This was my reply:



Shall we meet today at 4 PM.

Regards, Nishikant


No! Why would I want to meet up for you to say "Times new roman, 12 pt, 1.5 spacing" or something similar? Just answer me in the fucking email.


I also checked my emails at 3.50pm.

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