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Sorry to hear about your news, Kav! We're all here for you, lad!




So I've had a bit of a dilemma but I made a decision for the benefit of my Grandad's health and wellbeing. My aunt, who supports my nan, has told a close family friend to tell my Grandad that her daughter (my cousin) has had her baby and has sent pictures for him to see. My Grandad is adamant he never wants to see or hear from any of them ever again and his nightmares have gone down a lot. He has a few but comparing the amounts to before, it's really good. Anyway, personally, I think it'd make him worse by bringing them up again and reminding him and considering these are his last few weeks, I want them to be as happy as possible so I told my family friend he's not to know unless he clearly mentions my aunt's daughter or asks about her. I don't regret my decision but she thinks I should tell him about the baby but I know how sneaky my family is and I think they'd use the baby as a way to worm themselves back into his life. Guys, no word of a lie, I've not seen him this happy in ages and I'd do anything to make sure that isn't jeopardised.


Family dramas! Gotta love 'em... -.-

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My brother's dog, a big, lovely, rather shy German Shepard-mutt no more than a year old, whose company I enjoyed very much for a week this summer, has apparently been shot dead by some arsehole while they were out walking him. I was looking forward to spending Christmas with him while my brother was out of town, but I guess that's that. It's rather ruined my evening.

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My brother's dog, a big, lovely, rather shy German Shepard-mutt no more than a year old, whose company I enjoyed very much for a week this summer, has apparently been shot dead by some arsehole while they were out walking him. I was looking forward to spending Christmas with him while my brother was out of town, but I guess that's that. It's rather ruined my evening.


Whoa! How the hell...?

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Urgh, I just got a letter in the post from HM Revenue & Customs saying I have underpaid my tax by £335.60... How does that happen when it is all supposed to go through my employer?


I don't get how all this works... It says my income was 14257, but my P60 says it was 11225. Not sure what any of this means and what I am supposed to do. :(

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Urgh, I just got a letter in the post from HM Revenue & Customs saying I have underpaid my tax by £335.60... How does that happen when it is all supposed to go through my employer?


I don't get how all this works... It says my income was 14257, but my P60 says it was 11225. Not sure what any of this means and what I am supposed to do. :(


I'm not 100% but I think you need to get in contact with the Citizen's Advice Bureau...




Sorry that I can't be any more useful than that, I've had tax rebates before for really small amounts but I've never had to pay any extra back so I couldn't really comment.

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Second wife and they've been together for 47 years. They're not married though. My Grandad had taken on her two kids and they also had a kid of their own (my dad). She just went on about how much she done, how much she never had a life and how much of a nightmare he is which simply was never the case. She had more of a life than I did but I never stopped to complain. I used to come over every night and she'd go out twice a week to see her friends and went out in the day half of the time with no time limit. I had to go home from my best friend's wedding reception a couple of times because he got upset over her making things difficult. Like I said though, he wouldn't move and at the time, he was okay. Things got harder, yeah, but she didn't do as much as she loves to make out.


Oh and it's took her over 12 days to ask for him. She phoned us asking why his phone was off and she was wondering how he was.

I laughed and said "How do you expect him to be? He doesn't want to know you any more" and she just said "Okay" and put the phone down.

I wanted to say a LOT to her but then what would it solve? I'd never forgive her, I never want to talk to her again and neither does my Grandad. I'd want to tell her that it's her who has caused my sleepless nights trying to wake him out of nightmares and endless toilet breaks but it would fall on deaf ears. I quit my job to look after him but she wouldn't care.


I'd just never would have imagined this happening. But still, my Grandad is now cared for, loved and paid attention to 24/7 so it's worked out for the better in a way. Also, I've been offered to do a nursing course if I wanted to take it up as a profession. The Head Nurse saw how I am with my Grandad, taking care of him and whatnot and they've said they'd pay for a course in university if I was interested. I'm considering it but I'm scared of catching bugs and stuff...anyone here who is a carer or nurse?


Bit of a late reply here but I wanted to say that I'm really sorry to hear what's happened with your grandad and that I really admire you for what you did there. It's incredibly kind and really quite inspirational! : peace:


So if you do end up going for that Nursing course, you've got a buddy here who's behind you! ;)

Edited by Dcubed
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I'm not 100% but I think you need to get in contact with the Citizen's Advice Bureau...




Sorry that I can't be any more useful than that, I've had tax rebates before for really small amounts but I've never had to pay any extra back so I couldn't really comment.


I just remembered that I switched jobs right at the start of the new tax year, so I still had some income from my old job. When I total that up, the amount is right. But then does that mean my new employer just messed up by not providing this information on my P45? Because for previous employments it just says £0.00. :S

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I just remembered that I switched jobs right at the start of the new tax year, so I still had some income from my old job. When I total that up, the amount is right. But then does that mean my new employer just messed up by not providing this information on my P45? Because for previous employments it just says £0.00. :S


I think that might well be the case here, I think you'll need to talk to your new employer because that doesn't sound right to me at all.

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Do you get any benefits like health care or a dental plan?


Nah nothing at all, don't even have a pension scheme.


Someone else has said that even if my employer did make an error, it is still me who owes the tax so I'll have to pay it.


Feel like I keep being screwed over on pay in whatever way possible. Why can't things just be simple? :(

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Unfortunately, in my experience that's probably correct.


Did they detail in the letter that the payment would be gradually taken instead of in one go? I had an underpayment of about £200 this year, but they've taken a little bit each month instead of in one go.


Don't know, it just says it will be collected through my tax code in 2016, so I assume that means monthly payments.

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It may be worth giving the tax people a call. When I switched jobs I got a similar letter, six months down the line. In my case I think it was because they counted my salary twice in the switchover month. I phoned up(*) and did not even explain anything - they just looked at the case and cancelled the tax without even an explanation.


(*). They don't always answer the phone to the public - my company's accountant even said as much - so this can take some time.

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Bit of a late reply here but I wanted to say that I'm really sorry to hear what's happened with your grandad and that I am actually looking towards Nursing myself actually! (Hopefully looking to head back to Uni to start studying for Nursing next year - missed the boat this year as I've only really started heading in that direction in my mind in August; had a lot of personal soul searching going on after some issues of my own earlier on this year).


Gotta say that I really admire you for what you did there. It's incredibly kind and really quite inspirational! : peace:


So if you do end up going for that Nursing course, you've got a fellow buddy here who's in the same boat ;)


That would be very handy. I would most likely do it but obviously I would have to think about how I'm going to handle myself when the time comes...hopefully I won't be awful

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Don't know, it just says it will be collected through my tax code in 2016, so I assume that means monthly payments.


Essentially yes your new company screwed up and should have sorted out old and new but you still have to pay the tax so really it is money that should have been paid this year.


It will come out on a monthly basis next year as your tax free allowance spread across the 12 months will be reduced to pay it off across the year. Essentially you've had a bit of extra money than should have done this year so could be construed as a benefit...sort of.

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Tax is wick and the average person on the street is expected to know so much. You trust your employers HR / finance dept will sort these things out... ! Annnnd thats why im staying in my job forever and ever. No change no complications =P


Found out some bad n00s on the family front. My uncle has hemachromatosis (excess iron in the blood, can't process, ends up destroying most of your organs before its diagnosed) and apparently its strongly genetic. My mum got tested today. boos.

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I sometimes hate the Royal Fail around my area. I ordered something on ebay, and even though it was not meant to arrive until next week, i found it in my recyling box outside the house. Not normally an issue as they would leave a card to tell me where it is, but nothing. Can't be sure what day though, but it was signed for by someone. Again, no idea whom and no-one in the house signed for it.

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Wanted to donate blood plasma today. Would've been my 21st donation. Haven't had any issues during the first 20 donations.


As always I donated from my left arm. It started off with my vein rupturing (sounds worse than it was) which lead to swelling around the puncture site.

The medical assistant then switched the donation procedure to my right arm.


After two minutes I said to the assistant: "Excuse me, but I'm feeling dizzy."


And then I woke up :laughing: Lost conciousness for about a minute.



Nothing majorly bad, but still annoying as I wanted/need to do some university stuff. Impossible as I'm really tired now :blank:

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So I went to this comedy night at the pub, went alright for a while. Had a laugh and so on. But these girls on the table across from me just wouldn't shut up all night. It was so bad that one of the comedians just walked off stage, guy came down from Glasgow and everything. He was pissed at them, I was pissed at them, pretty much the entire audience was pissed at them. Her and her little entourage never shut up all night and I had to pay to hear it. Fuck that.

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The missus ordered some stuff from Debenhams early last week and chose to have it delivered on Friday. Sadly, as they use Hermes as their courier, the items haven't been delivered and are lost :shakehead


I emailed Debenhams on Friday evening asking why it hadn't been delivered and why they weren't updating the track status of it (I say tracking, because I chose a Nominated Day delivery, they couldn't apparently provide one even though it works just like Next Day delivery, but they were updating it themselves with info from the courier) and they replied that it had been delivered and signed for on Friday, so I should check with my neighbours to see if they had it. Funnily, there was no delivery slip to say that they had left it at another address but there was no need to as we were both in on Friday when it was supposed to be delivered.


So spent Saturday going round the neighbours to see if they had it but no luck. Check the online tracker again and all it says is despatched at just after 5pm. Go back to check it again half an hour later and it now reads "Not Delivered - 3rd Attempt" :blank: We were in all day on Saturday with no knocks on the door or buzzes on the intercom so how could they have attempted to deliver when we were in. Better yet, why would I get told that it had been delivered and signed for earlier in the day and then the tracker would update to something different.


At this point, I'm fuming at being lied to so send off a rather terse email to Debenhams and they got back yesterday to say that they can't find the items and that the courier appears to have lost them. They've refunded me my delivery fee and thankfully offered a refund which I've taken.


Absolute farce but from the sounds of it, Debenhams have now fallen foul of Hermes delivery once again as it looks like they've nicked it. How the hell are Hermes still in business? A quick Google for my partner showed her how awful they are with a rather large number of complaints/bad reviews in the last week saying similar things to what I've had. The worst part is that the items were supposedly for my Xmas so the missus is understandably pissed.


At least she'll get a refund but not really the point.

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I've just been told by the doctors late last night and this morning that my Grandad has days left to live. I'm really sad. I shouldn't be surprised but I can't take it in. It's weird being told that you only have a few more days with someone until they're out of your life forever. I can never explain it to anybody.



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I've just been told by the doctors late last night and this morning that my Grandad has days left to live. I'm really sad. I shouldn't be surprised but I can't take it in. It's weird being told that you only have a few more days with someone until they're out of your life forever. I can never explain it to anybody.



Came in here to complain about how I had a filling today that they didn't ground down enough causing me to be unable to rest but saw this :(


I'm sorry buddy. I've been there. We're all here for you during this time. Just try and spend as much time as you can and always remember the best times.

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