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bad stuff thread.


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I've been having a headache for the last week or two and I've been in and out of hospital twice, they've found some cancer deposits in my brain and they want to operate tomorrow. Obviously there's risks involved, but they're really small. Love you all. :heart:


Good luck, we'll see you on here soon!

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I've been having a headache for the last week or two and I've been in and out of hospital twice, they've found some cancer deposits in my brain and they want to operate tomorrow. Obviously there's risks involved, but they're really small. Love you all. :heart:


Good luck, MadDog!

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Thank you all so my much. :heart:


Had the op this morning and was awake and feeling well a few hours ago, honestly so amazed I'm feeling pretty normal after a big operation. I just feel really glad and happy that this bit has been done. :D


Love you guys xxx

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Thank you all so my much. :heart:


Had the op this morning and was awake and feeling well a few hours ago, honestly so amazed I'm feeling pretty normal after a big operation. I just feel really glad and happy that this bit has been done. :D


Love you guys xxx


Nice to see it went well. How long's the recovery?

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@MadDog you don't just come back from brain surgery after success and post it in the "bad stuff thread" <3 glad it went well man, was thinking about it all day.


Dude, the bloke just had brain surgery! No wonder he can't tell the difference between good and bad stuff...


...in fact, now would be a great time to grab some boob and/or cooch and be all like "I just had me head cut open, I don't know what I be doing!".

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@MadDog you don't just come back from brain surgery after success and post it in the "bad stuff thread" <3 glad it went well man, was thinking about it all day.


I'm just glad I didn't log on yesterday!


@MadDog, glad to hear you're okay. Unfortunately Liverpool only managed a draw last night which you may have missed!

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I'm just glad I didn't log on yesterday!


@MadDog, glad to hear you're okay. Unfortunately Liverpool only managed a draw last night which you may have missed!


I was checking the score unfortunately, we kinda suck atm. :(


Heads aching abit today, apparently it's normal so that's good.


Thanks again for all your lovely messages. :)

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Been lumped with a ridiculous amount of work over the last couple of days at work, with little to no help in getting everything sorted. Had to lead a practical class for a 3rd year undergrad class on an assignment on my own because the other phd student that should've been there decided she wanted to go away for her birthday but has now been stricken down with food poisoning for the last couple of days so not only have I had to deal with a crap ton of emails from students but I'm having to cover all of the 3rd year stats workshop classes this week.


That in itself might not seem like a lot but when I've explained what they need to do for their assignment and yet are managing to not get any of it, are sending their work to me to look at (despite telling them I cannot look at their work as I mark the assignments), and then subsequently need so much hand holding through workshops even though lecture slides go through things step by step, it's getting a bit too much.


This is all on top of having data to analyse for two experiments worth of data, with another 2 needing to be run at the moment, reading for thesis write-up, reading for designing new experiments as well as doing additional analyses on previous experiments that I've finished up.


There's just not enough time in the day and despite asking for help, I'm getting none from my department as everyone is stretched thin due to voluntary redundancies and retirements over the summer (we lost 7 members of staff!). At this rate, gonna end up off with stress again before too long. :(

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@MadDog. I'm so glad you're okay and everything is going well! It's really amazing news that it went well, mate. :D:D:D




I've had numerous panic attacks all day. They really scared me. I was at work on the shop floor and suddenly, my chest started to tighten, my head suddenly felt like a brick smashed me, my eyes went all weird and I heard this loud, sharp, piercing noise. I was struggling to breathe and I suddenly started crying...it was crazy. At the time, I didn't know what it was but luckily, one of the people who I work with was a nurse so she helped me.


It's the stress of my new job (everyone is real nice but it's the job itself- I found out that supervisor in their store basically means assistant manager so I'm next in line of management...weird, I know) and it's also the stress of my Grandad. He's getting worse and I hate feeling so helpless. His speech is getting worse, he forgets things sometimes and things but he feels the most comfortable with me, my dad and my stepmom but he'll only let me do some things. I just hate feeling so helpless. I'm not in a good place. :( Maybe I'll feel better tomorrow...

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We haven't even moved into our house yet and I already despise one of our neighbours.


There's a house to one side of us that either seems to have 3 generations living there, or a lesbian couple with a hell of an age gap. I've yet to see any men in the house, but there is definitely 2 women and some kids. The older lady seems ok, but the younger of the two has annoyed me already.


Aside from generally being a sweaty mouth-breather, she also has the following "quirks":


-Screaming at (I assume) her kids, to the point where Childline probably need a call.

-Leaving her bin on our property, because she's too lazy/fat to waddle it round to the back where they keep them and her front path it taken up by flower pots. She also seems to exclusively leave it in front of out electric box, which we needed regular access to until recently. Not so much of an issue now, but it's still my property damnit.

-Driving this fucking monstrosity:




This car. This fucking car right here, tells you everything you need to know about her. Probably describes herself as a "yummy mummy", despite being the very visage of an ogre, loud as fuck at all times, regularly quotes things such as "you say bitch like it's a bad thing" and Marilyn Monroe, whilst being an insufferable cunt and is generally hated by everyone who isn't equally as insufferable.


Highlights of the rolling eyesore include:


Hubcaps that look like an infected anus.

"#hilar", which I assume is her name and the y has fallen off.

"If it's too loud, you're too old", which can't possibly refer to the car itself, with it's )assumed) 1 litre of fury.

"I'm not lost, I'm exploring". Shame it manages to find it's fucking way home.

"Don't follow me, I'm also lost", which directly contradicts the previous drivel.

"Powered by pixie dust" No it's fucking not, it's powered by ugly, smog producing petrol, which will hopefully one day rid the world of all life, which will be worth it just to make sure she's dead too.

"Just because you're loosing..." and something after that. Either way, it's fucking spelled wrong. Don't know who's worse, her for being dumb enough not to notice or the illiterate shitcunt who sold it.


In short. Insufferable shitlord, whose very existence offends me.


Fortunately, she's reasonably easy to ignore (unless she's screaming at the kids again).

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it's parked on double yellow lines,report it to the council, hopefully they'll tow it, impound it and crush it (i'm guessing preferably with colony of leeches in it?)


The double yellows are a relic of when the village used to be MOD housing and isn't enforced now. The roads are still MOD owned, so the council can't enforce them, and the MOD no longer give a shit since the houses they are in front of are not their problem.


I believe the council once tried to enforce the double yellows but were promptly told to jog on by all the locals as they weren't council roads. Good job too, as parking round the village is a joke and pretty much everyone parks on them. Fortunately our house has 2 designated spaces and our area is also pretty good for parking.


1L, or it could have a 1.4L diesel engine, with a mighty 50hp.


Fuck me, I've farted with more horsepower than that.

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We haven't even moved into our house yet and I already despise one of our neighbours.


There's a house to one side of us that either seems to have 3 generations living there, or a lesbian couple with a hell of an age gap. I've yet to see any men in the house, but there is definitely 2 women and some kids. The older lady seems ok, but the younger of the two has annoyed me already.


Aside from generally being a sweaty mouth-breather, she also has the following "quirks":


-Screaming at (I assume) her kids, to the point where Childline probably need a call.

-Leaving her bin on our property, because she's too lazy/fat to waddle it round to the back where they keep them and her front path it taken up by flower pots. She also seems to exclusively leave it in front of out electric box, which we needed regular access to until recently. Not so much of an issue now, but it's still my property damnit.

-Driving this fucking monstrosity:




This car. This fucking car right here, tells you everything you need to know about her. Probably describes herself as a "yummy mummy", despite being the very visage of an ogre, loud as fuck at all times, regularly quotes things such as "you say bitch like it's a bad thing" and Marilyn Monroe, whilst being an insufferable cunt and is generally hated by everyone who isn't equally as insufferable.


Highlights of the rolling eyesore include:


Hubcaps that look like an infected anus.

"#hilar", which I assume is her name and the y has fallen off.

"If it's too loud, you're too old", which can't possibly refer to the car itself, with it's )assumed) 1 litre of fury.

"I'm not lost, I'm exploring". Shame it manages to find it's fucking way home.

"Don't follow me, I'm also lost", which directly contradicts the previous drivel.

"Powered by pixie dust" No it's fucking not, it's powered by ugly, smog producing petrol, which will hopefully one day rid the world of all life, which will be worth it just to make sure she's dead too.

"Just because you're loosing..." and something after that. Either way, it's fucking spelled wrong. Don't know who's worse, her for being dumb enough not to notice or the illiterate shitcunt who sold it.


In short. Insufferable shitlord, whose very existence offends me.


Fortunately, she's reasonably easy to ignore (unless she's screaming at the kids again).



Have you considered setting it on fire? Small village, poor CCTV presence. Large list of potential suspects with a grudge. You as the new person theoretically above suspicion...

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Have you considered setting it on fire? Small village, poor CCTV presence. Large list of potential suspects with a grudge. You as the new person theoretically above suspicion...


Unfortunately, the MOD base next door is still active and the guards carry assault rifles. Seeing as the base was at one point the largest munitions dump in Europe (possibly still is), they'd be all over any fire like #hilar on a buffet.


I may play a game of sticker buckaroo though and see how many of my own stickers I can add until she notices and flips her shit.

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