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I think I'm "in love". But it's in no way sexual. Or even physical attraction.


What is it? It's more like intense fascination. I want to be in their space/talk to them all the time. Even though our friendship isn't even uber-close or anything. And they aren't that interesting/possessing of a magnetic personality.


I'm so terri.

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I like my friend. But she has a boyfriend. We're fairly close. This hurts. Just came back from the pub. Pretty much sobbed all the way home on my cycle back. I hate this so much.


I'm in a similar situation. But instead of her having a boyfriend, she and one of my mates hate each other. Not good.

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So I'm taking this AP Computer Science course (Basically a university course that you take in the level of schooling before university). In this particular course, we don't actually have lectures, everything is done online through a website. The teacher told us at the beginning of the course that we were to check the website every weekend to look for new assignments. So last night (Wednesday) the teacher decided to put a test on the website, not make any effort to tell us last weekend about it, at 10 PM, and gave us 2 hours to do it. Naturally, only a few people did it, and they only did it because they just happened to be checking the website that night. At this point, I'm just waiting to see what happens as the teacher wasn't even at the school today.

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So I'm taking this AP Computer Science course (Basically a university course that you take in the level of schooling before university). In this particular course, we don't actually have lectures, everything is done online through a website. The teacher told us at the beginning of the course that we were to check the website every weekend to look for new assignments. So last night (Wednesday) the teacher decided to put a test on the website, not make any effort to tell us last weekend about it, at 10 PM, and gave us 2 hours to do it. Naturally, only a few people did it, and they only did it because they just happened to be checking the website that night. At this point, I'm just waiting to see what happens as the teacher wasn't even at the school today.


Ouch and I thought my course was bad, we rage enough about being set stuff not online, but that..geez.


I think the idea of my computer crashing because I have 4 trees and too much lighting in a scene is my bad part of the day, given I need to render this quite a few times to get it right..this could be the longest one, by a long shot..:shakehead

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I think I kinda know what you mean Paj. Oddly, something similar is happening to me too.

I don't think I'd call it "love" though :p Just a guy in my school who fascinates me. I wouldn't class him as 'odd' per se. Yet, he has a bit of a loner attitude where you just know he really enjoys his own company. He walks around brooding too, which I love :)


Lately he's been actually going out of his way to talk to me so it's going good. I don't fancy him so I do find it odd. Even odder that you just described how I felt, just better

And more intricately :p



I feel sad that I won't see him as summer comes and we all go to different colleges. He's joining the army. So typical of him!


This is profound

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I've been so ill for the last few days :(


Been on a lowlow carb diet. Blood sugars dropping which triggered a migraine. I didn't have any pills at work and it got worse, and worse. Left work got home and spent the evening boking up what little food I did consume. And because I hadn't taken pills sooner, I wasn't able to keep them down at all.


On the upside I've lost about 6lbs in 2 days...lol


Don't think I'll be repeating it just to lose weight though :heh:

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Aw, man.


I've been slowly working my way through Sliders and I just watched s03e06. Throughout I was thinking "hey, this guy acts pretty good. Why don't I recognise him?" Then at the end it pops up "RIP Ken Steadman, 1969 - 1996"...


... Turns out this actor died filming this episode. Like, he made a few bit appearances here and there, yet his performance in this episode was brilliant. Some stupid dune-buggy stunt went wrong and he died. It really struck a chord with me. To the extent where I've just sent an email to a few addresses I found on various fan/family-run sites trying to express my condolences. I've received errors saying these addresses are now defunct. It's just... ugh. I was watching his acting thinking "hey, this gives me an idea for my story..." and stuff and to see that he was killed by this show... It's just so fucking weird. And such a shame.



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Just deleted over 100 "friends" from Facebook. I'm so bored of having chaff lying around. The only reason I talked to you at school was because there was only 80 people in our year to talk to. Let's not pretend we're friends.


Been really merciless about it aswell. Literally purging anyone who doesn't immediately excite me when I read their name.



(I'm aware I'm a horrible person).




Ok an hour later (exactly, stunningly), that 100 has turned into 240. Probably shouldn't have done it when I was feeling depressed... it's done now though. I'm now free.

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I did that a little while back and I'm glad I did. I reckon I dropped from around 300 to maybe 140. Based it off if I saw the person out would I talk to them? So many people I really didn't care about on there, and who nowadays I would have absolutely nothing in common with.


Now my newsfeed isn't as clogged and I (mostly) only see stuff I'm actually interested in reading.

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So I'm feeling great but at the same time I'm feeling shit.


I'm so head over heels for this girl, now we've always been close and we've had a little thing before but it ended without word (I don't know why... poop) and she's my sister's best friend.


Anyhoo, I've been out tonight with my mates and I met her out too. She ended up staying out with us and, as you do, we got talking.


The good... she told me that she's always thought that we'd end up being together. My hearts racing and I'm over the moon. We kiss, dance spend the night out enjoying the music... I love dancing with her, man can she move... wow!


But after a while comes the bad. We talk, about so much, she ends up telling me that she sees me like a brother.

Talk about a kick in the balls!



Urgh... I don't know how to feel just now.

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We kiss

What kind of kiss does a brother get from her?


I'm in a similar situation. But instead of her having a boyfriend, she and one of my mates hate each other. Not good.

Get jiggy with her and bring them together. Romeo and Juliet style, but with noone dying and potential for a furious threesome.

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Just deleted over 100 "friends" from Facebook. I'm so bored of having chaff lying around. The only reason I talked to you at school was because there was only 80 people in our year to talk to. Let's not pretend we're friends.


Been really merciless about it aswell. Literally purging anyone who doesn't immediately excite me when I read their name.



(I'm aware I'm a horrible person).




Ok an hour later (exactly, stunningly), that 100 has turned into 240. Probably shouldn't have done it when I was feeling depressed... it's done now though. I'm now free.


Just been through our mutual friends - yessssss. Now the only ones left are playables or at least unique NPC's. Except Leead Staller. He ruins the feel.

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But after a while comes the bad. We talk, about so much, she ends up telling me that she sees me like a brother.


Talk to her. Make things clear. She already told you

that she's always thought that we'd end up being together
and you kissed, that means a lot (I guess :p). So, get the 'brother' thing out of the way. Ask her what this means for her and how she feels for you.
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Nice ^


My friend has had some stuff over at mine since the end of July, she was supposed to get it this weekend but never called me and has now said she wants to pick it up tonight, but doesn't know what time, so I know she'll never turn up.


I'm all for being nice, but this is now freaking March, I know she wants me to put it in the car and bring it to her, but that shit is heavy and frankly she can get off her arse, leave her boyfriend alone for one night and come get it.


Fucking furious at her at the moment.


edit: hooray, you get to act like cocks again, woo.

Edited by nightwolf
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OMG, I'm now sitting in a tutorial and the tutor is like "I don't know if I should care any more, some of you aren't doing the reading." Blah blah blah, moan, moan, moan.


I'm sitting here thinking "I don't fucking care! Just tick my fucking attendance off. You bore me."


This course is completely examined by coursework. I have better things to do than shoulder this utterly boring in class workload. Post-colonialism this week? Fuck the fuck off. I don't care. I've done it a million times before.


I hate this module so much. The lecture are great but the tutorials are torture. It's just filled with morons who state the obvious. Constantly.




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