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bad stuff thread.


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I am so sorry for your loss, Josh. Hope you are ok. =(





I am currently feeling quite... defeated and drained. The situation in work is absolutely shit and the tension is so high. Apparently in our team they are thinking of keeping on 10 people. There is currently about 18 of us. Since I am the newest in the team with the least experience and with only one supporting language (English, there is no Dutch support anymore), my chances of staying on are really limited. Plus I hate this particular job anyway.


I am currently looking for jobs but there isn't anything going that I could do which isn't customer service. I hate this type of job and I don't want to go back into it... But I have no experience as a graphic designer/artworker so I am never even considered for those positions. I will forever be stuck in shitty jobs with low pay. ='(

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My colleague should have ordered some stuff from you recently. I can keep trying to push others to buy from you!


Hmm I don't think they did, unless they did on RedBubble but then I wouldn't know about it. Didn't get anything through from my website though.


My shop is offline anyway as I have a new website and I have to redirect it to a new host, which means my old shop doesn't work anymore. Which doesn't matter much because it wasn't used apart from the odd few (family/friends) once a year. Not something I could pay the bills with heh. =P

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Apparently I have to find my own examiner for my legal secretary assignments... The fuck?


I enrolled on a course to get a certificate in legal secretarial shizzle (actual title) and I've been sent a load of practice exercises ot get on with, which has been fun. I've learnt a fair bit with fapping around in word and I feel my touch typing/WPM has improved (although I touch type better if I look only at the keyboard instead of the screen, which really negates the concept but I get the letters oin the right order better this way)


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAANYWAY! There is a proof reading exam which can be taken by your "sponsor" - basically if you already work at a solicitors/similar and they pay for you to go on the course (which I am not doing), so I check online for study/test centres on their website and they have a list. But you need to give a fair bit of notice to the Institute before you take the assessment, which a form is provided to fill in. However it asks for the address of the centre (which I currently don't know as it wouldn't have been confirmed) and also the name of the supervisor (which I wouldn't know either). So I send off lé email asking how they would like me to play it.


The response:

We do not have test centres for the City & Guilds courses that we run. You need to arrange a supervisor to act as your invigilator for your Proof Reading test and your assessed assignments. This is something that you should have arranged before you registered on the course.


We will not be able to book you on to the Proof Reading exam unless the supervisor section of the form is filled in.


Your supervisor doesn’t need to be in the Legal profession, they can be someone from your local Adult Training Centre, someone from your local Library or someone that you know who has a profession, as long as they are not related to you and they are able to put their job title on the form.

So glad I was told about this before I paid for my course... ¬_¬ Now I need to go harass librarians and see if they'll watch me in a room for an hour.

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Total joke how hard it is to set up a business account. I've been sent forms to fill in and I need a witness to my signature, I phoned up to find out who could witness it and they said that a member of the branch could do so. Turn up to the branch and they refused. Phone up again and told it needs to be someone with a "profession". They said this should be a doctor or someone. Total BS, the form explicitly states it can be anyone. I'm going to get my girlfriend to do it this evening but I've now lost yet another day where they can't set it up.

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So my boss asked if I was okay to drive to places to sell shoes. I said I'd do it and did a few. However, I had a talk with her midway through last week after making a couple of trips and said I didn't want to do it anymore because she's paying absolute bare minimum for petrol (and I've a feeling some money is missing, not sure), not bothering giving anything for wear and tear of tires and all that shit and besides, she wants me to drive miles way out of my way and I don't want to drive all the way there and back. I mean, it's alright if it's just down the road but the place where she wants me to go is just miles and miles out of the way and I didn't want to do it.


So on Saturday, I came in to find that she booked the visit ready for me to drive...even though I told her I didn't want to do it anymore. I told her that I said "no" and she was like "It's booked now" and I said "How is that my problem? I said no to you on Tuesday, it wasn't like I did it suddenly!". Anyway, she told me to have a word with the guy I was going to do this visit with. I had a word and he has no room in his car because he has no boot, he's installed a huge speaker in there. Half of me feels like telling them to piss off and that I'm not driving there!


If my boss just listened to me in the first place, we wouldn't have any of this shit! Ugh!

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It's any recognised profession usually.


If it's the same as passport countersigning, there's a list of examples here



The forms don't state that though, it just says anyone.


So my boss asked if I was okay to drive to places to sell shoes. I said I'd do it and did a few. However, I had a talk with her midway through last week after making a couple of trips and said I didn't want to do it anymore because she's paying absolute bare minimum for petrol (and I've a feeling some money is missing, not sure), not bothering giving anything for wear and tear of tires and all that shit and besides, she wants me to drive miles way out of my way and I don't want to drive all the way there and back. I mean, it's alright if it's just down the road but the place where she wants me to go is just miles and miles out of the way and I didn't want to do it.


They should be giving you 42.5p for the first 10,000 miles of the annum. You also need to tell your insurance that you are using your car for business use (this is different to commuting to a single place of work). If your insurance doesn't cover you for this then do not drive as your insurance will be void if you have an accident. I can't find the article but I remember a few years ago a pharmacy worked refused to drive because her husband realised her insurance didn't cover her, the worker was let go but it was subsequently ruled as illegal to fire her.

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The forms don't state that though, it just says anyone.




They should be giving you 42.5p for the first 10,000 miles of the annum. You also need to tell your insurance that you are using your car for business use (this is different to commuting to a single place of work). If your insurance doesn't cover you for this then do not drive as your insurance will be void if you have an accident. I can't find the article but I remember a few years ago a pharmacy worked refused to drive because her husband realised her insurance didn't cover her, the worker was let go but it was subsequently ruled as illegal to fire her.


According to them, I'm fine to drive for them so long as I have insurance to travel to work and back because they take out an extended part of insurance. I'm not comfortable with this though.

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Total joke how hard it is to set up a business account. I've been sent forms to fill in and I need a witness to my signature, I phoned up to find out who could witness it and they said that a member of the branch could do so. Turn up to the branch and they refused. Phone up again and told it needs to be someone with a "profession". They said this should be a doctor or someone. Total BS, the form explicitly states it can be anyone. I'm going to get my girlfriend to do it this evening but I've now lost yet another day where they can't set it up.

Sounds like you need a librarian, we'll go shopping together.

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According to them, I'm fine to drive for them so long as I have insurance to travel to work and back because they take out an extended part of insurance. I'm not comfortable with this though.


You're going to want to see this "extended part of insurance".

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I feel like turdz, yo'. Had a stinker of a cold since Monday, and my throat hasn't felt worse in recent memory. The worst thing is that my insomnia is getting worse: I wake every morning after midnight and then my mind just starts racing - work, personal life, football team... I saw the doctor yesterday to get a note for my cold and he suggested I need to up my anti-depressant dose. I'll have to go and see the psychiatrist at my regular hospital on Thursday. But then I've got so much to do at work with decorating large swathes of the school, my pupils have had no classes and my mentor is coming on Thursday to observe classes.


Too much to do, not enough time to do it in.

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So I got a new router through the door this morning. A BT Hub 4 or whatever its called. So I set it up and decide to go onto US Netflix but hola didn't seem to work, so I uninstalled it and when I went ot reinstall it the freaking hola site was blocked for some reason. So now I've got no way of getting onto US etflix anymore >_> tried other VPN and ip changer sites but they seem to be blocked too. Never had this problem with my previous router >_<

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So I got a new router through the door this morning. A BT Hub 4 or whatever its called. So I set it up and decide to go onto US Netflix but hola didn't seem to work, so I uninstalled it and when I went ot reinstall it the freaking hola site was blocked for some reason. So now I've got no way of getting onto US etflix anymore >_> tried other VPN and ip changer sites but they seem to be blocked too. Never had this problem with my previous router >_<


You'll need to change your DNS settings either in your browser or the router itself. Plenty of guides available for it online, it's what people do to access Netflix on devices other than their PC.

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So I made an app for my Final Yea r project for my psychology course. And I've been making it for like 6 motn... months since I've never done Java before. and I tested it every which way and this guy I absoulutely hate managerd to crash it in just one day. also I was drinking in the new bar,, called nuBar to celevrate my end of, i mean start of study and I a had a good few but then they were having an event w and we got kicked out, or were about to be, even though I had a full pint left. Then one of my friends talked to the bar manager and he said we could stay if we stayed quiet but the bar was gonna close. So my frinend bought 2 drinks for each of us. But then the even manager says we have to leave anyway and the bar managr apologises. So I just paid pub prices of for two cans I'll dirnk in the future and had to walk home with a full pint. Now I'm drunk at home wastin gthe alcohol with nothing to do.

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@Animal if its not written in your contract - say no. You don't have to do those duties. Also I'm not entirely sure that your car is covered by work insurance and even if it is, it might be 3rd party and not fully covered. Don't take shit from them.


@gaggle64 I am sorry to hear about your grandmother :( *big hugs*


Erm yeah so my face decided to hate me and I have a blemish the size of a bloody 5p on my face. It really bloody hurts! Whyyyyyy.

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@Animal if its not written in your contract - say no. You don't have to do those duties. Also I'm not entirely sure that your car is covered by work insurance and even if it is, it might be 3rd party and not fully covered. Don't take shit from them.


@gaggle64 I am sorry to hear about your grandmother :( *big hugs*


Erm yeah so my face decided to hate me and I have a blemish the size of a bloody 5p on my face. It really bloody hurts! Whyyyyyy.


I didn't take no shit from them. I went all Ghetto Guuurlfriend on their arses and was like "I'm not driving anybody anymore!" and they're all "You have to!" and I was like "Ha! Yeah, I don't think so!". They were all "But you're the only one with a big enough car and it's too short notice" and I said "Well, the way I see it is 1. You shouldn't hire students who can't drive and you shouldn't have tiny-ass cars and 2. It wasn't short notice, I told you last week but your asses decided not to listen to me. This is what happens..." and they're like "Okay, we'll have to make other arrangements" and stuff.


Annoying to say the least but at least they get the message now!


In other news, I'M SO ILL! My throat is sore, I'm having so many coughing fits, my nose is bunged up, my hearing has gone dull, my head is aching and I feel so weak in general but hey, I have South Park: The Stick of Truth and that's just an amazing feeling!


My dad was coming to see me this weekend but my grandmother died today so obviously he has to stay and look after his dad & himself. It's a disappointing turn of events on numerous levels.


I'm sorry to hear this! :(

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Thanks for the condolences guys, she'd had a long life and we'll miss her. It's my dad I'm mostly worried about now.


In other news, another awful day at work yesterday for reasons I'm still too tired to get into, so here's this Bob's Burgers supercut to express the full breadth of my emotions.


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Not really bad news, but more a case of me worrying about stuff.


My website is currently hosted with ClikPic, which is a templated service. I didn't like the template and I've learnt a bit of HTML/CSS at my work, so I've made my own site instead (a preview can be seen in the Good Stuff Thread).


The transfer is now in progress to a new host (GoDaddy), but I'm worried about my email address and whether or not it will still be available after the transfer. It's a bit important as it's the one that I use for everything work/job search related.


I hate websites.

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Not really bad news, but more a case of me worrying about stuff.


My website is currently hosted with ClikPic, which is a templated service. I didn't like the template and I've learnt a bit of HTML/CSS at my work, so I've made my own site instead (a preview can be seen in the Good Stuff Thread).


The transfer is now in progress to a new host (GoDaddy), but I'm worried about my email address and whether or not it will still be available after the transfer. It's a bit important as it's the one that I use for everything work/job search related.


I hate websites.


If you've changed your domain name servers then they won't work - you'll have to set them up again.

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