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bad stuff thread.


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31 degrees celcius in Sheffield today.


Absolutely roasting!



Try an average of 38 degrees every day in Shanghai for the last week, and THEN talk to me about roasting, you soft northern bastard!


I mean, we had a tropical storm yesterday evening and it only brought the temperature down to 32 degrees!


Parents took the family cat to vets today and had him put to sleep, 17 and a half years old. He had a good long life.


Going round to parents house at weekend and he won't be there... :weep:


Very sorry to hear that, we lost a 13 year-old cat just after Christmas, luckily I had gone back to China and had gotten lots of cuddles and grooming (She liked to wash my hair) before I went back. They're not pets, they're family.

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Jesus, let's get back on topic guys, enough is enough.


Surely the whole point of these mega thread is to not stay on topic, and to create discussion?


I'd rather have a debate on what's an appropriate and moral reaction, than a blog feed of people whining.


"My day was rubbish."

"My day was worse."

"My day was even worser."





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Surely the whole point of these mega thread is to not stay on topic, and to create discussion?


I'd rather have a debate on what's an appropriate and moral reaction, than a blog feed of people whining.


"My day was rubbish."

"My day was worse."

"My day was even worser."






It wasn't really a discussion until the end of it when other people chipped in, it was an argument between kav and Iun. If we do get good discussions in here they should be thripped.

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Fairly certain I've somehow broken my big toe. No idea how since I don't do anything, but over the past few weeks it has been randomly hurting whenever it moves, or I put pressure on it.


The pain isn't consistent though, it's not always there, just a gentle numbness at times.


Made an appointment with my doctor since it isn't an emergency, but he can't see me until the 27th.

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Little jerk off on eBay.....


I sold my Samsung SII on there and the bitch is claiming it overheats when making calls/etc. She purchased a case for an SII in May, so she clearly wants to do the switcheroo. I informed her I took a video of the serial number etc, and she replied with some half arsed thing saying shes going to speak to Vodafone. Hopefully scared her off but not going to hold my breath, may cost me £140+.




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Little jerk off on eBay.....


I sold my Samsung SII on there and the bitch is claiming it overheats when making calls/etc. She purchased a case for an SII in May, so she clearly wants to do the switcheroo. I informed her I took a video of the serial number etc, and she replied with some half arsed thing saying shes going to speak to Vodafone. Hopefully scared her off but not going to hold my breath, may cost me £140+.





Phones tend to heat up when in use. Maybe she's unaware of this feature, it's common.:nono:

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Soooo, my house mate had Gastroenteritis and has only just got over that, after a week.


We both thought I'd dropped dead lucky by not catching it from her (its a stomach bug, easily passable.), as she's been home all work as not to spread it at work.


Well apparently my body decided yesterday (just before she felt fine) to give it to me and I've unfortunately managed to get it worse than here.


So now I get to spend the next few days at home, which would be enjoyable if I didn't have to go and say hello to the bathroom every hour. Oh joy.

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Soooo, my house mate had Gastroenteritis and has only just got over that, after a week.


We both thought I'd dropped dead lucky by not catching it from her (its a stomach bug, easily passable.), as she's been home all work as not to spread it at work.


Well apparently my body decided yesterday (just before she felt fine) to give it to me and I've unfortunately managed to get it worse than here.


So now I get to spend the next few days at home, which would be enjoyable if I didn't have to go and say hello to the bathroom every hour. Oh joy.



On the plus side, you're going to lose a lot of weight. Get some lemonade, stir it with a spoon 'til the bubbles are gone and drink that. It'll help rehydrate you.

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On the plus side, you're going to lose a lot of weight. Get some lemonade, stir it with a spoon 'til the bubbles are gone and drink that. It'll help rehydrate you.


I've got some flat coke, which is also supposedly very good for getting rid of pretty much everything.


Thankfully, I've gotten rid of the sickness since yesterday, otherwise it'd be a trip to the doctors/a&e. But obviously the other symptoms are lingering about. It's pretty much put me out of action for the next few days, which is annoying.


But thank you for the advice! I already feel pretty weak and thinner haha, just after one day. Its not how I wanted to lose weight. :laughing:

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You don't get addicted after smoking two cigarettes.


I know that now :p


It's not about me being scared that I might get addicted or anything. It's just.. I always said to myself and everyone that I will never smoke even a single cigarette. But I did.

I 'broke' this 'promise'.

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So I'm pissed off right now. USA (you'll know who I mean if you're in the Love thread) has decided to completely deaf me off, which is just weird in itself. We kind of figured it'd be easier to be friends and we follow each other on Twitter, which is all fine and dandy. Anyway, we agree to meet on Skype because it's been so long and she doesn't turn up. I tweeted her, telling her I was online. Nothing. Tweeted her an hour later. Nothing. Tweeted her AND messaged her on the site I met her on and asked where she was. Nothing. I thought her internet must be down. Nope, she's been sending tweets and shit all day, totally deciding to ignore me. It's been almost two weeks since it's happened and I've heard nothing back but she's been quite active on the web.


Just can't believe she'd do that. It's made me a little sad, really! :(

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Parents have just told me that they want to sell their house next year, terrible news! I love that house and I had fully intended to buy it from them when they sold, but this has come too soon. If they could wait until this time next year.... DAMMIT!


Beautiful old place... 250 years old cottage with 4 beds, living room dining room, conservatory, 3 bathrooms, kitchen and surrounded by gardens. But apparently the farm about a quarter mile away has just gotten unbearable - glaring headlamps at night, tractors operating at all hours...




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Before my week break, i had a meeting with my manager regarding any health issues that may be affecting my performance in work (it's only because i hate the place, nothing else but they don't know that as i lied and said nothing is affecting me). I don't tell them i hate the place and want to leave, they'll make it so easy and force me out as they've done with previous people who said they didn't like the job. I get home yesterday, and what do i find. A letter from work with an appointment made with the works doctor made for this Friday 9am.


I'm not a happy bunny, and neither is the union who are contesting the reason as to why the apointment was made. The only way these are made is if the employee asks for one. Last time i saw the works doctor, they said there was nothing wrong. I saw my GP and he said i had mild depression.

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