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don't get too excited, i only started playing animal crossing again, it's not like i'm in danger of having anything productive to offer to the community ;)


also, i'm mrs jamba now!! did he stop talking about wiiU for long enough to tell you??

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also, i'm mrs jamba now!! did he stop talking about wiiU for long enough to tell you??


I do seem to recall hearing about it. Might be from the agents I have spying on all of you, though. By the way, Moogle, you need to place a 7 in the lower right corner of the middle left box in the sudoku you have have in your bathroom.


Welcome back, bluey! :D

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Just realised that the jeans I purchased while I was back at home still have the security tag. The only Republics (AFAIK) in London are in Westfields and I'm not planning to go to one of those for a while. Plus, left the receipt at my mothers.

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Just picked my 3DS up and accidentally dragged it against the SHARP, CRUEL meshing cover for one of our hamster cages. The result is a lovely scratch running diagonally across the entire top screen of the console. I don't think I'll ever enjoy playing a game on this thing again.

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All the technology I own is being weird today. Phone keeps freezing and then closing apps after a while, 360 kept pausing gameplay for about 5 seconds every few minutes or so before going back to normal and my laptop seems to be enjoying a lot of random freezing today as well. Not bad, just annoying. Has to all go at once, eh?

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All the technology I own is being weird today. Phone keeps freezing and then closing apps after a while, 360 kept pausing gameplay for about 5 seconds every few minutes or so before going back to normal and my laptop seems to be enjoying a lot of random freezing today as well. Not bad, just annoying. Has to all go at once, eh?


My girlfriends phone freezes and becomes unresponsive every time she sits on the right hand seat of our sofa, any other time its fine. Technology is weird.

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My mom woke me up this morning by yelling about how I was running late. I checked my alarm clock, but was too tired to be able to tell what the time was. I got out of bed, looked at the time again, "wait, that can't be right..."


It was 2:45 AM. :blank:

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I'll try and keep this brief and in some kind of logical order.


My aunt's husband is an awful, lazy, piece of shit who gladly abuses the benefits system. In the past he has taken my cousin's laptop and ipod because his broke and she (my aunt) always takes his side over that of her kids about anything. For Christmas I gave my cousin my old HP TouchPad under the pretence of "this is for your exams [she's just finished high school] to help you revise". She knew that I meant it is hers forever, but he is not to get his hands on it. Just found out that his laptop has broken so he has taken it off her, and worse still is refusing to let her use it. My mother and nan found this out yesterday and my aunt and her husband seemed quite agitated that they took issue with that. We've decided to give it a bit of time then I'm going to get in touch with my aunt saying I've sold the tablet for over the odds and want it back, although it will end up at my nan's.


It's one of the many things that we've had to hide at my nan's because of either neglect (my aunt is useless at keeping anything like clothes in decent condition and his two other children are destructive kids) or because my cousins (aged 16 and 9) know that it will get sold. My mother asked my cousin about the necklace I got her for her birthday and thankfully she does still have that, but there is a fear that if she doesn't wear it often enough (which is understandable if she doesn't as it's not really an everyday necklace) they'll sell it. If they did I think I'd pay the ridiculous same day train fare and go up there to confront them as that was £70 and it would be incredibly out of line. Hopefully it won't come to that, but contemplating the possibility isn't some dramatic hypothetical unfortunately.


I'd report him as a benefit cheat (as he refuses to work because his back (read: he's an overweight piece of shit)) if it wasn't for the fact that any blowback would fall on my cousins (i.e. his temper, less money etc). And apparently he did some cash in hand work recently too. A part-time job came up recently at a shop and he told my cousin to apply, but he wouldn't even fathom applying himself. They're making her do an early-morning paper round that she hates, simply because they want her money and want her to be back in time to get her brother up and ready for school (as they like a lie in), as well as look after their 2 year old. They've apparently been taking the money she got for her birthday, which she wanted to save for uni, and refusing to open a bank account for her (even though legally she can do it, she's in a difficult situation).


My cousin is being forced to live with the world on her shoulders and it just chokes me up. She needs to get out of that house and not sure if she can last the two years until uni. Plus, she is very protective of her brother as she's essentially been his mother for the last few years so even though she could go to my mother's or nan's, she's afraid of leaving him alone. Plus his father left him as a young child and he's always been on the lookout for a male figure in his life and unfortunately at the moment that's the dick my aunt married. If it came to a situation where he would be asked to choose, he'd probably choose to stay but its Stockholm syndrome more than anything else.


My mother, her husband, my nan and grandad and cousins are going on holiday next month and I'm popping down for a day or two. Ultimately we're going to have to come up with some kind of plan, which is a ridiculous thing to be doing for your 16 year old cousin. Just... the fuckers. Fucking dicks.



Although had to laugh. It's been three days since I last spoke to my mother and she ended with "so not a lot has happened really". Just the above, my mother's husband's sister-in-law having a nervous breakdown this morning and turning up on their door (about 15 miles away) at 8am, my brother quitting his job and some kind of ruckus involving some wasted teenagers in a pub. Just another normal 3 days.

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I'm hoping she comes to London, because it is a fair distance and I'm here if she needs me, but not going to push it as she has too much of that kind of behaviour at home, although they're trying to push her away from uni (her school arranged a trip/night at a uni and they paid the money late, meaning we're not sure if she's going to be able to go). Going to speak to her about unis when I see her next month, but she came for my graduation which gave her a brief insight. Plus she's been to London one or two times and seems to enjoy it (finds it a bit scary, but most people do I guess).


I think it depends a bit on how it goes with her boyfriend, but he could move here too if he wished.

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