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Well my hearts been screwing up alot lately, getting alot more arythmia then usual for some reason, atleast its not bad enough to make me pass out so i guess thats good. I doubt going to the doctor will do anything since i've already been down with this and they said i was perfectly fine, I'll probably just end up with the same result if I go down there again with it. I guess I'll see how it goes for a few days and hope it doesn't end up killing me :P

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Will expand on this later but had an absolute DOUCHE bitch of a complainant earlier today. Spoke to her for what must have been a combined time of 45 minutes and about 1.5 hours of listening to the previous calls to see if what she claims was bullshit or not;


Spoilers; it was.


Follow up? I need to hear about your misery!

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Follow up? I need to hear about your misery!


Oh yeah.




This bitch calls up and is claiming all kinds of absolute fucking horse shit that I know she is wrong about. Because its the end of the tax year, we are offering to open ONE type of account over the telephone. It is the only time we ever do it, and it is only one type of account, under all circumstances.


She claimed that we offered her a different account over the phone, which we actually opened and she opened another online when she was told we had to send forms and she said that she was never told about certian other things....anyway I listened to the calls (she spoke to six different people, and about 10 or so phone calls) (with some of them being hard to find "I spoke to two people, between 11am - 2pm) so a three hour window in our busiest week of the year (anyway, I found them because I'm so pro elite)


As expected we gave no incorrect information whatsoever, and she pretty much doesn't have a clue what she is doing. For example she said to me "I told her I was investing £100,000 in one week", where in reality she said (in a discussion that was about one quarter) "I will be making five separate payments of £20,000".


Anyway, she went mental, and I was just explaining what we said to her. At one point she said "when I paid online it said NOTHING about X" and I said "Yes it does." She screamed back at me "No it doesn't", I retorted that I was looking directly at it, its made extremely clear, you have to scroll past it to make the payment and I then read it out to her" and she said "Yes....well.....okay, fair cop on that bit BUT ITS STILL ABSOLUTELY"....etc.


She did stuff like disputing how debit card works, and said such classic lines as "I am a pensioner on a VERY SMALL pension, I rely on the interest on this money" yadda yadda - this woman having taken an early retirement and with at least £100,000 of disposable cash....


She was an absolute fucking MORON.


Anyway, hopefully she is fucking off now./ Or she dies.

Edited by ReZourceman
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Was a hair's breadth away from calling the ambulance earlier because of the sheer scale of panic and confusion caused my the worlds biggest hangover. I was puking bile, it was the worst thing ever. But then I was like, no, that would be an asshole-ish thing to do, as it'll be preventing them reaching some poor fucker out in Chingford, old grandpa Witherspoon who had a stroke and shit himself.


And now I feel pretty good. Advice; don't down a whole bottle of port and then follow it up with half a bottle of Sambuca.

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Found an awesome car that I really wanted, tried to view it yesterday but the guy was fucking around, told me to call tomorrow at 10am, so I called him when requested, he fucked me around some more, after calling again he was like "Someones on the way to see it now....can you call me in an hour". They won't see it and not want it, its a Corsa.


Fucking pain in the fucking arse finding a car.

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1: I have torn a groin muscle. No football for at least a month. No sleep either.


2: Retarded Shanghai Metro Security: we're having a. Outbreak of a new strain of bird flu, and the thick-as-shit underground security staff are allowing birds onto the trains.


I don't know if I have ever fully expressed my contempt for these people on here, so let me explain:


A) They have X-ray scanners at every station.


B) it takes 15 seconds to pass through the scanner.


C) I make an average of 4 journeys per day, so I lose 1 minute every day by scanning my bag.


So far so reasonable, yes?


A) They have X-ray scanners at every station. But they will allow items such as sledgehammers, hacksaws, welding torches, gas canisters, circular saws, jackhammers and angle grinders onto the trains. As well as bags that are often too big to fit through the scanners: they are often a square metre top and across, weigh 25-50 KG and frequently block the gangway on the trains.


B) it takes 15 seconds to pass through the scanner. Did I mention that the metro operator did not obtain licenses for these scanners before putting them into use? Some 15% were found to be defective within the first year of use and emitting X-rays in all directions.


C) I make an average of 4 journeys per day, so I lose 1 minute every day by scanning my bag. I tallied up the cost over a year... Approximately six hours of my life to scan my bag. I once had a can of deodorant confiscated and never returned. All the while: sledgehammers.


And NOW these people are allowing BIRDS into an ENCLOSED SPACE during a BIRD FLU CRISIS.

Edited by Iun
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1: I have torn a groin muscle. No football for at least a month. No sleep either.


2: Retarded Shanghai Metro Security: we're having a. Outbreak of a new strain of bird flu, and the thick-as-shit underground security staff are allowing birds onto the trains.


I don't know if I have ever fully expressed my contempt for these people on here, so let me explain:


A) They have X-ray scanners at every station.


B) it takes 15 seconds to pass through the scanner.


C) I make an average of 4 journeys per day, so I lose 1 minute every day by scanning my bag.


So far so reasonable, yes?


A) They have X-ray scanners at every station. But they will allow items such as sledgehammers, hacksaws, welding torches, gas canisters, circular saws, jackhammers and angle grinders onto the trains. As well as bags that are often too big to fit through the scanners: they are often a square metre top and across, weigh 25-50 KG and frequently block the gangway on the trains.


B) it takes 15 seconds to pass through the scanner. Did I mention that the metro operator did not obtain licenses for these scanners before putting them into use? Some 15% were found to be defective within the first year of use and emitting X-rays in all directions.


C) I make an average of 4 journeys per day, so I lose 1 minute every day by scanning my bag. I tallied up the cost over a year... Approximately six hours of my life to scan my bag. I once had a can of deodorant confiscated and never returned. All the while: sledgehammers.


And NOW these people are allowing BIRDS into an ENCLOSED SPACE during a BIRD FLU CRISIS.



Not a bird fan then?

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On my first readthrough, i thought you said 'they're not allowing birds onto the trains because of the bird flu scare!'


I thought you were trying to take your duck to work or something, and were pissed off because of nasty men on the tube...

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Not a bird fan then?


I wouldn't say I'd spend my whole life tweeting about them, no.


On my first readthrough, i thought you said 'they're not allowing birds onto the trains because of the bird flu scare!'


I thought you were trying to take your duck to work or something, and were pissed off because of nasty men on the tube...


If I had a duck, I would name her Shirley.


It's a good name for a duck.

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I also read Iuns little tale completely differently in my drunken state last night. I'm like, wtf is he doing dragging birds around the place :S now after reading it again, I have no idea how I came up with that...


@nightwolf how long have you had the pain there? if it's been around for a few days, get it looked at. it's a somewhat important joint ;)

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That's pretty bad, but at least it didn't come right out of the blue i suppose? Did you start having a look around for new jobs before it happened?


Yeah I thought it was a bit naiive for me not to do anything so Ive already applied for one job to be a lawyer at shelter. We will wait and see. I should hear back early next whether I have an interview left.


Ive got rest of this month then got three more months until im actually made redundant so i do have some time.

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Aggh, I had a free day and I was looking forward to getting something done but something has switched the wrong way in my head and I feel like I've spent the whole day floating aimlessly in the space between dimensions. Time for strong coffee or scotch.

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Moved back to London from Belfast for good this week after 3 years of living in between both cities. Couldn't find anywhere I really wanted to live, mainly cos I'm picky but also the prices for a little box in London are still ridiculous as ever. Ended up moving back to the mothership til I figure out what to do. Feel like a teenager again living with mum. I'm sure it will be fine for a bit but it's just a bit hmph.

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