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Were Heather works she has to some times park on a road, depending on what time she gets to work due to limited parking spaces available.


Well yesterday was one of them days where she had to park on the road.


When she got back to her car at 5:30 she was welcomed to this....





And the fucker that did it didn't leave any contact details or a note.

She went to the security desk and asked if there was any cameras pointed that way onto the road, but unfortunately there wasn't. The guy on the desk said... "Maybe you should try parking in the work car park next time"


So Heather will be raising the issue of more parking spaces for her work to avoid the on road parking situation.




And... there's a chance that our proposed moving date of tomorrow, is now being delayed to next weekend.



Some people just want to watch the world burn :nono::hmm::(

Edited by Murr
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Thanks for all the kind words. Good news is that it looks like my phone has been sold and there's a small chance they may be able to track it. I'm less hopeful that the twats who did it will be caught, but the police are looking at CCTV in the area so who knows.

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Urgh Murr, that sucks about the car and the moving date. Hope it gets sorted soon!


Zell, I hope they can find the bastards! People like that don't deserve to walk around free, little shits.



I got my payslip yesterday and I noticed my tax this month was double that of last month, even though last month I earned quite a bit more... So now I think they didn't do the whole Tax Income Personal Allowance thing, booh. Asked my team leader and she had no clue. I hope they aren't cheating me out of my moneyyy.



Also I need motivation to do things. Been feeling pretty meh recently and don't really feel like doing anything. Today I've just been spending my day off doing laundry and watching tennis.

If someone has some spare motivation, feel free to send some my way!

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What bank you with? HSBC are amazingly subtle with this, instead of a negative sign they add a code.


It were a "D" they added, got it back to "C" (for credit) within 12 hours, no penalty charge.


My back-up battery has a 2 pin cable for charging. It's great, if i were in France!!!. Damn it, gotta find a 2 to 3 pin adaptor.

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I got my payslip yesterday and I noticed my tax this month was double that of last month, even though last month I earned quite a bit more... So now I think they didn't do the whole Tax Income Personal Allowance thing, booh. Asked my team leader and she had no clue. I hope they aren't cheating me out of my moneyyy.


I'm no tax accountant, nor do I work for HMRC, but I believe tax is taken off pay regardless of total earnings, then paid back at the end of the financial year.


(I've only ever been employed part-time or self-employed in the UK, though my time in Turkey was a slightly odd case as I had a UK contract. Either way, I'm definitely not 100% informed on the matter.)

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Urgh Murr, that sucks about the car and the moving date. Hope it gets sorted soon!


Zell, I hope they can find the bastards! People like that don't deserve to walk around free, little shits.



I got my payslip yesterday and I noticed my tax this month was double that of last month, even though last month I earned quite a bit more... So now I think they didn't do the whole Tax Income Personal Allowance thing, booh. Asked my team leader and she had no clue. I hope they aren't cheating me out of my moneyyy.



Also I need motivation to do things. Been feeling pretty meh recently and don't really feel like doing anything. Today I've just been spending my day off doing laundry and watching tennis.

If someone has some spare motivation, feel free to send some my way!


I'm no tax accountant, nor do I work for HMRC, but I believe tax is taken off pay regardless of total earnings, then paid back at the end of the financial year.


(I've only ever been employed part-time or self-employed in the UK, though my time in Turkey was a slightly odd case as I had a UK contract. Either way, I'm definitely not 100% informed on the matter.)


I happen to work for HMRC, i won't go into much detail. Is this your first job in the UK?. If so, it does seem they've put you on what is called "Emergency" tax code. Basically, we don't have your entire employment history and don't know what tax you've paid already.


You'll get a nice rebate in the end, which is all good. I say in the end, more like months later.


And @The fish, it's not all the time rebates are issued.

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Jesus fuck, you've been gone three weeks? This year has flown by.


Bad stuff ; I am shitting myself about investment competition at work. Its basically finished now, but I do not believe we find out who has won until Monday. There was a rumour they were doing an update today, but I don't think it was true.






And there is now officially one week left of my friend at work who is leaving. Painfully gutted. Doesn't help that (I was on reception yesterday) and her (potential but hopefully not) replacement is a dweeby little n00b (a nice enough guy, just a pasty little boy, in comparison to the ray of beauty internal and external that is my friend) but hopefully he


A) Won't get it


B) Won't be in my team anyway. Or sit next to me, as my friend currently does.


Ugh. This week will both WIN so MUCH and SUCK so HARD.

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I've had to text my boss asking if I have a chat about another member of staff. It's hard to say something in private during work so I can't ask him during work. It's not just me with the problems - three other members of the staff also have problems with him which I'm also going to relate to my boss (note that, including the boss, there are seven staff). I don't think I could carry on working there much longer unless he changes considerable (him actually doing more than 30 minutes work in a day would be a start). It's gone on too long and I need to let it out. Plus, I was made manager (although it was more so I'm kind of in "charge" when he's not in) so I feel like I should step up and relate what other people have to say.


I also get the impression that the boss knows about some of it (although I don't think he's aware it's as bad as it is) but has no idea how he can proceed, so I may also have to convince him to find someone who can give him advice on the situation.

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I'm no tax accountant, nor do I work for HMRC, but I believe tax is taken off pay regardless of total earnings, then paid back at the end of the financial year.


(I've only ever been employed part-time or self-employed in the UK, though my time in Turkey was a slightly odd case as I had a UK contract. Either way, I'm definitely not 100% informed on the matter.)


I happen to work for HMRC, i won't go into much detail. Is this your first job in the UK?. If so, it does seem they've put you on what is called "Emergency" tax code. Basically, we don't have your entire employment history and don't know what tax you've paid already.


You'll get a nice rebate in the end, which is all good. I say in the end, more like months later.


And @The fish, it's not all the time rebates are issued.


I'm just very confused why I had to pay double the amount of tax this month when I earned a lot less than I did the month before (where my tax was pretty low)... It doesn't make sense to me.


It's my first proper job and I have no clue about taxes. I do have a tax code on my payslip I think, which is something like 810L.

How does it work with tax rebates then, is it automatic or do you have to apply for it? :wtf:

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I'm just very confused why I had to pay double the amount of tax this month when I earned a lot less than I did the month before (where my tax was pretty low)... It doesn't make sense to me.


It's my first proper job and I have no clue about taxes. I do have a tax code on my payslip I think, which is something like 810L.

How does it work with tax rebates then, is it automatic or do you have to apply for it? :wtf:


You would be best to call up, you'll get a rebate quicker.

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Jesus fuck, you've been gone three weeks? This year has flown by.


It's crazy, I've never known time to go by so fast. I swear the first week was all "yeah loads of days", second week "still loads of holiday left". Third week "holy fuck where's the holiday gone, I don't want to go home!".

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Urgh... Old boss called for a favour earlier: new teacher was supposed to be going from Shenzhen to Wuxi tonight, but his flight got diverted to Shanghai. Because of a visa mix up he's been left with zero cash. Phil called me two hours ao to beg me to meet this guy at the airport... Now his flight has been delayed from 10:30 to midnight. I have agreed to go there, give him some money, ferry him to a hotel and get him hunkered down before directing him to the train station tomorrow morning.


It's a hot, humid, sweaty evening here with a temperature of about 34 degrees and a nice summer storm brewing. All I wanted was a quiet evening. The upshot is, all the costs plus an extra £60 will be reimbursed. Bad news is I won't get it til Thursday at the earliest and I'm on short rations as it is.


Oh, and the rented apartment I moved into on Monday has (a) no TV controller (b) only one working AC © a broken hot water heater.

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Soooo... The new seating plan at work blows, the atmosphere is only slightly less buoyant than a morgue and that super nice guy that was getting on my nerves, because he was just so bloody nice, now hates me with a passion reserved for any of Satan's three chew toys.


All in all, marvelous.

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