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Or, if you're still that worried about what people think about you, you could realise the golden rule about what people think about you:


People don't think about you.


Exactly, it's a horrible truth, but infact most people are so busy worrying about how they look, that they really don't pay too much mind to you.

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Turned car on this morning didn't work and found out I'd accidentally put petrol in a diesel. Was just devastated knowing it could cost me about two grand to sort it out. Luckily AA were able to flush it out for only 250. Thank fuck.


Obviously my fault in first place, was absent mindedly thinking it was my petrol car not the diesel one although due to fords design it should not be possible to fit the wrong pump anymore into the nozzle. AA guy there's an angle though minute and very unlucky to do that the petrol pump can bypass the nozzle design supposed to restrict these kind of calamities!


I don't really want to part with my 250 but its better than £2000z


Kind of bummed me out for rest of day as well so work was just infuriating.


My brother did this. Luckily it was a lease car so got the repair paid for. My dad said, "How can you be so stupid?" I think that you can all guess that he did the exact same thing to his van about a week later. Although luckily my cousin is a mechanic so was able to flush it without having to replace the fuel pump.

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You'd be surprised how many dumbfucks actually put the wrong fuel in their car. The company we recommend (assuming they don't have AA/RAC etc) love us so much they brought us one of them massive long boxes of Jaffa Cakes.


Aside from the cost of the fuel you just put it, they charge you approx £130-50 to have the fuel taken out, and then you have to pay to fill your tank with the correct fuel.


One bloke even did it twice. The wife wasn't best pleased.

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Twice in one day would be horrific.


I drove it home from the petrol station so it was pretty worrying in the morning when I realised what had happened thinking the fuel had mixed and got into the whole of the engine.


It really wasn't my day today with lots of other bad events all affecting me. Just going to chalk this up as one of the bad days to even out the good ones!

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I whacked my hand on the door handle a few hours ago. It hurts, is swollen and I can't move my thumb. The worst thing is I can't play Zelda, which means I have to put up with Dan playing MORE Dark Souls :shakehead: .

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Or, if you're still that worried about what people think about you, you could realise the golden rule about what people think about you:


People don't think about you.


Exactly, it's a horrible truth, but infact most people are so busy worrying about how they look, that they really don't pay too much mind to you.


Oh I know what you're saying but it doesn't help when people come to you and tell you what someone's said and then they confirm it. As I said, I don't worry anymore now, as long as I'm happy, that's all that matters. It took a while but I realise that now. I just hate how people can stir it up like that. You are right in what you say though, Bard.

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Whoa. Just got back from playing Friday morning football. One of the guys there collapsed and had to be taken away in an ambulance.


He was conscious (but not coherent) when he left though, he just had an arrhythmia so they took him in to be cautious. Worse thing was, no one knew his full name or any contact details.


Hope he's ok!

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Currently suffering through the worst headache I've ever had, and paracetamol isn't helping :( Also feeling really congested as well. Exactly what I need when I'm a week away from my first exam. Only lasted 2 hours in the library with revision before calling it quits as a result of both of these. So looks like I'll be in the library this weekend trying to make up for it......

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went down to my colleagues daughter's graveside today... 2 year anniversary... she would've only been 4 =( Even though its been 2 years there were so many flowers there. Just as we got to the grave it just started pouring out of the heavens... just grim...


Oh hun, I hope your colleague is ok, such a loss! :(


My day generally sounds like a whinge compared to that, just a 12 hour shift with no sleep yada yada.

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Today is about 12 weeks that I haven't had so much as a headache or any post concussion symptoms. I've suffered with it on and off for the best part of 9 months and it really does suck. The worst part is that to others you look fine but your brain just doesn't function correctly. I've progressed slowly but when I think of the symptoms in the early days, headaches were nothing. For about the first 6 weeks I had real difficulty with judging things like distance and such, I couldn't tell how far I was away from something or how fast something was coming towards me. It's hard to put into words without sounding like a crazy person but it does feel like you're trapped in your own body.



Anyway, feeling good now and hopefully back to normal.

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Went to bed at around 6:30am and then the spawn of some cave dwelling community decided to repeatedly kick a football against a garage door at 10am. Firstly, why the fuck would you want to kick it against a garage door, which will absorb more of the impact than a wall will, making it more difficult to get the damn thing to return to you. It will also make a fuckton of noise, making anyone who is having a lie in want to thrash you to within an inch of your life.


I find that I really can't think straight or read properly when I haven't had a good nights sleep. Anyone else get this?

Edited by The Bard
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Went to bed at around 6:30am and then the spawn of some cave dwelling community decided to repeatedly kick a football against a garage door at 10am. Firstly, why the fuck would you want to kick it against a garage door, which will absorb more of the impact than a wall will, making it more difficult to get the damn thing to return to you. It will also make a fuckton of noise, making anyone who is having a lie in want to thrash you to within an inch of your life.


I find that I really can't think straight or read properly when I haven't had a good nights sleep. Anyone else get this?



I think everyone gets that.


On a similar note, I was awoken this morning with the loudest rain i've ever heard in my life. Literally was like someone was pelting stones of the window.

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Think my immune system is on overdrive today... woke up with the worst pain in my trick hip, my lungs feel like they are on the way out and I'm just generally exhusted. Did a 3 mile walk today, which I can normally do with ease but I came home and promptly fell asleep on the sofa and then went to bed for another 3 hours. Not even like I was lacking sleep, went to bed at 11pm and got up at 8. Now I'm laying in bed not one bit tired and my lungs are literally heaving.... chest infection?


Its funny how auto immune conditions work... one day you'll be in agony and the next back to normal... one day I'll feel likeive got pneumonia and the next I'm fine..

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Hmmm. My company is amazing, in the sense that we never have calls waiting...you get through straight away, 99% of the time.


I had heard the April valuation period was quite busy.




April valuation period has hit. Calls waiting ALL DAY. Like. Quite literally, from 9:00am, there were approximately 10 calls waiting all day long. It was amazing/a bit annoying. Just. Wow. Virtually no e-mails got done. Usually my bud and I smash up the e-mails and are done by 10am, but today when I left at 4pm, there were still e-mails from Saturday. Crazy.


Also....really really really annoyingly (I never take long calls, cos I'm amazing), anyway, so I was hoping to break my most calls record (which I may still have done) BUT! I had a 50 minute call in the morning, a 40 minute call in the afternoon and several 15 minute calls. Wanted epic amounts, but will probably just be good.

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I hate today.


I slept through my alarm and so missed my HDMI cable being delivered. Then I realised I've neglected an essay and so have been doing that for the majority of the day. After receiving a broken PS3 from Gamestation yesterday, I sent that off for a refund and decided to head into town to pick up another. I get on the bus, and immediately become squashed again the side, directly next to an elderly man that's either never showered, or had just pissed himself.


I manage to grab a PS3, which is about the only decent thing to happen so far, and get back onto a bus. I stand there, only to look up and find myself in that scene from Black Swan where the old man starts licking his lips at Natalie Portman on the Subway.


Worst day.

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