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Was going to see parkway drive tonight in manchester but my mate who I was meant to be going with has some down with sickness and the shits so looks like I'm not going now :(


Not got anyone else I can go with as they play heavy metal, my gf has offered to go with me but I can't put her through it, she will hate it!! And I don't wanna go on my own.

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Was going to see parkway drive tonight in manchester but my mate who I was meant to be going with has some down with sickness and the shits so looks like I'm not going now :(


Not got anyone else I can go with as they play heavy metal, my gf has offered to go with me but I can't put her through it, she will hate it!! And I don't wanna go on my own.


Go on your own, you pussy! Don't regret that shit.

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Urgh my landlady is a class A bitch.


My housemate was having dinner downstairs while my landlady had cooked for her sons. Apparently she was moaning that I'd forgotten to pay rent (fair enough but remind me, don't just bitch about it behind my back and expect results), complaining that I'd not been out all day (even though I have and the reason I've been in is because I've been working on something) and saying that I've not been to the bathroom all day! What the fuck? I have, I just don't stomp around like a drunk elephant like she does.




What business is it of hers when and if you go to the Bathroom?

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You guys might remember a while ago I posted saying my sisters cat had been poisoned with anti freeze and was going to be put down. The cat actually managed to get better and came home. He was fine for a couple of weeks and then got ill again this weekend, dying on Sunday.


Anyway, turns out 3 more cats from their area have now been poisoned and one is due to be put down tomorrow. Vet seems to think my sisters cat was poisoned a second time and that's why he got worse again. The police are now investigating.


Sometimes I just hate people.

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Pissed off. Stupid delivery people!


My parents bought us a dehumidifier (because this place is quite damp). They ordered it on the 4th, paying for next day delivery. It didn't get here. And obviously it wouldn't get here over the weekend because of all the bank holidays.


So we were expecting it to arrive yesterday. Nothing came. My dad sent me an email which he got from the delivery company (City Link) saying it would be delivered today (somewhere between 7:30 and 17:30). Jim and I waited around until about 4 and then decided they wouldn't come anymore and went to the gym.


I just checked the companies website and tracked the package... it says the package was loaded in the van at 8:41 and they tried to deliver it at 16:23 but no one was in so they left a card... except there is no card! Nowhere! Since there is no card we can't even go to collect the thing ourselves (also because my dad put it on his name, and we obviously don't have his ID). If they try to redeliver again tomorrow then we probably won't even be in as we have plans for the day.




Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, so annoyed with this! Just deliver it when you know people will be home, or at least leave a fucking card so we can pick it up ourselves since they are obviously too incompetent to do it properly themselves. >(

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The post thing is annoying for so many reasons. It's annoying because Ine's Dad paid for next day delivery. We should've received this item last Thursday...


The other annoying thing is that the time they tell you to stay in and wait is hugely ambiguous. How can they expect somebody to stay in all day and just wait for a package? I had this problem with Yodel when they were trying to deliver my Broadband start-up package at around midday. Who is home at that time?!


Lastly, according to the tracker for our package, it was packed in the van at 8 this morning. 8! The service centre is at Bournemouth Airport. It's about 20 minutes from here. What is our package doing all day? And, they didn't leave the fucking card, so when we did get home we had no idea that they even bothered to turn up. I'm not totally convinced that they did get here, because why would they neglect to leave a card. It's part of their practice.

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I fucking ADORE Yodel. I got in from work last week at 16:15, went to the toilet and then back to my bedroom and saw a Yodel van outside. Delivering my sweet, sweet Avengers LEGO. I refuse to hear a bad word said about them.


Its lame about the shitty non-next-day-delivery, BUT....if they said they would next deliver it between 7:30 and 17:30 and you guys went out at 16:00....isn't that....kind of....your fault? :p

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The post thing is annoying for so many reasons. It's annoying because Ine's Dad paid for next day delivery. We should've received this item last Thursday...


The other annoying thing is that the time they tell you to stay in and wait is hugely ambiguous. How can they expect somebody to stay in all day and just wait for a package? I had this problem with Yodel when they were trying to deliver my Broadband start-up package at around midday. Who is home at that time?!


Lastly, according to the tracker for our package, it was packed in the van at 8 this morning. 8! The service centre is at Bournemouth Airport. It's about 20 minutes from here. What is our package doing all day? And, they didn't leave the fucking card, so when we did get home we had no idea that they even bothered to turn up. I'm not totally convinced that they did get here, because why would they neglect to leave a card. It's part of their practice.


If you paid for Next Day Delivery get on their case and demand a refund. You didn't get what you paid for.


I would guess that you're so close you'll either get things first thing in the morning on the van's way out or last thing at night when they're on their way back.


I had a bad experience with Yodel recently. An order from MyProtein. They didn't even attempt to deliver it, let alone leave a card or tell me anything about it.

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(City Link)


I've had so much trouble from City Link. They are fucking useless. Hardly ever try to deliver it. Get on the phone and complain angrily. Then ask to be put through to their claims department (they don't have phones so they'll just give you the address). I did that on Christmas Eve when they'd not bothered to deliver a present for the second time. Some bloke came round in the evening and dropped it off.

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I did some work for Marks and Spencer a while back and I'd say about 90% of my job was apologising for how shit City Link are. It was atrocious - they'd smash, abandon, mistreat, misdeliver, destroy and generally fuck every delivery they could. I swear they got extra pay for killing flowers meant for the elderly and recently bereaved going by how often they did it. It was so bad I actually thought about never ordering online again...

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Indeed, we have CityLink literally 5 minutes drive from our house and honestly they are awful, they spend all day with the packages and can only think they chuck them around.


Yodel for me were great, they delivered my PC and in a smart thinking manner left it with a neighbour, mostly because the thing was fucking heavy and they left a note saying so.


The other time was for mother's day, they got my mum flowers and a card to her on Sunday at 9am, which is handy as it's a good 3/4 hour drive for me.




But anyway, bad stuff, at the moment its having to squeeze money out of my bank because I'm saving again for a flat and things are just sooo fucking expensive. Bloody petrol!

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I fucking ADORE Yodel. I got in from work last week at 16:15, went to the toilet and then back to my bedroom and saw a Yodel van outside. Delivering my sweet, sweet Avengers LEGO. I refuse to hear a bad word said about them.


Its lame about the shitty non-next-day-delivery, BUT....if they said they would next deliver it between 7:30 and 17:30 and you guys went out at 16:00....isn't that....kind of....your fault? :p


Well this is being delivered by City Link, not Yodel. And honestly, we waited around all day and pretty much thought no one was going to come anymore (at the time we didn't even know we could track the package as my dad had the info, so we didn't even know it was "loaded onto a van"). Plus we were basically waiting all week with no clue when it would arrive. They can't expect us to sit at home all day, we have things to do and places to go. Right now I need to go out to buy shoes for a wedding on Saturday, and Jim still needs to buy clothes for that too. But we can't go out because they stupid delivery van might arrive (or it might not, we don't know).



Raaaaaaaage. My dad is in a really bad mood about it as well since he ordered this. I think they are refunding his overnight delivery payment, but even then this is messed up. They better make sure the package looks fine when we get it.

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I fucking ADORE Yodel. I got in from work last week at 16:15, went to the toilet and then back to my bedroom and saw a Yodel van outside. Delivering my sweet, sweet Avengers LEGO. I refuse to hear a bad word said about them.


Its lame about the shitty non-next-day-delivery, BUT....if they said they would next deliver it between 7:30 and 17:30 and you guys went out at 16:00....isn't that....kind of....your fault? :p


Yodel have been nothing but awful for me. I ordered some gifts from amazon that came to about 70 quid and waited for it to be delivered. A few Saturdays back, I was up early at around 7 because my body clock must've thought it was getting up for work time. So, grabbed some cereal, played some games, internetted, etc.


At around midday, I went to check if there was any post that had come through the letterbox. Nothing. But, some clueless idiot had left a huge package on the front doorstep. The package contained all 70 quids worth of Ine's birthday gifts. Just left there. Nobody even bothered to ring the doorbell, they were just left there. How can this be justified?


Also, the ambiguous delivery time from City Link is stupid. 7:30-17:30...I generally leave the house at that time and don't normally get back home til after six. If you've waited until 4 o'clock for a package to arrive and it hasn't turned up, why would it suddenly turn up half an hour later? Plus, no card was left, so I'm not convinced they even attempted to deliver it. They didn't deliver it for a whole week, so why would it suddenly be in that hour we weren't here.


A better delivery time needs to be given. A definite time so people know exactly when to expect it. Between 7:30 and 17:30 is NOT a considerate time as that is an entire working day. Something like between 7:30 and 9:30 makes much more sense. This is one of the issues of online shopping and why it completely fails for larger items. Dvds are great as they can be posted through your letterbox (unless you're Yodel, who think it's a fantastic idea to leave the objects on your doorstep).

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