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Or whoever stole it is smart enough to do a factory reset as soon as they found it.


Let's hope not. I'm trying to stay optimistic. I don't think the guy working in Apple mentioned anything about a factory reset so maybe it wouldn't affect the tracking.

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I've got another 2 hours left at work and I'm pretty sure if I closed my eyes for more than 30 seconds I'd be asleep.


I got to bed after 2 last night and was awake before 6. Tanned a huge can of Monster at 9 and that saw me through the morning but can't stay awake now.


I need my bed!

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Urgh my landlady is a class A bitch.


My housemate was having dinner downstairs while my landlady had cooked for her sons. Apparently she was moaning that I'd forgotten to pay rent (fair enough but remind me, don't just bitch about it behind my back and expect results), complaining that I'd not been out all day (even though I have and the reason I've been in is because I've been working on something) and saying that I've not been to the bathroom all day! What the fuck? I have, I just don't stomp around like a drunk elephant like she does.



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Sitting in the library at uni doing work on a Saturday :( So not how I'd like to spend my weekend given that I'm still feeling a bit on the ill side and still getting headaches now and then after last friday.


PhD proposal isn't really helping on that latter front seeing as the idea I'm proposing for research appears to have absolutely no work done on it which is now making me question whether or not it'll be workable/ethical (it's not really unethical just that people get a bit iffy when they see the word 'subliminal' attached to anything even if I'm wanting to look at it from a teaching/learning perspective) to run should I get a research position at the uni.


*Sigh* Only got just over a week to put the whole thing together on top of finishing an essay and revising for final exams. The joy of it all... :indeed:

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Second time I've arranged to go and see my sister in Bristol, second time that Claire has been ill and so hasn't wanted to go. She is actually not that bad at all. She has had a blocked up nose the past four days or so, yesterday she got her apppetite back and blocked nose practically gone, but I KNEW she wouldn't come because it would entail her getting up at 6:30am. Sure enough, alarm goes off, I poke her "I'm not going, got a splitting headache".


She can be a selfish bitch sometimes. My sister is lonely at the moment, wants to see her, and has bought loads of food, not to mention, catered specifically for Claire because she is such a fussy eater.


Ridiculous. And to top it all off, I can't take any board games with me because they're all in the loft, when I told her to leave them under the bed, and there is no ladder here atm.


Oh well. Be nice to see my sister.

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Just found out that to go to America I'll need to pay $140 for the visa. If I can't find cheap flights I guess that's my trip cancelled :(
Seriously?... that's 'only' £90 or something?... you'd let that stop you?


Surely you can't be that tight for cash if you've planned a trip to America! Because what if you needed some extra money on the trip for some reason?


... Overdraft?

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Just found out that to go to America I'll need to pay $140 for the visa. If I can't find cheap flights I guess that's my trip cancelled :(


What for? Gonna be there for a long time? Work of some sort? The ESTA is $14, last time I checked.


You're a British Citizen, right?

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Sister's Idiot Boyfriend - Easter Edition


Im sure you all look forward to these holiday updates so heres the latest. He decided to start talking about football, calling someone a f*cking c*nt. To be honest im usually fine with swearing but c*nt is just one of those words I absolutely hate, especially when said at someone elses house infront of my visiting Nan and Niece. I ended up having a go at him so he sulked and didnt talk to anyone for most of the day (plus side to all this) but my sister ended up getting upset and crying. Possibly a mixture of frustration, embarrassment and babby hormones but she just kept saying she was sick of how rude he is. Unfortunately this doesnt really mean anything as within a few hours she was fine with him again.

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Seriously?... that's 'only' £90 or something?... you'd let that stop you?


Surely you can't be that tight for cash if you've planned a trip to America! Because what if you needed some extra money on the trip for some reason?


... Overdraft?


I'm not saying it stopped me but suddenly its all becoming quite pricey for a few days away. It's just a lot of things coming at once (ie moving house later this month).


What for? Gonna be there for a long time? Work of some sort? The ESTA is $14, last time I checked.


You're a British Citizen, right?


Need to get a B2 due to an old caution.

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Tsk tsk, naughty boy, what did you do, if I may ask?


At Woolies I refunded something for a colleague which resulted in a caution for theft.


Ashley' date=' are you here for E3? Maybe we can finally get those drinks![/quote']


Nah I'm going to a gig in New York a few weeks later. I did consider going to E3 but that sounded too much like work for a holiday :p

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Oh arse. Spent most of last week prepping an application and doing all sorts for it. Sent it off on Friday and they've just got back saying no. Baring in mind that today would have been the first day they've been in that's a pretty swift no :(

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Oh arse. Spent most of last week prepping an application and doing all sorts for it. Sent it off on Friday and they've just got back saying no. Baring in mind that today would have been the first day they've been in that's a pretty swift no :(


Aww hun, that sucks, I had that a few times but hey, something else will be out there. :)


Two new people moved in, that's fine, they are nice, but it's quite a shock coming home and wondering who the fuck is in the house..

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Just helped my sister with a Westie that she's grooming. It's 18 years old and unable to stand up of it's own accord. So I had to lift him up while she groomed him so short that you can see his skin (at the owner's request. it's such an ordeal for the poor thing I imagine it's to provide as much time as possible between grooms). He was constantly shaking and couldn't even it up on his own (he just sat there in a semi-sitting kind of slump). It's hardly a life. It sounds harsh but I think the kindest thing would be to have him put down. I'm not much of a dog expert but when it was requiring him so much effort just to breathe then he's probably in a constant pain.

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