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Jesus fucking Christ, David Cameron is a massive idiot. Dicking the global economy to score a handful of cheap political points is bad enough, but not even trying to negotiate some kind of massive concession instead makes you the worst international politician I've had the misfortune to set eyes on. Nice of him to prove once and for all that the big bankers are his big buddies.



And my heating's broken. Fuck.

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I'm in trouble artistic wise and need some assistance. Taken this from the T-shirt design thread for more exposure.

Need some help constructing a design here. I'm working my way towards my Zelda Sage series and it's nearly done. But I'm wondering about the Sage Medallion placement (if at all)


Here is Rauru:



This is what the original design was thought to be:



However some of the characters eclipse the medallions, so I thought I could shrink them and have them all except the relevant one is a little larger:


[Don't worry about the medal designs themselves, they're just prototypes]


Which do you think looks better? Or just scrap the medallions altogether?

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How about fitting the medallion between the wing of the owl and his hand (i.e. above his head)? May need some kind of background matter to pull the three together as a cohesive design. Maybe have the other medallions circle around him?


edit: Like this -




(Except without the medallions overlapping him, obviously. And maybe the yellow one can be bigger, and covered a bit.)

Edited by EddieColeslaw
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Crazy night last night in which I was up drinking until around 3:30am. Lay in bed until around 2pm feeling sorry for myself because things didn't go the way I wanted with the girl (who I'm properly smitten with) and because the hangover was so bad after a second night out on the trot.


Had a 500ml of Rockstae energy drink at 2 when I got up and decided to stop being a whiny little bitch and be awesome instead. Got to work a 3:30 and was still feeling hungover (a big energy drink normally fixes that) so had a Red Bull. Got through work no problem but now my heart is racing, I feel tired but no way I can sleep, incredibly bored. Need to be up at 8am tomorrow morning. Have to wait a week until I see said girl again.


And my legs are sore after skiing yesterday!

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Crazy night last night in which I was up drinking until around 3:30am. Lay in bed until around 2pm feeling sorry for myself because things didn't go the way I wanted with the girl (who I'm properly smitten with) and because the hangover was so bad after a second night out on the trot.


Had a 500ml of Rockstae energy drink at 2 when I got up and decided to stop being a whiny little bitch and be awesome instead. Got to work a 3:30 and was still feeling hungover (a big energy drink normally fixes that) so had a Red Bull. Got through work no problem but now my heart is racing, I feel tired but no way I can sleep, incredibly bored. Need to be up at 8am tomorrow morning. Have to wait a week until I see said girl again.


And my legs are sore after skiing yesterday!


Where'd you head out to? (I'm sure I asked this last year aswell, but are you doing D*** F*****?)


Also whats the chat with this girl? If you've posted about it already I must've missed it.

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Where'd you head out to? (I'm sure I asked this last year aswell, but are you doing D*** F*****?)


Also whats the chat with this girl? If you've posted about it already I must've missed it.


Wednesday night was O'Couture.

Thursday night was Vodka Wodka on Ashton Lane and then back to a flat when it closed at midnight.


Nah I've never actually been to a Daft Friday because I was at Strathclyde. Now I'm no longer a student I won't be doing it this year either. Are you going to it? It must be quite soon... Friday coming?



She's a good friend from school. She was in the group who I went skiing with last year and is going again this year (January). Hooked up with her once in the Summer and it was her who asked if I wanted to go out on Thursday (after we'd been to Xscape together, with 2 others).


Will most likely see her again on Thursday night at Jellybaby as we're both going. If not before if we go to Xscape again as we said we would.




Edit - Actually looking at your profile the last post on it is from me when I said I have been before... Not quite sure when that was though! I've been to the 10 hour event at the end of the 2nd semester a couple of times so I might've meant that. I was there this year (Beach Party) actually which was great. Just finished my exams and got absolutely smashed!

Edited by Charlie
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Got a major headache at the moment trying to get my head around a paper for an essay. The researchers have contradicted themselves in the conclusory statement and in comprehending it, my brain is hurting. Funnily, it's the frontal areas concerned with resolving conflict that are hurting which is sort of what the paper was about.


Despite that, the essay is going well and is proving interesting, allowing me to come up with my own ideas as to what is happening to cause ADHD in terms of the physiology and genetics underpinning it all.

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No they now have just big wooden slats.


They did just have these little metal... things, that you could just use a hex key to get off...


But they realised people were doing that so they've removed those and drilled in wooden things that take up the whole space.



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Wednesday night was O'Couture.

Thursday night was Vodka Wodka on Ashton Lane and then back to a flat when it closed at midnight.


Nah I've never actually been to a Daft Friday because I was at Strathclyde. Now I'm no longer a student I won't be doing it this year either. Are you going to it? It must be quite soon... Friday coming?



She's a good friend from school. She was in the group who I went skiing with last year and is going again this year (January). Hooked up with her once in the Summer and it was her who asked if I wanted to go out on Thursday (after we'd been to Xscape together, with 2 others).


Will most likely see her again on Thursday night at Jellybaby as we're both going. If not before if we go to Xscape again as we said we would.




Edit - Actually looking at your profile the last post on it is from me when I said I have been before... Not quite sure when that was though! I've been to the 10 hour event at the end of the 2nd semester a couple of times so I might've meant that. I was there this year (Beach Party) actually which was great. Just finished my exams and got absolutely smashed!


Haha I was very nearly at OCouture on Wednesday...damn. We decided to go to Viper instead, and I was the main proponent of the switch. How annoying! Mind you, OCouture is that awkward to find people anyway that bumping into someone you've never met and would only recognise from a pic might be difficult.


That sounds promising to me re:your girl, keep us up to date on how it goes man.


Yeah I'm heading there, Wednesday is my last exam so thats all day at the Beer Bar (then probs Viper again) and then Friday for the big one! My flatmate is on a GUU committee so I think he's able to get me into some perks like private bar and stuff, the main problem with DF is the queues so that should make it a pretty excellent night. Aye the Beach party was good, I was at that, but from getting out the taxi - getting a drink at the bar took me 2 hours - fucking queues!

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Yeah OCouture has so many rooms and different stairwells which lead to different places it's impossible to find people. On Wednesday the room everyone was in had a power cut so we all had to godown to the street level room which was originally closed. I'm not sure where else was open.


At that beach Party i'd been in the Strathy Union since around 4pm drinking everything under the sun. Was so steamin by the time I got to the GU I had no idea what was going on. I just have random flashbacks of being with this random girl.

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I go to watch QI XL and it's a repeat, which is hugely annoying.


Then I find out that the episode that was due wasn't shown because it had Clarkson in it.


So I've sent my first complaint to the BBC. If people had a problem with him then surely they have the capability of either changing the channel or turning the TV off.

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I go to watch QI XL and it's a repeat, which is hugely annoying.


Then I find out that the episode that was due wasn't shown because it had Clarkson in it.


So I've sent my first complaint to the BBC. If people had a problem with him then surely they have the capability of either changing the channel or turning the TV off.


Thats the problem with the British people, they complain when something they don't like happens on TV. It's cheaper to pick the remote up and switch off, then the TV companies can realise with low figures that what they have on isn't working.


The particular QI ep will be shown according to BBC at a later date.




Only can you go out on a Saturday night, witness a fight between the bar manager and punter resulting in early shut-tap and hear a different story. Which involves a 3rd "mystery" person no-one saw and which the manager didn';t get into a fight. Hmm

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I go to watch QI XL and it's a repeat, which is hugely annoying.


Then I find out that the episode that was due wasn't shown because it had Clarkson in it.


So I've sent my first complaint to the BBC. If people had a problem with him then surely they have the capability of either changing the channel or turning the TV off.


Hahahh, what?


Why are we such pansies in this country? The man didn't take an automatic weapon to the picket lines and shoot at people. What he was saying was an obvious joke, which he does week in week out on Top Gear.


It's such a petty thing. Can't believe people were genuinely offended by his comments.

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Hahahh, what?


Why are we such pansies in this country? The man didn't take an automatic weapon to the picket lines and shoot at people. What he was saying was an obvious joke, which he does week in week out on Top Gear.


It's such a petty thing. Can't believe people were genuinely offended by his comments.


People get offended by everything, Top Gear gets constant complaints and is still aired.


It's a shame, but that's the world for you!

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Was out last night to a loud club while I had an annoying cold. They played music really loudly and the only reason I was there was because a friend is getting shipped to Afghanistan and that was his last day. The point is my ears are STILL ringing and I am afraid I have done permanent damage... Anyone have any home remedies? :p


Buying earplugs to use in clubs in future. Had some before and could still hear the music perfectly.

Edited by heroicjanitor
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