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bad stuff thread.


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About 2 months ago I booked (this) week off work, for Uncharted and to do stuff with Claire.


We arranged to go to London today, go to the London Dungeons, and buy shit. I immediately wrote it in my calander and was looking forward to it.


About 3 weeks ago she said "I don't want to go to the London Dungeons" or words to that effect. Fine. Scrub that out. We'll still go and have a merry old time.


This morning....I had just got ready to leave, she WAS IN THE PROCESS OF getting ready and then changed her mind and said she didn't want to go at all.


Words cannot describe.


She pulls this kind of shit CONSTANTLY now. She never wants to do ANYTHING, its making me want to push her off a cliff. Arranged to go to Alton Towers Scarefest, she said yes, then 2 weeks later pulls out. I offer to take her shopping, to the cinema, to go bowling, to the arcade, and she denies all "There is no point" "I'm not going to the cinema just for the hell of it." Then (like on Saturday) Claire's mum ; "What are you doing today Claire?" Claire ; "Nothing, AGAIN!"[/Pissed off voice]


WHAT?! I fucking offer to drag her anywhere she wants.


Its getting ridiculous.



There, glad to have that off my chest.

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Hmm, I'm not sure what is going on, and I don't know what she is like... but maybe you should ask her if there's something she really wants to do or somewhere she really wants to go to?


The places you list sound fun to me and I bet you love to go to them, but maybe she doesn't? Or she's tired of them or whatever. It could be that she simply has no interest in those things anymore at the moment (theme parks, games, films)...


Or there's something else going on, something completely different. But I don't think you'll find out what that is unless you properly talk (assuming there is anything going on in the first place of course and she even wants to talk about it).

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Hmm, i'd talk to her and see if there is anything she'd like to do. It's this thing called "give and take". She's done the things you wanted to do, and now is the time for Rez to do the things she wants to do. Even if it involves shoe and clothes shopping and the cursed "so, how do i look" towards the end.


Been trying to get through to GAME customer services all of Saturday and this morning with no luck. They must be cheap, they can't even put some music on the "hold". Trying to get a reason as to why my order(s) have been cancelled. I was trying to think of reasons as to why, but they don't work out. Payment springs to mind, but i put a new card on after Arkham City was cancelled and they took the monies for that from the new card. I swear they are a joke at the moment in time.


But at least GAME have replied to tweets and DM's and have given me a direct number just now to the manager/boss, which i'll call tomorrow as i can't answer my personal phone in work as i'm in a call centre working waiting for calls to come in. I used my last break 10 minutes ago.

Edited by Jimbob
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A guy got in my car today. My battery was flat, and as it's a narrow one way street it's not viable for a friend to come and jump start it, so I rang the breakdown people. Whilst I was waiting, I was looking at another car of the same model (slightly different colour), when it's lights flashed (to indicate it being unlocked), but nobody was near it. I looked around and saw a guy getting into my car. I think he was a bit dense because it took him a while to understand. I had to tell him twice, then he got out and examined my car for a while (after I'd pointed out his car). He then said, "they are the same aren't they". I know it can be easy to mix up a car of the same model, but mine was silver and his was dark grey, mine's 02 and his was 04, and when somebody is saying "this is my car, that's yours there" you'd think you'd be able to realise your mistake in under 5 minutes.


So yeah I've just spent 30 minutes driving round to try and charge the battery up. Hopefully it won't go flat again. At least I've parked in a better place now.

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In hindsight I should have punched him and told him I was stealing his car. Would have worked better if I could have actually started the car and driven away.


I would have taken his car, then watched as he realised his mistake. What could have been done, slight amnesia is the blame here.

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A guy got in my car today. My battery was flat, and as it's a narrow one way street it's not viable for a friend to come and jump start it, so I rang the breakdown people. Whilst I was waiting, I was looking at another car of the same model (slightly different colour), when it's lights flashed (to indicate it being unlocked), but nobody was near it. I looked around and saw a guy getting into my car. I think he was a bit dense because it took him a while to understand. I had to tell him twice, then he got out and examined my car for a while (after I'd pointed out his car). He then said, "they are the same aren't they". I know it can be easy to mix up a car of the same model, but mine was silver and his was dark grey, mine's 02 and his was 04, and when somebody is saying "this is my car, that's yours there" you'd think you'd be able to realise your mistake in under 5 minutes.


So yeah I've just spent 30 minutes driving round to try and charge the battery up. Hopefully it won't go flat again. At least I've parked in a better place now.

I was waiting outside the front of Tesco's in the loading bay a while ago, when some random shopper woman just opened the rear door and got in the back seat. She awkwardly realised her mistake and got back out without us saying anything to one another.


Was horrible.

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My boss just got his iPhone 4S. It was my job to set it up for him.


So I sync his contacts from his old iPhone to Google Contacts (through iTunes). Then I sync contacts from iTunes (set to Google Contacts) to the iPhone 4S. It decided to add all the contacts from Outlook to Google contacts. So I got my boss to delete the ones he doesn't want from Google Contacts. I sync and it just adds them all again. I delete all of them and manage to remove them from both the phone and Google Contacts.


I then plugged in the old iPhone back to sync and and it not only added all the Outlook contacts, but also removed all existing contacts from the old phone, iTunes and Google Contacts.


So, basically, he's lost all his contacts because iTunes completely messed it up. This whole process is stupid.

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That's my car insurance renewal quote. Increase from last year of roughly 100%.


So... that's Christmas cancelled.


Quote from your existing insurer or is this the price after searching yourself? Quotes from your existing insurer are often rubbish.

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Now the legal case is done (I won!), I can share this email from my English boss from my job in Turkey:

Dear Will


Thanks for your email. Since your last correspondence I got in touch with Hasan & Fatih about your time in Turkey. They told me some surprising things which I would appreciate your comments:


(1) that you had missed days teaching through being drunk / hungover

(2) that you had to be taken to hospital on one occasion you were so drunk, on a day when you were due to teach

(3) that you were unable to teach the minimum 24 hours per week as required by contract

(4) that they had spent needless money covering your classes when you could not fulfil the job

(5) that they had spent needless money on arranging for your working visa, when you had no intention of staying.


When I asked them about paying you anymore than you had received to date, they told me not to pay you anything else.


Please let me know your comments about 1 - 5 above,


Yours sincerely


Needless to say, none of them are true, and the sheer bitchiness and total lack of professionalism of them left me apocalyptically mad.

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